How to use the matrix-bot-sdk.LogService.error function in matrix-bot-sdk

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github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / Mjolnir.ts View on Github external
if ( => b.roomId).includes(roomId)) {
            if (ALL_RULE_TYPES.includes(event['type'])) {
                await this.syncListForRoom(roomId);

        if (Object.keys(this.protectedRooms).includes(roomId)) {
            if (event['sender'] === await this.client.getUserId()) return; // Ignore ourselves

            // Iterate all the protections
            for (const protection of this.protections) {
                try {
                    await protection.handleEvent(this, roomId, event);
                } catch (e) {
                    const eventPermalink = Permalinks.forEvent(roomId, event['event_id']);
                    LogService.error("Mjolnir", "Error handling protection: " +;
                    LogService.error("Mjolnir", "Failed event: " + eventPermalink);
                    LogService.error("Mjolnir", e);
                    await this.client.sendNotice(config.managementRoom, "There was an error processing an event through a protection - see log for details. Event: " + eventPermalink);

            // Run the event handlers - we always run this after protections so that the protections
            // can flag the event for redaction.
            await this.redactionQueue.handleEvent(roomId, event, this.client);

            if (event['type'] === '' && event['state_key'] === '') {
                // power levels were updated - recheck permissions
                ErrorCache.resetError(roomId, ERROR_KIND_PERMISSION);
                const url = this.protectedRooms[roomId];
                let html = `Power levels changed in <a href="${url}">${roomId}</a> - checking permissions...`;
                let text = `Power levels changed in ${url} - checking permissions...`;
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / Mjolnir.ts View on Github external
public async isSynapseAdmin(): Promise {
        try {
            const endpoint = `/_synapse/admin/v1/users/${await this.client.getUserId()}/admin`;
            const response = await this.client.doRequest("GET", endpoint);
            return response['admin'];
        } catch (e) {
            LogService.error("Mjolnir", "Error determining if Mjolnir is a server admin:");
            LogService.error("Mjolnir", e);
            return false; // assume not
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / Mjolnir.ts View on Github external
                    errorMessage: `Missing power level for redactions: ${userLevel} &lt; ${redact}`,
                    errorKind: ERROR_KIND_PERMISSION,
            if (userLevel &lt; aclLevel) {
                    errorMessage: `Missing power level for server ACLs: ${userLevel} &lt; ${aclLevel}`,
                    errorKind: ERROR_KIND_PERMISSION,

            // Otherwise OK
        } catch (e) {
            LogService.error("Mjolnir", e);
                errorMessage: e.message || (e.body ? e.body.error : ''),
                errorKind: ERROR_KIND_FATAL,

        return errors;
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / Mjolnir.ts View on Github external
public async isSynapseAdmin(): Promise {
        try {
            const endpoint = `/_synapse/admin/v1/users/${await this.client.getUserId()}/admin`;
            const response = await this.client.doRequest("GET", endpoint);
            return response['admin'];
        } catch (e) {
            LogService.error("Mjolnir", "Error determining if Mjolnir is a server admin:");
            LogService.error("Mjolnir", e);
            return false; // assume not
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / commands / CommandHandler.ts View on Github external
"!mjolnir unwatch                                     - Unwatches a ban list\n" +
                "!mjolnir import                      - Imports bans and ACLs into the given list\n" +
                "!mjolnir default                                         - Sets the default list for commands\n" +
                "!mjolnir deactivate                                        - Deactivates a user ID\n" +
                "!mjolnir protections                                                - List all available protections\n" +
                "!mjolnir enable                                         - Enables a particular protection\n" +
                "!mjolnir disable                                        - Disables a particular protection\n" +
                "!mjolnir help                                                       - This menu\n";
            const html = `<b>Mjolnir help:</b><br><pre><code>${htmlEscape(menu)}</code></pre>`;
            const text = `Mjolnir help:\n${menu}`;
            const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, html);
            reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
            return await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
    } catch (e) {
        LogService.error("CommandHandler", e);
        const text = "There was an error processing your command - see console/log for details";
        const reply = RichReply.createFor(roomId, event, text, text);
        reply["msgtype"] = "m.notice";
        return await mjolnir.client.sendMessage(roomId, reply);
github turt2live / matrix-voyager-bot / src / util.ts View on Github external
}, (err, res, _body) => {
            if (err) {
                LogService.error("utils", "Error downloading file from " + url);
                LogService.error("utils", err);
            } else if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
                LogService.error("utils", "Got status code " + res.statusCode + " while calling url " + url);
                reject(new Error("Error in request: invalid status code"));
            } else {
github matrix-org / mjolnir / src / models / BanList.ts View on Github external
this.client.sendStateEvent(this.roomId, SHORTCODE_EVENT_TYPE, '', {shortcode: this.shortcode}).catch(err => {
            LogService.error("BanList", err);
            if (this.shortcode === newShortcode) this.shortcode = currentShortcode;
github turt2live / matrix-voyager-bot / src / db / postgres.ts View on Github external
public async migrateUp(): Promise {
        await this.query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migrations (id TEXT NOT NULL)");
        const rows = await this.query&lt;{ id: string }&gt;("SELECT id FROM migrations");
        const migrations = =&gt;;
        const toRun = KNOWN_MIGRATIONS.filter(i =&gt; migrations.indexOf( === -1);"PostgresDatabase", `Running ${toRun.length} migrations`);

        for (const migration of toRun) {
            const txn = await this.startTransaction();
            try {
                await migration.up(txn);
                await txn.insert("migrations", {id:});
                await txn.commitTransaction();
            } catch (e) {
                LogService.error("PostgresDatabase", e);
                await txn.rollbackTransaction();
                throw e;
            } finally {