Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
const options = {
percentDataBad: 100,
percentDataGood: 100, // Therefore if all values are Good then the
// quality will be Good, or if all values are Bad then the quality will be Bad, but if there is
// some Good and some Bad then the quality will be Uncertain
stepped: false, // Therefore SlopedInterpolation is used between data points.
treatUncertainAsBad: false, // Therefore Uncertain values are included in Aggregate calls.
useSlopedExtrapolation: false, // Therefore SteppedExtrapolation is used at end boundary conditions.
addressSpace.installHistoricalDataNode(node, options);
installAggregateConfigurationOptions(node, options);
// 12:00:00 - BadNoData First archive entry, Point created
addHistory(node, "12:00:00", null, StatusCodes.BadNoData);
// 12:00:10 10 Raw, Good
addHistory(node, "12:00:10", 10, StatusCodes.Good);
// 12:00:20 20 Raw, Good
addHistory(node, "12:00:20", 20, StatusCodes.Good);
// 12:00:30 30 Raw, Good
addHistory(node, "12:00:30", 30, StatusCodes.Good);
// 12:00:40 40 Raw, Bad ANNOTATION: Operator 1
// Jan-02-2012 8:00:00 Scan failed, Bad data entered
// Jan-04-2012 7:10:00 Value cannot be verified
addHistory(node, "12:00:40", 40, StatusCodes.Bad);
// 12:00:50 50 Raw, Good ANNOTATION: Engineer1
// Jan-04-2012 7:00:00 Scanner fixed
addHistory(node, "12:00:50", 50, StatusCodes.Good);
// 12:01:00 60 Raw, Good
addHistory(node, "12:01:00", 60, StatusCodes.Good);
// console.log(interval.toString());
const indexStart = interval.index;
let selectedValue: Variant | null = null;
let counter = 0;
let statusCode: StatusCode;
let isPartial = interval.isPartial;
let isRaw = false;
let hasBad = false;
for (let i = indexStart; i < indexStart + interval.count; i++) {
const dataValue = interval.dataValues[i];
if (dataValue.statusCode === StatusCodes.BadNoData) {
isPartial = true;
if (!isGood(dataValue.statusCode)) {
hasBad = true;
if (!selectedValue) {
selectedValue = dataValue.value;
counter = 1;
if (i === indexStart && dataValue.sourceTimestamp!.getTime() === interval.startTime.getTime()) {
isRaw = true;
return {
dataValue: dataValue1,
if (bTreatUncertainAsBad && isGood(dataValue1.statusCode)) {
return {
dataValue: dataValue1,
index += 1;
// not found
return {
dataValue: new DataValue({ statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNoData }),
index: -1
if (prev2.index + 1 < prev1.index || prev1.index < interval.dataValues.length - 1) {
// some bad data exist in between = change status code
const mask = 0x0000FFFFFF;
const extraBits = interpVal.statusCode.value & mask;
interpVal.statusCode = StatusCode.makeStatusCode(StatusCodes.UncertainDataSubNormal, extraBits);
return interpVal;
/* istanbul ignore next */
if (interval.index < 0 && interval.count === 0) {
return new DataValue({
sourceTimestamp: interval.startTime,
statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNoData
const dataValue1 = interval.dataValues[interval.index];
// if a non-Bad Raw value exists at the timestamp then it is the bounding value;
if (!isBad(dataValue1.statusCode) && interval.hasRawDataAsStart()) {
return dataValue1;
// find the first non-Bad Raw value before the timestamp;
// find previous good value
const before = interval.beforeStartDataValue(bTreatUncertainAsBad);
if (isBad(before.dataValue.statusCode)) {
return new DataValue({
sourceTimestamp: interval.startTime,
it("should find interval below start of data", () => {
const indexHint = 0;
const interval = getInterval(makeDate("11:10:00"), tenSeconds, indexHint, dataValues);
interpolatedValue(interval, options).statusCode.should.eql(StatusCodes.BadNoData);
it("should find interval starting at raw data", () => {
it("should find interval below start of data", () => {
const indexHint = 0;
const interval = getInterval(makeDate("11:10:00"), tenSeconds, indexHint, dataValues);
interpolatedValue(interval, options).statusCode.should.eql(StatusCodes.BadNoData);
it("should find interval starting at raw data", () => {
const compare = predicate(selectedValue, dataValue.value);
if (compare === "equal") {
counter = 1;
if (compare === "select") {
selectedValue = dataValue.value;
counter = 1;
if (!selectedValue) {
return new DataValue({
sourceTimestamp: interval.startTime,
statusCode: StatusCodes.BadNoData
if (isRaw) {
if (hasBad) {
statusCode = StatusCodes.UncertainDataSubNormal;
} else {
statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
} else if (hasBad) {
statusCode = StatusCode.makeStatusCode(StatusCodes.UncertainDataSubNormal, "HistorianCalculated");
} else {
statusCode = StatusCode.makeStatusCode(StatusCodes.Good, "HistorianCalculated");
if (counter > 1) {
statusCode = StatusCode.makeStatusCode(statusCode, "HistorianMultiValue");