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/* This is a mst-gql generated file, don't modify it manually */
/* eslint-disable */
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree"
import { MSTGQLStore, configureStoreMixin } from "mst-gql"
import { TodoModel } from "./TodoModel"
import { todoModelPrimitives, TodoModelSelector } from "./TodoModel.base"
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = MSTGQLStore
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['Todo', () => TodoModel]], ['Todo']))
todos: types.optional( => TodoModel)), {})
.actions(self => ({
queryTodos(variables, resultSelector = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), options = {}) {
return self.query(`query todos { todos {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)
mutateToggleTodo(variables, resultSelector = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), optimisticUpdate) {
return self.mutate(`mutation toggleTodo($id: ID!) { toggleTodo(id: $id) {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, optimisticUpdate)
/* This is a mst-sql generated file */
import { localStorageMixin } from "mst-gql"
/* #region type-imports */
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree"
import { MSTGQLStore, configureStoreMixin, QueryOptions } from "mst-gql"
import { Message, messagePrimitives } from "./index"
/* #endregion */
/* #region type-def */
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStore = MSTGQLStore
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['Message', () => Message]], ['Message']))
messages: types.optional( => Message)), {})
.actions(self => ({
queryMessages(variables?: { }, resultSelector = messagePrimitives, options: QueryOptions = {}) {
return self.query(`query messages { messages {
} }`, variables, options)
subscribeNewMessages(variables?: { }, resultSelector = messagePrimitives) {
return self.subscribe(`subscription newMessages { newMessages {
} }`, variables)
/* #endregion */
import { PokemonEvolutionRequirementModel, PokemonEvolutionRequirementModelType } from "./PokemonEvolutionRequirementModel"
import { pokemonEvolutionRequirementModelPrimitives, PokemonEvolutionRequirementModelSelector } from "./PokemonEvolutionRequirementModel.base"
/* The TypeScript type that explicits the refs to other models in order to prevent a circular refs issue */
type Refs = {
pokemons: ObservableMap,
attacks: ObservableMap
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = withTypedRefs()(MSTGQLStore
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['Pokemon', () => PokemonModel], ['PokemonDimension', () => PokemonDimensionModel], ['PokemonAttack', () => PokemonAttackModel], ['Attack', () => AttackModel], ['PokemonEvolutionRequirement', () => PokemonEvolutionRequirementModel]], ['Pokemon', 'Attack']))
pokemons: types.optional( any => PokemonModel)), {}),
attacks: types.optional( any => AttackModel)), {})
.actions(self => ({
queryPokemons(variables: { first: number }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: PokemonModelSelector) => PokemonModelSelector) = pokemonModelPrimitives.toString(), options: QueryOptions = {}) {
return self.query<{ pokemons: PokemonModelType[]}>(`query pokemons($first: Int!) { pokemons(first: $first) {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new PokemonModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)
queryPokemon(variables: { id?: string, name?: string }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: PokemonModelSelector) => PokemonModelSelector) = pokemonModelPrimitives.toString(), options: QueryOptions = {}) {
return self.query<{ pokemon: PokemonModelType}>(`query pokemon($id: String, $name: String) { pokemon(id: $id, name: $name) {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new PokemonModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)
/* This is a mst-sql generated file */
/* #region type-imports */
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree"
import { MSTGQLStore, configureStoreMixin } from "mst-gql"
import { Todo, todoPrimitives } from "./index"
/* #endregion */
/* #region type-def */
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStore = MSTGQLStore
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['Todo', () => Todo]], ['Todo']))
todos: types.optional( => Todo)), {})
.actions(self => ({
queryAllTodoes(variables, resultSelector = todoPrimitives, options = {}) {
return self.query(`query allTodoes($filter: TodoFilter, $orderBy: TodoOrderBy, $skip: Int, $after: String, $before: String, $first: Int, $last: Int) { allTodoes(filter: $filter, orderBy: $orderBy, skip: $skip, after: $after, before: $before, first: $first, last: $last) {
} }`, variables, options)
queryTodo(variables, resultSelector = todoPrimitives, options = {}) {
return self.query(`query Todo($id: ID) { Todo(id: $id) {
} }`, variables, options)
mutateCreateTodo(variables, resultSelector = todoPrimitives, optimisticUpdate) {
return self.mutate(`mutation createTodo($done: Boolean!, $isPublished: Boolean, $title: String!) { createTodo(done: $done, isPublished: $isPublished, title: $title) {
import { UserModel, UserModelType } from "./UserModel"
import { userModelPrimitives, UserModelSelector } from "./UserModel.base"
/* The TypeScript type that explicits the refs to other models in order to prevent a circular refs issue */
type Refs = {
todos: ObservableMap,
users: ObservableMap
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = withTypedRefs()(MSTGQLStore
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['Todo', () => TodoModel], ['User', () => UserModel]], ['Todo', 'User']))
todos: types.optional( any => TodoModel)), {}),
users: types.optional( any => UserModel)), {})
.actions(self => ({
queryTodos(variables?: { }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: TodoModelSelector) => TodoModelSelector) = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), options: QueryOptions = {}) {
return self.query<{ todos: TodoModelType[]}>(`query todos { todos {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)
queryDoneTodos(variables?: { }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: TodoModelSelector) => TodoModelSelector) = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), options: QueryOptions = {}) {
return self.query<{ doneTodos: TodoModelType[]}>(`query doneTodos { doneTodos {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)
