Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
mounted() {
this.shape = new joint.shapes.standard.Polyline();
let bounds = this.node.diagram.bounds;
this.shape.position(bounds.x, bounds.y);
this.shape.resize(this.nodeWidth, bounds.height);
body: {
refPoints: '25 10 3 10 3 3 25 3',
label: {
text: joint.util.breakText(this.node.definition.get('text'), {
width: bounds.width,
fill: 'black',
yAlignment: 'left',
xAlignment: 'left',
refX: '5',
refY: '5',
this.shape.on('change:position', (element, position) => {
this.node.diagram.bounds.x = position.x;
this.node.diagram.bounds.y = position.y;
// This is done so any flows pointing to this task are updated
mounted() {
this.shape = new joint.shapes.processmaker.modeler.bpmn.pool();
const bounds = this.node.diagram.bounds;
this.shape.position(bounds.x, bounds.y);
this.shape.resize(bounds.width, bounds.height);
this.shape.attr('label/refX', labelWidth / 2);
this.shape.attr('polyline/refX', labelWidth);
this.shape.attr('label/text', joint.util.breakText(this.node.definition.get('name'), {
width: bounds.width,
this.shape.on('change:position', (element, position) => {
this.node.diagram.bounds.x = position.x;
this.node.diagram.bounds.y = position.y;
// This is done so any flows pointing to this task are updated
x: bounds.x,
y: bounds.y,
updateShape() {
const bounds = this.node.diagram.bounds;
this.shape.position(bounds.x, bounds.y);
this.shape.resize(bounds.width, bounds.height);
label: {
text: joint.util.breakText(this.node.definition.get('name'), {
width: bounds.width,
fill: 'black',
// Alert anyone that we have moved
handleClick() { any) => {
link.transition("attrs/line/stroke", color, {
delay: 0,
duration: transitionDuration,
timingFunction: joint.util.timing.linear,
valueFunction: joint.util.interpolate.hexColor
import joint from 'jointjs';
import DefaultShape from '../../../../core/graph/DefaultShape';
import NodeTemplate from '../../../../core/graph/NodeTemplate';
import * as config from '../../config';
const NAME = 'Union';
const NODE_TYPE = 'spark.union';
const MODEL = DefaultShape.extend({
defaults: joint.util.deepSupplement({
type: NODE_TYPE,
attrs: {
text : { text: NAME },
rect : {
fill: config.RDD_NODES_FILL
dfGui: {
description: NAME,
ports: {
items: [
id: 'in1',
group: 'in'
wholeState.getIn(['opened', wholeState.get('copied_from'), 'history', 'present', 'cells']).forEach(cell => {
let newId = jointjs.util.uuid();
idTranslation[cell.get('id')] = newId;
pastingCells.push(cell.update('position', position => position.set('x', position.get('x') + 20).set('y', position.get('y') + 20)).set('id', newId));
name: 'schema',
description: 'A pyspark.sql.types.DataType or a datatype string or a list of column names, default is None. The data type string format equals to pyspark.sql.types.DataType.simpleString, except that top level struct type can omit the struct<> and atomic types use typeName() as their format, e.g. use byte instead of tinyint for pyspark.sql.types.ByteType. We can also use int as a short name for IntegerType.',
required: false,
template: 'schema=None',
selectionStart: '7',
selectionEnd: 'all'
const FULL_NODE_TYPE = 'spark.' + NODE_TYPE;
const ports = [...generatePorts('in', NO_INPUT_NODES), ...generatePorts('out', NO_OUTPUT_NODES)];
const MODEL = DefaultShape.extend({
defaults: joint.util.deepSupplement({
width: WIDTH
attrs: {
text : { text: NAME },
rect : {
width: WIDTH,
fill: config.DF_NODES_FILL
dfGui: {
description: NAME,
ports: {
items: ports
import joint from 'jointjs';
import DefaultShape from '../../../../core/graph/DefaultShape';
import NodeTemplate from '../../../../core/graph/NodeTemplate';
import * as config from '../../config';
const NAME = 'Count';
const NODE_TYPE = 'spark.count';
const MODEL = DefaultShape.extend({
defaults: joint.util.deepSupplement({
type: NODE_TYPE,
attrs: {
text : { text: NAME },
rect : {
fill: config.RDD_NODES_FILL
dfGui: {
description: NAME,
ports: {
items: [
id: 'in',
group: 'in'
r: 4,
magnet: true
const NAME = 'DefaultShape';
const NODE_TYPE = 'dfGui.defaultShape';
const WIDTH = parseInt(cssVariables.nodeDefaultWidth);
const HEIGHT = parseInt(cssVariables.nodeDefaultHeight);
const MODEL = joint.shapes.basic.Generic.extend({
markup: '',
portMarkup: '