How to use the node-opcua-status-code.StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid function in node-opcua-status-code

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github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_variable.js View on Github external
UAVariable.prototype._readMinimumSamplingInterval = function () {
    // expect a Duration => Double
    const options = {};
    if (this.minimumSamplingInterval === undefined) {
        options.statusCode = StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid;
    } else {
        options.value = {dataType: DataType.Double, value: this.minimumSamplingInterval};
        options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
    return new DataValue(options);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / src / server_subscription.js View on Github external
const itemToMonitor = monitoredItemCreateRequest.itemToMonitor;

    const node = addressSpace.findNode(itemToMonitor.nodeId);
    if (!node) {
        return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown);

    if (itemToMonitor.attributeId === AttributeIds.Value && !(node.nodeClass === NodeClass.Variable)) {
        // AttributeIds.Value is only valid for monitoring value of UAVariables.
        return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid);

    if (itemToMonitor.attributeId === AttributeIds.INVALID) {
        return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid);

    if (!itemToMonitor.indexRange.isValid()) {
        return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadIndexRangeInvalid);

    // check dataEncoding applies only on Values
    if ( && itemToMonitor.attributeId !== AttributeIds.Value) {
        return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadDataEncodingInvalid);

    // check dataEncoding
    if (!isValidDataEncoding(itemToMonitor.dataEncoding)) {
        return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadDataEncodingUnsupported);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / base_node.js View on Github external
BaseNode.prototype.writeAttribute = function (context, writeValue, callback) {

    assert(context instanceof SessionContext);

    if (writeValue.attributeId <= 0 || writeValue.attributeId > AttributeIds.UserExecutable) {
        return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid);
    // by default Node is read-only,
    // this method needs to be overridden to change the behavior
    callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / base_node.ts View on Github external
public writeAttribute(
        context: SessionContext,
        writeValue: any,
        callback: (err: Error | null, statusCode?: StatusCode) => void
    ) {

        assert(context instanceof SessionContext);

        if (writeValue.attributeId <= 0 || writeValue.attributeId > AttributeIds.UserExecutable) {
            return callback(null, StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid);
        // by default Node is read-only,
        // this method needs to be overridden to change the behavior
        callback(null, StatusCodes.BadNotWritable);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_variable.ts View on Github external
private _readMinimumSamplingInterval(): DataValue {
        // expect a Duration => Double
        const options: DataValueLike = {};
        if (this.minimumSamplingInterval === undefined) {
            options.statusCode = StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid;
        } else {
            options.value = { dataType: DataType.Double, value: this.minimumSamplingInterval };
            options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
        return new DataValue(options);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-server / source / server_subscription.ts View on Github external
assert(monitoredItemCreateRequest instanceof MonitoredItemCreateRequest);

    function handle_error(statusCode: StatusCode): MonitoredItemCreateResult {
      return new MonitoredItemCreateResult({ statusCode });

    const itemToMonitor = monitoredItemCreateRequest.itemToMonitor;

    const node = addressSpace.findNode(itemToMonitor.nodeId);
    if (!node) {
      return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown);

    if (itemToMonitor.attributeId === AttributeIds.Value && !(node.nodeClass === NodeClass.Variable)) {
      // AttributeIds.Value is only valid for monitoring value of UAVariables.
      return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid);

    if (itemToMonitor.attributeId === AttributeIds.INVALID) {
      return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid);

    if (!itemToMonitor.indexRange.isValid()) {
      return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadIndexRangeInvalid);

    // check dataEncoding applies only on Values
    if ( && itemToMonitor.attributeId !== AttributeIds.Value) {
      return handle_error(StatusCodes.BadDataEncodingInvalid);

    // check dataEncoding
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / base_node.js View on Github external
case AttributeIds.Description: // LocalizedText
            options.value = {dataType: DataType.LocalizedText, value: this.description};

        case AttributeIds.WriteMask:
            options.value = {dataType: DataType.UInt32, value: this.getWriteMask()};

        case AttributeIds.UserWriteMask:
            options.value = {dataType: DataType.UInt32, value: this.getUserWriteMask()};

            options.value = null;
            //xx debugLog("class Name ",, (" BaseNode : '" + this.browseName + "' nodeid=" + this.nodeId.toString()).yellow, " cannot get attribute ", AttributeNameById[attributeId], "(", attributeId, ")");
            options.statusCode = StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid;
    //xx options.serverTimestamp = new Date();
    return new DataValue(options);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / base_node.ts View on Github external
case AttributeIds.Description: // LocalizedText
                options.value = { dataType: DataType.LocalizedText, value: this.description };

            case AttributeIds.WriteMask:
                options.value = { dataType: DataType.UInt32, value: this.getWriteMask() };

            case AttributeIds.UserWriteMask:
                options.value = { dataType: DataType.UInt32, value: this.getUserWriteMask() };

                options.value = null;
                options.statusCode = StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid;
        // xx options.serverTimestamp = new Date();
        return new DataValue(options);
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_variable_type.ts View on Github external
const options: DataValueLike = {};
        switch (attributeId) {
            case AttributeIds.IsAbstract:
                options.value = { dataType: DataType.Boolean, value: this.isAbstract ? true : false };
                options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
            case AttributeIds.Value:
                if (this.hasOwnProperty("value") && this.value !== undefined) {
                    assert( === "Variant");
                    options.value = this.value;
                    options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
                } else {
                    debugLog(" warning Value not implemented");
                    options.value = { dataType: DataType.UInt32, value: 0 };
                    options.statusCode = StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid;
            case AttributeIds.DataType:
                assert(this.dataType instanceof NodeId);
                options.value = { dataType: DataType.NodeId, value: this.dataType };
                options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
            case AttributeIds.ValueRank:
                options.value = { dataType: DataType.Int32, value: this.valueRank };
                options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
            case AttributeIds.ArrayDimensions:
                assert(_.isArray(this.arrayDimensions) || this.arrayDimensions === null);
                options.value = {
                    arrayType: VariantArrayType.Array,
                    dataType: DataType.UInt32,
github node-opcua / node-opcua / packages / node-opcua-address-space / src / ua_variable_type.js View on Github external
const options = {};
    switch (attributeId) {
        case AttributeIds.IsAbstract:
            options.value = {dataType: DataType.Boolean, value: this.isAbstract ? true : false};
            options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
        case AttributeIds.Value:
            if (this.hasOwnProperty("value") && this.value !== undefined) {
                assert( === "Variant");
                options.value = this.value;
                options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
            } else {
                debugLog(" warning Value not implemented");
                options.value = {dataType: DataType.UInt32, value: 0};
                options.statusCode = StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid;
        case AttributeIds.DataType:
            assert(this.dataType instanceof NodeId);
            options.value = {dataType: DataType.NodeId, value: this.dataType};
            options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
        case AttributeIds.ValueRank:
            options.value = {dataType: DataType.Int32, value: this.valueRank};
            options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;
        case AttributeIds.ArrayDimensions:
            assert(_.isArray(this.arrayDimensions) || this.arrayDimensions === null);
            options.value = {dataType: DataType.UInt32, arrayType: VariantArrayType.Array, value: this.arrayDimensions};
            options.statusCode = StatusCodes.Good;