How to use mst-gql - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few mst-gql examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mobxjs / mst-gql / tests / lib / todos / models / RootStore.base.js View on Github external
/* This is a mst-gql generated file, don't modify it manually */
/* eslint-disable */
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree"
import { MSTGQLStore, configureStoreMixin } from "mst-gql"

import { TodoModel } from "./TodoModel"
import { todoModelPrimitives, TodoModelSelector } from "./TodoModel.base"

* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = MSTGQLStore
  .extend(configureStoreMixin([['Todo', () => TodoModel]], ['Todo']))
    todos: types.optional( => TodoModel)), {})
  .actions(self => ({
    queryTodos(variables, resultSelector = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), options = {}) {
      return self.query(`query todos { todos {
        ${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
      } }`, variables, options)
    mutateToggleTodo(variables, resultSelector = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), optimisticUpdate) {
      return self.mutate(`mutation toggleTodo($id: ID!) { toggleTodo(id: $id) {
        ${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
      } }`, variables, optimisticUpdate)
github mobxjs / mst-gql / tests / lib / todos / models / RootStore.base.js View on Github external
/* This is a mst-gql generated file, don't modify it manually */
/* eslint-disable */
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree"
import { MSTGQLStore, configureStoreMixin } from "mst-gql"

import { TodoModel } from "./TodoModel"
import { todoModelPrimitives, TodoModelSelector } from "./TodoModel.base"

* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = MSTGQLStore
  .extend(configureStoreMixin([['Todo', () => TodoModel]], ['Todo']))
    todos: types.optional( => TodoModel)), {})
  .actions(self => ({
    queryTodos(variables, resultSelector = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), options = {}) {
      return self.query(`query todos { todos {
        ${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
      } }`, variables, options)
    mutateToggleTodo(variables, resultSelector = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), optimisticUpdate) {
      return self.mutate(`mutation toggleTodo($id: ID!) { toggleTodo(id: $id) {
        ${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
      } }`, variables, optimisticUpdate)
github mobxjs / mst-gql / tests / lib / abstractTypes / models / reactUtils.js View on Github external
/* This is a mst-gql generated file, don't modify it manually */
/* eslint-disable */

import { createStoreContext, createUseQueryHook } from "mst-gql"
import * as React from "react"

export const StoreContext = createStoreContext(React)

export const useQuery = createUseQueryHook(StoreContext, React)
github mobxjs / mst-gql / tests / lib / todos / models / reactUtils.js View on Github external
/* This is a mst-gql generated file, don't modify it manually */
/* eslint-disable */

import { createStoreContext, createUseQueryHook } from "mst-gql"
import * as React from "react"

export const StoreContext = createStoreContext(React)

export const useQuery = createUseQueryHook(StoreContext, React)
github mobxjs / mst-gql / tests / lib / abstractTypes / models / reactUtils.js View on Github external
/* This is a mst-gql generated file, don't modify it manually */
/* eslint-disable */

import { createStoreContext, createUseQueryHook } from "mst-gql"
import * as React from "react"

export const StoreContext = createStoreContext(React)

export const useQuery = createUseQueryHook(StoreContext, React)
github mobxjs / mst-gql / tests / lib / todos / models / reactUtils.js View on Github external
/* This is a mst-gql generated file, don't modify it manually */
/* eslint-disable */

import { createStoreContext, createUseQueryHook } from "mst-gql"
import * as React from "react"

export const StoreContext = createStoreContext(React)

export const useQuery = createUseQueryHook(StoreContext, React)
github mobxjs / mst-gql / examples / 3-using-subscriptions / src / app / models / Query.ts View on Github external
/* #endregion */

/* #region fragments */
export const queryPrimitives = `

/* #endregion */

/* #region type-def */

* Query
const Query = MSTGQLObject
    messages: types.array(types.reference(types.late(() => Message))),
/* #endregion */

  .actions(self => ({
  // this is just an auto-generated example action. 
  // Feel free to add your own actions, props, views etc to the model. 
  // Any code outside the '#region mst-gql-*'  regions will be preserved
  log() {

export { Query }
github mobxjs / mst-gql / examples / 3-using-subscriptions / src / app / models / Subscription.ts View on Github external
/* #endregion */

/* #region fragments */
export const subscriptionPrimitives = `

/* #endregion */

/* #region type-def */

* Subscription
const Subscription = MSTGQLObject
    newMessages: types.maybe(types.reference(types.late(() => Message))),
/* #endregion */

  .actions(self => ({
  // this is just an auto-generated example action. 
  // Feel free to add your own actions, props, views etc to the model. 
  // Any code outside the '#region mst-gql-*'  regions will be preserved
  log() {

export { Subscription }
github mobxjs / mst-gql / examples / 2-scaffolding / src / models / Query.ts View on Github external
/* #region fragments */
export const queryPrimitives = `

/* #endregion */

/* #region type-def */

* Query
 * Query any Pokémon by number or name
const Query = MSTGQLObject
    query: types.maybe(types.reference(types.late((): any => Query))),
/* #endregion */

  .actions(self => ({
    // this is just an auto-generated example action. 
    // Feel free to add your own actions, props, views etc to the model. 
    // Any code outside the '#region mst-gql-*'  regions will be preserved
    log() {

export { Query }
github mobxjs / mst-gql / examples / 4-apollo-tutorial / client / src / models / User.js View on Github external

/* #endregion */

/* #region type-def */

* User
export const User = MSTGQLObject
    __typename: types.optional(types.literal("User"), "User"),
    id: types.identifier,
    email: types.string,
    trips: types.array(MSTGQLRef(types.late(() => Launch))),
  .views(self => ({
    get store() {
      return self.__getStore()
  })) /* #endregion */