How to use the mattermost-redux/utils/user_utils.displayUsername function in mattermost-redux

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github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / components / post_header / index.js View on Github external
return function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
        const config = getConfig(state);
        const post =;
        const commentedOnUser = getUser(state, ownProps.commentedOnUserId);
        const user = getUser(state, post.user_id) || {};
        const currentUser = getCurrentUser(state);
        const teammateNameDisplay = getTeammateNameDisplaySetting(state);
        const militaryTime = getBool(state, Preferences.CATEGORY_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, 'use_military_time');
        const enableTimezone = isTimezoneEnabled(state);
        const userTimezone = enableTimezone ? getUserCurrentTimezone(currentUser.timezone) : '';

        return {
            commentedOnDisplayName: ownProps.commentedOnUserId ? displayUsername(commentedOnUser, teammateNameDisplay) : '',
            commentCount: getCommentCountForPost(state, {post}),
            createAt: post.create_at,
            displayName: displayUsername(user, teammateNameDisplay),
            enablePostUsernameOverride: config.EnablePostUsernameOverride === 'true',
            fromWebHook: post?.props?.from_webhook === 'true', // eslint-disable-line camelcase
            isPendingOrFailedPost: isPostPendingOrFailed(post),
            isSystemMessage: isSystemMessage(post),
            fromAutoResponder: fromAutoResponder(post),
            overrideUsername: post?.props?.override_username, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
            theme: getTheme(state),
            username: user.username,
            isBot: user.is_bot || false,
            isGuest: isGuest(user),
            isLandscape: isLandscape(state),
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / components / post_header / index.js View on Github external
return function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
        const config = getConfig(state);
        const post =;
        const commentedOnUser = getUser(state, ownProps.commentedOnUserId);
        const user = getUser(state, post.user_id) || {};
        const currentUser = getCurrentUser(state);
        const teammateNameDisplay = getTeammateNameDisplaySetting(state);
        const militaryTime = getBool(state, Preferences.CATEGORY_DISPLAY_SETTINGS, 'use_military_time');
        const enableTimezone = isTimezoneEnabled(state);
        const userTimezone = enableTimezone ? getUserCurrentTimezone(currentUser.timezone) : '';

        return {
            commentedOnDisplayName: ownProps.commentedOnUserId ? displayUsername(commentedOnUser, teammateNameDisplay) : '',
            commentCount: getCommentCountForPost(state, {post}),
            createAt: post.create_at,
            displayName: displayUsername(user, teammateNameDisplay),
            enablePostUsernameOverride: config.EnablePostUsernameOverride === 'true',
            fromWebHook: post?.props?.from_webhook === 'true', // eslint-disable-line camelcase
            isPendingOrFailedPost: isPostPendingOrFailed(post),
            isSystemMessage: isSystemMessage(post),
            fromAutoResponder: fromAutoResponder(post),
            overrideUsername: post?.props?.override_username, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
            theme: getTheme(state),
            username: user.username,
            isBot: user.is_bot || false,
            isGuest: isGuest(user),
            isLandscape: isLandscape(state),
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / screens / more_dms / more_dms.js View on Github external
sectionKeyExtractor = (user) => {
        // Group items alphabetically by first letter
        return displayUsername(user, this.props.teammateNameDisplay)[0].toUpperCase();
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / components / sidebars / main / channels_list / filtered_list / filtered_list.js View on Github external
const dms = [...directChannelUsers, ...pastDirectMessageUsers].map((u) => {
            const displayName = displayUsername(u, teammateNameDisplay, false);

            return {
                status: statuses[],
                display_name: displayName,
                username: u.username,
                type: General.DM_CHANNEL,
                fake: true,
                nickname: u.nickname,
                fullname: `${u.first_name} ${u.last_name}`,
                delete_at: u.delete_at,
                isBot: u.is_bot,

                // need name key for DM's as we use it for sortChannelsByDisplayName with same display_name
                name: displayName,
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / components / post / post_container.js View on Github external
return function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
        const commentedOnUser = ownProps.commentedOnPost ? getUser(state, ownProps.commentedOnPost.user_id) : null;
        const user = getUser(state,;
        const myPreferences = getMyPreferences(state);
        const {config, license} = state.entities.general;
        const roles = getCurrentUserId(state) ? getCurrentUserRoles(state) : '';

        return {
            commentCount: getCommentCountForPost(state, ownProps),
            commentedOnDisplayName: displayUsername(commentedOnUser, myPreferences),
            currentTeamId: getCurrentTeamId(state),
            currentUserId: getCurrentUserId(state),
            displayName: displayUsername(user, myPreferences),
            isFlagged: isPostFlagged(, myPreferences),
            theme: getTheme(state),
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / components / sidebars / main / channels_list / channel_item / index.js View on Github external
const channel = || getChannel(state, {id: ownProps.channelId});
        const member = getMyChannelMember(state,;
        const currentUserId = getCurrentUserId(state);
        const channelDraft = getDraftForChannel(state,;

        let displayName = channel.display_name;
        let isBot = false;

        if (channel.type === General.DM_CHANNEL) {
            if (ownProps.isSearchResult) {
                isBot = Boolean(channel.isBot);
            } else {
                const teammateId = getUserIdFromChannelName(currentUserId,;
                const teammate = getUser(state, teammateId);
                const teammateNameDisplay = getTeammateNameDisplaySetting(state);
                displayName = displayUsername(teammate, teammateNameDisplay, false);
                if (teammate && teammate.is_bot) {
                    isBot = true;

        const currentChannelId = getCurrentChannelId(state);
        const isActive = ownProps.channelId === currentChannelId;

        let shouldHideChannel = false;
        if (
   === General.DEFAULT_CHANNEL &&
            !isActive &&
            !ownProps.isFavorite &&
            !ownProps.isSearchResult &&
            shouldHideDefaultChannel(state, channel)
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / components / custom_list / user_list_row / user_list_row.js View on Github external
        } = this.props;

        const {id, username} = user;
        const style = getStyleFromTheme(theme);

        let usernameDisplay = `@${username}`;
        if (isMyUser) {
            usernameDisplay = formatMessage({
                id: '',
                defaultMessage: '@{username} - you',
            }, {username});

        const teammateDisplay = displayUsername(user, teammateNameDisplay);
        const showTeammateDisplay = teammateDisplay !== username;

        return (
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / screens / notification / notification.js View on Github external
getNotificationUserName = () => {
        const {config, notification, teammateNameDisplay, user} = this.props;
        const {data} = notification;

        let userName;
        if (data.override_username && config.EnablePostUsernameOverride === 'true') {
            userName = (
        } else if (user) {
            userName = (

        return userName;
github mattermost / mattermost-webapp / components / at_mention / at_mention.jsx View on Github external
                    {'@' + displayUsername(user, this.props.teammateNameDisplay)}
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / screens / user_profile / user_profile.js View on Github external
getDisplayName = () =&gt; {
        const {theme, teammateNameDisplay, user} = this.props;
        const style = createStyleSheet(theme);

        const displayName = displayUsername(user, teammateNameDisplay);

        if (displayName) {
            return (