Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
msg = translate(getLocaleFromObject(this), singular, plural);
if (count == null) count = namedValues.count;
// parse translation and replace all digets '%d' by `count`
// this also replaces extra strings '%%s' to parseble '%s' for next step
// simplest 2 form implementation of plural, like
if (count > 1) {
msg = vsprintf(msg.other, [parseInt(count, 10)]);
} else {
msg = vsprintf(, [parseInt(count, 10)]);
// if the msg string contains {{Mustache}} patterns we render it as a mini tempalate
if ((/{{.*}}/).test(msg)) {
msg = Mustache.render(msg, namedValues);
// if we have extra arguments with strings to get replaced,
// an additional substition injects those strings afterwards
if ((/%/).test(msg) && args && args.length > 0) {
msg = vsprintf(msg, args);
return msg;
var filename = path.join(__dirname, 'template', 'template.html');
var template = readFile(filename);
// read mermaid javascripts
var mermaid = readFile(path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'mermaid', 'dist', 'mermaid.min.js'));
// compile template
var mustache = require('mustache');
var view = {
title: title,
style: style,
content: data,
mermaid: mermaid
return mustache.render(template, view);
} catch (error) {
showErrorMessage('makeHtml()', error);
it('Should call formatter with one additional integer parameter', () => {
const result1 = Mustache.render("{{ name | lpad:30 }}", data);
expect(result1).to.equal(fmt.lpad(, 30));
const fp = path.resolve(config.templatePath);
template = await readFile(fp);
const repository = context.payload.repository.full_name;
const [date] = context.payload.head_commit.timestamp.split('T');
const { currentVersion: prev, nextVersion: next } = opts;
const compareLink = `${repository}/compare/v${prev}}...v${next}}`;
const locals = Object.assign({}, config.locals, opts, {
return mustache.render(template, locals);
* "from" : "sentinl@localhost",
* "subject" : "Alarm Title",
* "priority" : "high",
* "body" : "Series Alarm {{ payload._id}}: {{}}",
* "html" : "<p>Series Alarm {{ payload._id}}: {{}}</p>",
* "stateless" : false
* }
var html;
if (_.has(action, 'email_html')) {
formatterS = action.email_html.subject ? action.email_html.subject : 'SENTINL: ' + key;
formatterB = action.email_html.body ? action.email_html.body : 'Series Alarm {{ payload._id}}: {{}}';
formatterC = action.email_html.body ? action.email_html.body : '<p>Series Alarm {{ payload._id}}: {{}}</p>';
subject = mustache.render(formatterS, {payload: payload});
body = mustache.render(formatterB, {payload: payload});
html = mustache.render(formatterC, {payload: payload});
priority = action.email_html.priority ? action.email_html.priority : 'INFO';
server.log(['status', 'info', 'Sentinl', 'email_html'], 'Subject: ' + subject + ', Body: ' + body + ', HTML:' + html);
if (!emailServer || ! {
server.log(['status', 'info', 'Sentinl', 'email_html'], 'Delivery Disabled!');
else {
server.log(['status', 'info', 'Sentinl', 'email'], 'Delivering to Mail Server');
text: body,
from: action.email_html.from,
subject: subject,
attachment: [{data: html, alternative: true}]
}, function (err, message) {
server.log(['status', 'info', 'Sentinl', 'email_html'], err || message);
const renderdata = { name: moduleName };
return mustache.render(disclaimerMD, renderdata);
async function generateIndex(components) {
const template = await fs.readFile(INDEX_TEMPLATE_PATH, 'utf8');
const content = Mustache.render(template, { components });
const filePath = path.join(COMPONENTS_DIR, 'index.js');
return fs.writeFile(filePath, content);
async function generateModuleExportIndex(viewContext: MustacheData, outputPath: string): Promise {
const exportTemplate = (await promisify(readFile)(`${__dirname}/../templates/ngx-module-export.mustache`)).toString();
const result = Mustache.render(exportTemplate, viewContext);
const outfile = join(outputPath, '/index.ts');
await promisify(writeFile)(outfile, result, 'utf-8');
return [outfile];
if ( data.twitter ) {
data.twitter.text = DataFormatting.linkifyTweetText(data.twitter.text);
data.twitter.dateText = DataFormatting.getTimeAgo(;
if ( data.github ) {
data.github.dateText = DataFormatting.getTimeAgo(;
data.github.sha = data.github.sha.substring(0,6);
data.github.repoUrl = ""+data.github.repo;
if ( data.foursquare ) {
data.foursquare.dateText = DataFormatting.getTimeAgo(;
if ( data.lastfm ) {
data.lastfm.dateText = DataFormatting.getTimeAgo(;
data.lastfm.verb = data.lastfm.nowPlaying === "true" ? "Listening" : "Listened";
const template = render(
`<div class="popover current-project-nav-popover current-project-nav-popover-privacy">
<div class="arrow"></div>
<h3>{{ title }}</h3>
<div class="popover-content"></div>
project_flags.length > 0
? project_privacy_element.dataset.projectName
: project_privacy_element.dataset.privacyTitle,
const content = render(
`{{# has_project_flags }}
<div class="current-project-nav-flag-popover-flag">
<i class="fa {{ privacy_icon}}"></i>
<h2 class="current-project-nav-flag-popover-content-title">
{{ privacy_title }}
<p class="current-project-nav-flag-popover-content-description">{{ privacy_description }}</p>
<hr class="current-project-nav-flag-popover-separator">
{{# project_flags }}
<div class="current-project-nav-flag-popover-flag">
<h2 class="current-project-nav-flag-popover-content-title">
{{ label }}
{{# description }}</div>