queryUser(variables: { id: string }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: UserModelSelector) => UserModelSelector) = userModelPrimitives.toString(), options: QueryOptions = {}) {
import { UserModel, UserModelType } from "./UserModel"
import { userModelPrimitives, UserModelSelector } from "./UserModel.base"
/* The TypeScript type that explicits the refs to other models in order to prevent a circular refs issue */
type Refs = {
messages: ObservableMap,
users: ObservableMap
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = withTypedRefs()(MSTGQLStore
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['Message', () => MessageModel], ['User', () => UserModel]], ['Message', 'User']))
messages: types.optional( any => MessageModel)), {}),
users: types.optional( any => UserModel)), {})
.actions(self => ({
queryMessages(variables: { offset?: string, count?: number, replyTo?: string }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: MessageModelSelector) => MessageModelSelector) = messageModelPrimitives.toString(), options: QueryOptions = {}) {
return self.query<{ messages: MessageModelType[]}>(`query messages($offset: ID, $count: Int, $replyTo: ID) { messages(offset: $offset, count: $count, replyTo: $replyTo) {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new MessageModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)
queryMessage(variables: { id: string }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: MessageModelSelector) => MessageModelSelector) = messageModelPrimitives.toString(), options: QueryOptions = {}) {
return self.query<{ message: MessageModelType}>(`query message($id: ID!) { message(id: $id) {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new MessageModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)
queryMe(variables?: { }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: UserModelSelector) => UserModelSelector) = userModelPrimitives.toString(), options: QueryOptions = {}) {
import { MessageModel, MessageModelType } from "./MessageModel"
import { UserModel, UserModelType } from "./UserModel"
/* The TypeScript type that explicits the refs to other models in order to prevent a circular refs issue */
type Refs = {
messages: ObservableMap,
users: ObservableMap
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = withTypedRefs()(types.model()
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['Message', () => MessageModel], ['User', () => UserModel]], ['Message', 'User']))
messages: types.optional( any => MessageModel)), {}),
users: types.optional( any => UserModel)), {})
.actions(self => ({
/* This is a mst-sql generated file, don't modify it manually */
/* eslint-disable */
/* tslint:disable */
import { types } from "mobx-state-tree"
import { MSTGQLStore, configureStoreMixin, QueryOptions } from "mst-gql"
import { MessageModel, UserModel, ReplyModel } from "./index"
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = types.model()
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['Message', () => MessageModel], ['User', () => UserModel], ['Reply', () => ReplyModel]], ['Message', 'User']))
messages: types.optional( => MessageModel)), {}),
users: types.optional( => UserModel)), {})
.actions(self => ({
export type CreateTodoInput = {
id: string
text: string
complete?: boolean
/* The TypeScript type that explicits the refs to other models in order to prevent a circular refs issue */
type Refs = {
todos: ObservableMap
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = withTypedRefs()(MSTGQLStore
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['Todo', () => TodoModel]], ['Todo']))
todos: types.optional( any => TodoModel)), {})
.actions(self => ({
queryTodos(variables?: { }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: TodoModelSelector) => TodoModelSelector) = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), options: QueryOptions = {}) {
return self.query<{ todos: TodoModelType[]}>(`query todos { todos {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)
mutateToggleTodo(variables: { id: string }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: TodoModelSelector) => TodoModelSelector) = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), optimisticUpdate?: () => void) {
return self.mutate<{ toggleTodo: TodoModelType}>(`mutation toggleTodo($id: ID!) { toggleTodo(id: $id) {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new TodoModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, optimisticUpdate)
mutateCreateTodo(variables: { todo: CreateTodoInput }, resultSelector: string | ((qb: TodoModelSelector) => TodoModelSelector) = todoModelPrimitives.toString(), optimisticUpdate?: () => void) {
return self.mutate<{ createTodo: TodoModelType}>(`mutation createTodo($todo: CreateTodoInput!) { createTodo(todo: $todo) {
import { LaunchModel } from "./LaunchModel"
import { launchModelPrimitives, LaunchModelSelector } from "./LaunchModel.base"
import { MissionModel } from "./MissionModel"
import { missionModelPrimitives, MissionModelSelector } from "./MissionModel.base"
import { RocketModel } from "./RocketModel"
import { rocketModelPrimitives, RocketModelSelector } from "./RocketModel.base"
import { UserModel } from "./UserModel"
import { userModelPrimitives, UserModelSelector } from "./UserModel.base"
* Store, managing, among others, all the objects received through graphQL
export const RootStoreBase = MSTGQLStore
.extend(configureStoreMixin([['LaunchConnection', () => LaunchConnectionModel], ['Launch', () => LaunchModel], ['Mission', () => MissionModel], ['Rocket', () => RocketModel], ['User', () => UserModel]], ['Launch', 'Rocket', 'User']))
launchs: types.optional( => LaunchModel)), {}),
rockets: types.optional( => RocketModel)), {}),
users: types.optional( => UserModel)), {})
.actions(self => ({
queryLaunches(variables, resultSelector = launchConnectionModelPrimitives.toString(), options = {}) {
return self.query(`query launches($pageSize: Int, $after: String) { launches(pageSize: $pageSize, after: $after) {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new LaunchConnectionModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)
queryLaunch(variables, resultSelector = launchModelPrimitives.toString(), options = {}) {
return self.query(`query launch($id: ID!) { launch(id: $id) {
${typeof resultSelector === "function" ? resultSelector(new LaunchModelSelector()).toString() : resultSelector}
} }`, variables, options)