How to use the ioredis.SentinelConnector function in ioredis

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github luin / ioredis / examples / custom_connector.js View on Github external
"use strict";

const Redis = require("ioredis");
const MyService = require("path/to/my/service");

// Create a custom connector that fetches sentinels from an external call
class AsyncSentinelConnector extends Redis.SentinelConnector {
  constructor(options = {}) {
    // Placeholder
    options.sentinels = options.sentinels || [
      { host: "localhost", port: 6379 }

    // SentinelConnector saves options as its property

  connect(eventEmitter) {
    return MyService.getSentinels().then(sentinels => {
      this.options.sentinels = sentinels;
      this.sentinelIterator = new Redis.SentinelIterator(sentinels);
      return, eventEmitter);
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return MyService.getSentinels().then(sentinels => {
      this.options.sentinels = sentinels;
      this.sentinelIterator = new Redis.SentinelIterator(sentinels);
      return, eventEmitter);


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