How to use the ioredis.ReplyError function in ioredis

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github u-wave / core / src / apis / v1 / authenticate.js View on Github external
.post((req, res) => {
    if (! return res.status(422).json('email not set');

    Authentication.findOne({ 'email': })
    .then(() => {
      return randomBytes(64);
    .then(buf => {
      const random = buf.toString('hex');
      // save reset code for a day
      req.uwave.redis.set(`reset:${}`, random, `NX EXPIRE ${24*60*60}`);
    .catch(redis.ReplyError, e => {
      log(`couldn't set reset link. Err: ${e}`);
      res.status(410).json('could not generate reset code');
    .catch(e => {
      log(`error occured while generating reset code. Err: ${e}`);
      res.status(500).json('internal server error, please try again later');


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