How to use the mustache/0.3.1/mustache.version function in mustache

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mustache examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github seajs / seajs / test / issues / modules / main.js View on Github external
var Cookie = require('cookie/1.0.0/cookie');
  test.assert(this.Cookie === undefined, 'dont pollute global');
  test.assert(Cookie.version === '1.0.0', 'local variable');

  var $ = require('jquery');
  test.assert(this.$ === undefined, 'dont pollute global');
  test.assert($.fn.jquery === '1.6.2', 'local variable');

  var JSON = require('json/1.0.0/json');
  test.assert(JSON === this.JSON, 'JSON do pollute global');
  test.assert(JSON.parse, 'local variable');

  var Mustache = require('mustache/0.3.1/mustache');
  test.assert(this['Mustache'] === undefined, 'dont pollute global');
  test.assert(Mustache.version === '0.3.1-dev', 'local variable');

  var Prefetch = require('prefetch/0.9.0/prefetch');
  test.assert(this['Prefetch'] === undefined, 'dont pollute global');
  test.assert(Prefetch.version === '0.9.0', 'local variable');

  var QueryString = require('querystring/1.0.0/querystring');
  test.assert(this['QueryString'] === undefined, 'dont pollute global');
  test.assert(QueryString.version === '1.0.0', 'local variable');

  var _ = require('underscore');
  test.assert(this['_'] === undefined, 'dont pollute global');
  test.assert(_.VERSION === '1.1.7', 'local variable');
