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return false;
const _sourceId = link.get('source').id;
const _targetId = link.get('target').id;
return _sourceId !== _targetId && (
(_sourceId === sourceId && _targetId === targetId) ||
(_sourceId === targetId && _targetId === sourceId)
// There is more than one siblings. We need to create vertices.
// First of all we'll find the middle point of the link.
const srcCenter = diagramModel.graph.getCell(sourceId).getBBox().center();
const trgCenter = diagramModel.graph.getCell(targetId).getBBox().center();
const midPoint = joint.g.line(srcCenter, trgCenter).midpoint();
// Then find the angle it forms.
const theta = srcCenter.theta(trgCenter);
const currentLinkIndex = siblings.indexOf(currentLink);
if (currentLinkIndex !== -1) {
const v = getVertexForLink(
// We want the offset values to be calculated as follows 0, 50, 50, 100, 100, 150, 150 ..
const offset = GAP * Math.ceil(index / 2) - (indexModifyer ? GAP / 2 : 0);
// Now we need the vertices to be placed at points which are 'offset' pixels distant
// from the first link and forms a perpendicular angle to it. And as index goes up
// alternate left and right.
// ^ odd indexes
// |
// |----> index 0 line (straight line between a source center and a target center.
// |
// v even indexes
const sign = index % 2 ? 1 : -1;
const angle = joint.g.toRad(theta + sign * 90);
// We found the vertex.
const vertex = joint.g.point.fromPolar(offset, angle, midPoint);
return vertex;