How to use the minecraft-data.objects function in minecraft-data

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few minecraft-data examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github PrismarineJS / flying-squid / src / lib / plugins / spawn.js View on Github external
module.exports.server = function (serv, options) {
  const version = options.version

  const mobsById = require('minecraft-data')(version).mobs
  const objectsById = require('minecraft-data')(version).objects

  serv.initEntity = (type, entityType, world, position) => {
    if (Object.keys(serv.entities).length > options['max-entities']) { throw new Error('Too many mobs !') }
    const entity = new Entity(serv.entityMaxId)

      .filter(pluginName => plugins[pluginName].entity !== undefined)
      .forEach(pluginName => plugins[pluginName].entity(entity, serv, options))

    entity.initEntity(type, entityType, world, position)

    serv.emit('newEntity', entity)

    return entity
github PrismarineJS / mineflayer / lib / plugins / entities.js View on Github external
function inject (bot, { version }) {
  const objects = require('minecraft-data')(version).objects
  const mobs = require('minecraft-data')(version).mobs
  const entitiesArray = require('minecraft-data')(version).entitiesArray
  const Item = require('prismarine-item')(version)
  const ChatMessage = require('../chat_message')(version)

  bot.findPlayer = bot.findPlayers = (filter) => {
    const filterFn = (entity) => {
      if (entity.type !== 'player') return false
      if (filter === null) return true
      if (typeof filter === 'object' && filter instanceof RegExp) {
        return !== -1
      } else if (typeof filter === 'function') {
        return filter(entity)
      } else if (typeof filter === 'string') {
        return entity.username.toLowerCase() === filter.toLowerCase()