How to use the mattermost-redux/selectors/entities/channels.getCurrentChannelId function in mattermost-redux

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github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / components / post_body / index.js View on Github external
let isPending = === post.pending_post_id;
        if (isPending && - post.create_at > POST_TIMEOUT) {
            // Something has prevented the post from being set to failed, so it's safe to assume
            // that it has actually failed by this point
            isFailed = true;
            isPending = false;

        const isUserCanManageMembers = canManageChannelMembers(state);
        const isEphemeralPost = isPostEphemeral(post);

        const config = getConfig(state);
        const license = getLicense(state);
        const currentUserId = getCurrentUserId(state);
        const currentTeamId = getCurrentTeamId(state);
        const currentChannelId = getCurrentChannelId(state);
        const roles = getCurrentUserId(state) ? getCurrentUserRoles(state) : '';
        const isAdmin = checkIsAdmin(roles);
        const isSystemAdmin = checkIsSystemAdmin(roles);
        let canDelete = false;

        if (post && !ownProps.channelIsArchived) {
            canDelete = canDeletePost(state, config, license, currentTeamId, currentChannelId, currentUserId, post, isAdmin, isSystemAdmin);

        let isPostAddChannelMember = false;
        if (
            channel &&
            (channel.type === General.PRIVATE_CHANNEL || channel.type === General.OPEN_CHANNEL) &&
            isUserCanManageMembers &&
            isEphemeralPost &&
            post.props &&
github mattermost / mattermost-webapp / actions / global_actions.jsx View on Github external
function switchToChannel(chan) {
        const state = getState();
        const getMyChannelMemberPromise = dispatch(getMyChannelMember(;
        const oldChannelId = getCurrentChannelId(state);
        const userId = getCurrentUserId(state);
        const teamId = chan.team_id || getCurrentTeamId(state);
        const isRHSOpened = getIsRhsOpen(state);
        const isPinnedPostsShowing = getRhsState(state) === RHSStates.PIN;
        const member = selectMyChannelMember(state,;

        getMyChannelMemberPromise.then(() => {

            // Mark previous and next channel as read
            dispatch(markChannelAsRead(, oldChannelId));
            dispatch(markChannelAsViewed(, oldChannelId));

        if (chan.delete_at === 0) {
github mattermost / mattermost-webapp / actions / websocket_actions.jsx View on Github external
function handleChannelViewedEvent(msg) {
    // Useful for when multiple devices have the app open to different channels
    if ((!window.isActive || getCurrentChannelId(getState()) !== &&
        getCurrentUserId(getState()) === msg.broadcast.user_id) {
        dispatch(markChannelAsRead(, '', false));
github mattermost / mattermost-webapp / actions / websocket_actions.jsx View on Github external
type: GeneralTypes.WEBSOCKET_SUCCESS,


    Object.values(pluginReconnectHandlers).forEach((handler) => {
        if (handler && typeof handler === 'function') {

    const state = getState();
    const currentTeamId = state.entities.teams.currentTeamId;
    if (currentTeamId) {
        const currentChannelId = getCurrentChannelId(state);
        const mostRecentId = getMostRecentPostIdInChannel(state, currentChannelId);
        const mostRecentPost = getPost(state, mostRecentId);
        if (mostRecentPost) {
            dispatch(syncPostsInChannel(currentChannelId, mostRecentPost.create_at, false));
        } else {
            // if network timed-out the first time when loading a channel
            // we can request for getPosts again when socket is connected

    if (state.websocket.lastDisconnectAt) {
github mattermost / mattermost-webapp / components / needs_team / index.js View on Github external
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
    const license = getLicense(state);
    const config = getConfig(state);
    const currentUser = getCurrentUser(state);

    return {
        theme: getTheme(state),
        mfaRequired: checkIfMFARequired(currentUser, license, config, ownProps.match.url),
        currentTeamId: getCurrentTeamId(state),
        teamsList: getMyTeams(state),
        currentChannelId: getCurrentChannelId(state),
github mattermost / mattermost-webapp / actions / user_actions.jsx View on Github external
return async (doDispatch, doGetState) => {
        const state = doGetState();
        const teamIdParam = teamId || getCurrentTeamId(state);
        const channelIdParam = channelId || getCurrentChannelId(state);
        const {data} = await doDispatch(loadTeamMembersForProfilesList(profiles, teamIdParam));
        if (data) {
            doDispatch(loadChannelMembersForProfilesList(profiles, channelIdParam));

        return {data: true};
github mattermost / mattermost-webapp / actions / post_utils.js View on Github external
if (shouldIgnorePost(post)) {

        let markAsRead = false;
        let markAsReadOnServer = false;
        if (!isManuallyUnread(getState(), post.channel_id)) {
            if (
                post.user_id === getCurrentUserId(state) &&
                !isSystemMessage(post) &&
            ) {
                markAsRead = true;
                markAsReadOnServer = false;
            } else if (
                post.channel_id === getCurrentChannelId(state) &&
            ) {
                markAsRead = true;
                markAsReadOnServer = true;

        if (markAsRead) {
            dispatch(markChannelAsRead(post.channel_id, null, markAsReadOnServer));
        } else {
            dispatch(markChannelAsUnread(websocketMessageProps.team_id, post.channel_id, websocketMessageProps.mentions));
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / screens / channel / index.js View on Github external
function mapStateToProps(state) {
    const {myChannels: channelsRequest} = state.requests.channels;

    return {
        channelsRequestFailed: channelsRequest.status === RequestStatus.FAILURE,
        currentTeamId: getCurrentTeamId(state),
        currentChannelId: getCurrentChannelId(state),
        isLandscape: isLandscape(state),
        theme: getTheme(state),
        showTermsOfService: shouldShowTermsOfService(state),
github mattermost / mattermost-webapp / actions / websocket_actions.jsx View on Github external
function handleChannelDeletedEvent(msg) {
    const state = getState();
    const config = getConfig(state);
    const viewArchivedChannels = config.ExperimentalViewArchivedChannels === 'true';
    if (getCurrentChannelId(state) === && !viewArchivedChannels) {
        const teamUrl = getCurrentRelativeTeamUrl(state);
        browserHistory.push(teamUrl + '/channels/' + Constants.DEFAULT_CHANNEL);

    dispatch({type: ChannelTypes.RECEIVED_CHANNEL_DELETED, data: {id:, team_id: msg.broadcast.team_id, deleteAt:, viewArchivedChannels}});
github mattermost / mattermost-mobile / app / components / network_indicator / index.js View on Github external
function mapStateToProps(state) {
    const {websocket} = state.requests.general;
    const websocketStatus = websocket.status;

    return {
        currentChannelId: getCurrentChannelId(state),
        isLandscape: isLandscape(state),
        isOnline: getConnection(state),
        websocketErrorCount: websocket.error,