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// Just cache a pointer to relations for the Resource
let output:any = { data: { type: } };
// Work for update or create, if an id is given, server should accept it
if (id) = id;
let relationships:any = {};
let attributes:any = {};
// opts.changes is there when update method is PATCH
// in this case we change only what has changed
if (!opts.forceReplace && opts.changes && id) {
data = utils.deepMixIn(
utils.deepMixIn({}, opts.changes.changed),
// @todo For the moment sending hasMany items is not supported and maybe
// shouldn't be supported for security reasons (cf. JSON Api Spec)
if (opts.forceRelationshipsInAttributes !== true) {
for (let key in data) {
let relation:any = mapper.relationByFieldId[key];
// No relations means a simple attribute
if (!relation) {
attributes[key] = data[key];
constructor(options?:any) {
options = utils.deepMixIn({
// Enable the possibility to retrieve more informations in the promise of
// a response.
// compositePromiseResponse: false
}, options || {})
if (! {
throw new Error('JsonApiAdapter needs to be given a store option.')
var selfWrapper:any = {};
options.serialize = function(wrapper:any):any{
return function(mapper:any, data:any, opts:any){
beforeSerialize = opts.beforeSerialize || mapper.beforeSerialize || wrapper.self.options.beforeSerialize,
afterSerialize = opts.afterSerialize || mapper.afterSerialize || wrapper.self.options.afterSerialize;
// Just cache a pointer to relations for the Resource
let output:any = { data: { type: } };
// Work for update or create, if an id is given, server should accept it
if (id) = id;
let relationships:any = {};
let attributes:any = {};
// opts.changes is there when update method is PATCH
// in this case we change only what has changed
if (!opts.forceReplace && opts.changes && id) {
data = utils.deepMixIn(
utils.deepMixIn({}, opts.changes.changed),
// @todo For the moment sending hasMany items is not supported and maybe
// shouldn't be supported for security reasons (cf. JSON Api Spec)
if (opts.forceRelationshipsInAttributes !== true) {
for (let key in data) {
let relation:any = mapper.relationByFieldId[key];
// No relations means a simple attribute
if (!relation) {
attributes[key] = data[key];
constructor(options?:any) {
options = utils.deepMixIn({
// Some default
}, options || {})
if (options.serialize || options.deserialize) {
this.options = options;
this.serialize = wrapSerialize(this);
this.deserialize = wrapDeserialize(this);
HTTP (config, opts) {
const start = new Date()
opts || (opts = {})
const payload =
const cache = config.cache
const timeout = config.timeout
const params = config.params
config = utils.copy(config, null, null, null, ['data', 'cache', 'timeout', 'params']) // params could have data, cache, timeout
config.params = utils.copy(params)
config = utils.deepMixIn(config, this.httpConfig) = payload
config.cache = cache
if (timeout !== undefined) {
config.timeout = timeout
if (this.forceTrailingSlash && config.url[config.url.length - 1] !== '/') {
config.url += '/'
config.method = config.method.toUpperCase()
const suffix = config.suffix || opts.suffix || this.suffix
if (suffix && config.url.substr(config.url.length - suffix.length) !== suffix) {
config.url += suffix
const logResponse = (data) => {
const str = `${start.toUTCString()} - ${config.method.toUpperCase()} ${config.url} - ${data.status} ${(new Date().getTime() - start.getTime())}ms`
.then((currentVal) => {
if (!currentVal) {
throw new Error('Not Found')
const newVal = opts.deepMerge !== false ? utils.deepMixIn(currentVal, props) : props
return itemRef.set(newVal)
.then(() => this._once(itemRef))
findAll (mapper, query, opts) {
query || (query = {})
opts || (opts = {})
opts.params = this.getParams(opts)
opts.suffix = this.getSuffix(mapper, opts)
utils.deepMixIn(opts.params, query)
opts.params = this.queryTransform(mapper, opts.params, opts)
return, mapper, query, opts)
records.forEach((record) => utils.deepMixIn(record, props))
return this._upsertBatch(mapper, records, opts)
records.forEach((record, i) => {
if (!record) {
const id = utils.get(record, idAttribute);
if (!utils.isUndefined(id)) {
utils.deepMixIn(record, props[i]);
method: 'update',
key: this.datastore.key([this.getKind(mapper, opts), id]),
data: record
if (!_records.length) {
mapper[name] = function (id, _opts) {
_opts = _opts || {}
if (utils.isObject(id)) {
_opts = id
utils.fillIn(_opts, opts)
let adapter = this.getAdapter(_opts.adapter || this.defaultAdapter || 'http')
const config = {}
config.mapper =
utils.deepMixIn(config, _opts)
config.method = config.method || 'GET'
if (typeof _opts.getEndpoint === 'function') {
config.url = _opts.getEndpoint(this, _opts)
} else {
let args = [
_opts.basePath || this.basePath || adapter.basePath,
adapter.getEndpoint(this, id, _opts)
if (utils.isSorN(id)) {
args.push(opts.pathname || name)
config.url = makePath.apply(null, args)
return utils.resolve(config)