Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
gulp.task('gulp-insert-tests', () => {
return gulp.src('*.js')
.pipe(insert.prepend('/* Inserted using gulp-insert prepend method */\n'))
.pipe(insert.prepend('\n/* Inserted using gulp-insert append method */'))
'/* Inserted using gulp-insert wrap method */\n',
'\n/* Inserted using gulp-insert wrap method */'
.pipe(insert.transform((contents, file) => {
var comment = '/* Local file: ' + file.path + ' */\n';
return comment + contents;
gulp.task('gulp-insert-tests', () => {
return gulp.src('*.js')
.pipe(insert.prepend('/* Inserted using gulp-insert prepend method */\n'))
.pipe(insert.prepend('\n/* Inserted using gulp-insert append method */'))
'/* Inserted using gulp-insert wrap method */\n',
'\n/* Inserted using gulp-insert wrap method */'
.pipe(insert.transform((contents, file) => {
var comment = '/* Local file: ' + file.path + ' */\n';
return comment + contents;
" * @version " + version + "\n" +
" * @license MIT\n" +
" */\n";
var jqueryOpen = "(function($){\n" +
var jqueryClose = "\n" +
return gulp.src(buildGlob, { base: dest })
.pipe(plumber({ errorHandler: plumberErrorHandler }))
.pipe(sourcemaps.write('.', {
mapFile: function(mapFilePath) {
// source map files are named *.map instead of *
return mapFilePath.replace('', '.map');
gutil.log("building js files...");
const jsBuildStream = gulp.src(jsFiles)
const jsProcess = series(jsBuildStream, themeBuildStream())
.pipe(insert.append(';window.ngMaterial={version:{full: "' + VERSION + '"}};'))
.pipe(gulpif(!IS_DEV, uglify({output: {comments: 'some'}})))
.pipe(rename({extname: '.min.js'}))
return series(jsProcess, deployMaterialMocks());
// Deploy the `angular-material-mocks.js` file to the `dist` directory
function deployMaterialMocks() {
return gulp.src(config.mockFiles)
function buildSkinFiles(colorStop, globs, prependString, appendString, dest) {
prependString = prependString || '';
appendString = appendString || '';
dest = dest || 'dist/components/';
return gulp.src(globs)
.pipe(insert.prepend(`@import '../../dist/vars/spectrum-dimensions.css';\n@import '../colorStops/spectrum-${colorStop}.css';${prependString}`))
.pipe(replace(/^&/gm, '.spectrum')) // Any stray & in colorstops should just apply to .spectrum
.pipe(rename(function(path) {
path.dirname += '/colorStops';
path.basename = colorStop;
function buildMultistops(colorStop) {
return gulp.src('dist/spectrum-' + colorStop + '.css')
// Simply wrap the file in the colorstop
// This is a workaround for the fact that postcss-import and postcss-nested can't play together
.pipe(insert.prepend(`.spectrum--${colorStop} {\n`))
gulp.task('dist--each', function (done) {
distPaths = distPaths || toDist;
outPath = outPath || placeDist;
extname: '.min.js'
var task = function() {
return gulp.src(srcDir + 'plugin.js')
.pipe(rename( + '.js'))
.pipe(streamify(replace('{{ version }}', package.version)))
.pipe(rename( + '.min.js'))
.pipe(streamify(uglify({ preserveComments: 'license' })))
gulp.task('min', function() {
return gulp.src([
gulp.task('min', function() {
return gulp.src([