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// TODO: could also use ping pre-connect to save description, type, max players, etc.
const motd = response.description
debug('Server description:', motd) // TODO: save
// Pass server-reported version to protocol handler
// The version string is interpreted by
const brandedMinecraftVersion = // 1.8.9, 1.7.10
const protocolVersion = response.version.protocol// 47, 5
const versions = [brandedMinecraftVersion]
.concat(brandedMinecraftVersion.match(/((\d+\.)+\d+)/g) || [])
.map(function (version) {
return minecraftData.versionsByMinecraftVersion.pc[version]
.filter(function (info) { return info })
.sort(function (a, b) { return b.version - a.version })
.concat(minecraftData.postNettyVersionsByProtocolVersion.pc[protocolVersion] || [])
if (versions.length === 0) {
client.emit('error', new Error(`unsupported/unknown protocol version: ${protocolVersion}, update minecraft-data`))
const minecraftVersion = versions[0].minecraftVersion
debug(`Server version: ${minecraftVersion}, protocol: ${protocolVersion}`)
options.version = minecraftVersion
options.protocolVersion = protocolVersion
// Reinitialize client object with new version TODO: move out of its constructor?
client.version = minecraftVersion
client.state = states.HANDSHAKING
// Let other plugins such as Forge/FML (modinfo) respond to the ping response
if (client.autoVersionHooks) {
debug('ping response',response);
// TODO: could also use ping pre-connect to save description, type, max players, etc.
const motd = response.description;
debug('Server description:',motd); // TODO: save
// Pass server-reported version to protocol handler
// The version string is interpereted by
const minecraftVersion =; // 1.8.9, 1.7.10
const protocolVersion = response.version.protocol;// 47, 5
debug(`Server version: ${minecraftVersion}, protocol: ${protocolVersion}`);
// Note that versionName is a descriptive version stirng like '1.8.9' on vailla, but other
// servers add their own name (Spigot 1.8.8, Glowstone++ 1.8.9) so we cannot use it directly,
// even though it is in a format accepted by minecraft-data. Instead, translate the protocol.
// TODO: pre-Netty version support (uses overlapping version numbers, so would have to check versionName)
const versionInfos = minecraft_data.postNettyVersionsByProtocolVersion[protocolVersion];
if (!versionInfos && versionInfos.length < 1) throw new Error(`unsupported/unknown protocol version: ${protocolVersion}, update minecraft-data`);
const versionInfo = versionInfos[0]; // use newest
options.version = versionInfo.minecraftVersion;
options.protocolVersion = protocolVersion;
// Reinitialize client object with new version TODO: move out of its constructor?
client.version = versionInfo.majorVersion;
client.state = states.HANDSHAKING;
if (response.modinfo && response.modinfo.type === 'FML') {
// Use the list of Forge mods from the server ping, so client will match server
const forgeMods = response.modinfo.modList;
debug('Using forgeMods:',forgeMods);
options.forgeMods = forgeMods;
forgeHandshake(client, options);