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export function MongoDBAdapter (opts) {
utils.classCallCheck(this, MongoDBAdapter)
opts || (opts = {})
if (utils.isString(opts)) {
opts = { uri: opts }
utils.fillIn(opts, DEFAULTS)
// Setup non-enumerable properties
Object.defineProperties(this, {
* A Promise that resolves to a reference to the MongoDB client being used by
* this adapter.
* @name MongoDBAdapter#client
* @type {Promise}
client: {
export function RethinkDBAdapter (opts) {
utils.classCallCheck(this, RethinkDBAdapter)
opts || (opts = {})
// Setup non-enumerable properties
Object.defineProperties(this, {
* The rethinkdbdash instance used by this adapter. Use this directly when
* you need to write custom queries.
* @example Use default instance.
* import { RethinkDBAdapter } from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
* const adapter = new RethinkDBAdapter();
* adapter.r.dbDrop('foo').then(...);
* @example Configure default instance.
* import { RethinkDBAdapter } from 'js-data-rethinkdb';
* const adapter = new RethinkDBAdapter({
export function HttpAdapter (opts) {
utils.classCallCheck(this, HttpAdapter)
opts || (opts = {})
// Fill in any missing options with the defaults
utils.fillIn(opts, DEFAULTS), opts)
export function CloudDatastoreAdapter (opts) {
utils.classCallCheck(this, CloudDatastoreAdapter);
opts || (opts = {});
// Setup non-enumerable properties
Object.defineProperties(this, {
* Instance of Datastore used by this adapter. Use this directly when
* you need to write custom queries.
* @name CloudDatastoreAdapter#datastore
* @type {object}
datastore: {
writable: true,
value: undefined
export function SqlAdapter (opts) {
utils.classCallCheck(this, SqlAdapter)
opts || (opts = {})
opts.knexOpts || (opts.knexOpts = {})
utils.fillIn(opts, DEFAULTS)
Object.defineProperty(this, 'knex', {
writable: true,
value: undefined
}), opts)
* Override the default predicate functions for specified operators.
* @name SqlAdapter#operators
* @type {Object}
export function FirebaseAdapter (opts) {
utils.classCallCheck(this, FirebaseAdapter)
opts || (opts = {}), opts)
* The database instance used by this adapter.
* @name FirebaseAdapter#db
* @type {Object}
* @default firebase.database()
if (opts.db) {
this.db = opts.db || firebase.database()
* The base ref to use as a root, e.g. `user/uid`
* @name FirebaseAdapter#baseRef