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export async function execImportCommand(roomId: string, event: any, mjolnir: Mjolnir, parts: string[]) {
const importRoomId = await mjolnir.client.resolveRoom(parts[2]);
const list = mjolnir.lists.find(b => b.listShortcode === parts[3]);
if (!list) {
const errMessage = "Unable to find list - check your shortcode.";
const errReply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, errMessage, errMessage);
errReply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
return mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, errReply);
let importedRules = 0;
const state = await mjolnir.client.getRoomState(importRoomId);
for (const stateEvent of state) {
const content = stateEvent['content'] || {};
if (!content || Object.keys(content).length === 0) continue;
if (stateEvent['type'] === '' && stateEvent['state_key'] !== '') {
// Member event - check for ban
if (content['membership'] === 'ban') {
const reason = content['reason'] || '';
html += `<b>Protected rooms: </b> ${Object.keys(mjolnir.protectedRooms).length}<br>`;
text += `Protected rooms: ${mjolnir.protectedRooms.length}\n`;
// Append list information
html += "<b>Subscribed ban lists:</b><br><ul>";
text += "Subscribed ban lists:\n";
for (const list of mjolnir.lists) {
const ruleInfo = `rules: ${list.serverRules.length} servers, ${list.userRules.length} users, ${list.roomRules.length} rooms`;
html += `<li><a href="${list.roomRef}">${list.roomId}</a> (${ruleInfo})</li>`;
text += `* ${list.roomRef} (${ruleInfo})\n`;
html += "</ul>";
const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, html);
reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
return mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
"!mjolnir rules - Lists the rules currently in use by Mjolnir\n" +
"!mjolnir sync - Force updates of all lists and re-apply rules\n" +
"!mjolnir verify - Ensures Mjolnir can moderate all your rooms\n" +
"!mjolnir list create - Creates a new ban list with the given shortcode and alias\n" +
"!mjolnir watch - Watches a ban list\n" +
"!mjolnir unwatch - Unwatches a ban list\n" +
"!mjolnir import - Imports bans and ACLs into the given list\n" +
"!mjolnir default - Sets the default list for commands\n" +
"!mjolnir deactivate - Deactivates a user ID\n" +
"!mjolnir protections - List all available protections\n" +
"!mjolnir enable - Enables a particular protection\n" +
"!mjolnir disable - Disables a particular protection\n" +
"!mjolnir help - This menu\n";
const html = `<b>Mjolnir help:</b><br><pre><code>${htmlEscape(menu)}</code></pre>`;
const text = `Mjolnir help:\n${menu}`;
const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, html);
reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
return await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
} catch (e) {
LogService.error("CommandHandler", e);
const text = "There was an error processing your command - see console/log for details";
const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, text);
reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
return await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
powerLevels['users'][event['sender']] = 50;
const listRoomId = await mjolnir.client.createRoom({
preset: "public_chat",
room_alias_name: aliasLocalpart,
invite: [event['sender']],
initial_state: [{type: SHORTCODE_EVENT_TYPE, state_key: "", content: {shortcode: shortcode}}],
power_level_content_override: powerLevels,
const roomRef = Permalinks.forRoom(listRoomId);
await mjolnir.watchList(roomRef);
const html = `Created new list (<a href="${roomRef}">${listRoomId}</a>). This list is now being watched.`;
const text = `Created new list (${roomRef}). This list is now being watched.`;
const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, html);
reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
entity = parts[serverIndex];
if (!ruleType) ruleType = RULE_SERVER;
argumentIndex = serverIndex + 1;
if (!list) {
list = mjolnir.lists.find(b => b.listShortcode.toLowerCase() === defaultShortcode);
let replyMessage = null;
if (!list) replyMessage = "No ban list matching that shortcode was found";
else if (!ruleType) replyMessage = "Please specify the type as either 'user', 'room', or 'server'";
else if (!entity) replyMessage = "No entity found to ban";
if (replyMessage) {
const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, replyMessage, replyMessage);
reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
return null;
return {
reason: parts.splice(argumentIndex).join(" ").trim(),
"!mjolnir default - Sets the default list for commands\n" +
"!mjolnir deactivate - Deactivates a user ID\n" +
"!mjolnir protections - List all available protections\n" +
"!mjolnir enable - Enables a particular protection\n" +
"!mjolnir disable - Disables a particular protection\n" +
"!mjolnir help - This menu\n";
const html = `<b>Mjolnir help:</b><br><pre><code>${htmlEscape(menu)}</code></pre>`;
const text = `Mjolnir help:\n${menu}`;
const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, html);
reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
return await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
} catch (e) {
LogService.error("CommandHandler", e);
const text = "There was an error processing your command - see console/log for details";
const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, text);
reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
return await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
if (!hasRules) {
html += "<li><i>No rules</i>";
text += "* No rules\n";
html += "";
text += "\n";
if (!hasLists) {
html = "No ban lists configured";
text = "No ban lists configured";
const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, html);
reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
return mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
const recommendation = recommendationToStable(RECOMMENDATION_BAN);
const ruleContent = {
entity: server,
reason: reason,
const stateKey = `rule:${ruleContent.entity}`;
await mjolnir.client.sendStateEvent(list.roomId, ruleTypeToStable(RULE_SERVER), stateKey, ruleContent);
const message = `Imported ${importedRules} rules to ban list`;
const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, message, message);
reply['msgtype'] = "m.notice";
await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);