Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
gulp.task('gulp-insert-tests', () => {
return gulp.src('*.js')
.pipe(insert.prepend('/* Inserted using gulp-insert prepend method */\n'))
.pipe(insert.prepend('\n/* Inserted using gulp-insert append method */'))
'/* Inserted using gulp-insert wrap method */\n',
'\n/* Inserted using gulp-insert wrap method */'
.pipe(insert.transform((contents, file) => {
var comment = '/* Local file: ' + file.path + ' */\n';
return comment + contents;
gulp.task('dist--each', function (done) {
distPaths = distPaths || toDist;
outPath = outPath || placeDist;
extname: '.min.js'
var task = function() {
return gulp.src(srcDir + 'plugin.js')
.pipe(rename( + '.js'))
.pipe(streamify(replace('{{ version }}', package.version)))
.pipe(rename( + '.min.js'))
.pipe(streamify(uglify({ preserveComments: 'license' })))
gulp.task('min', function() {
return gulp.src([
gulp.task('min', function() {
return gulp.src([
gulp.task('copy', function () {
return gulp.src('src/gifshot.js')
gulp.task('concat', function() {
var closureStart = '(function(window) {\n';
var closureEnd = '\nwindow.LocalModel = LocalModel;\n' +
'window.LocalSchema = LocalSchema;\nwindow.LocalDocument ' +
'= LocalDocument;\n\n}(window));';
var startingComment = '/*!\n * LocalModel\n * Developer: Rick Craig' +
'\n *\n*/\n\n';
return gulp.src(paths.scripts)
.pipe(replace(/'use strict';\n\n/g, ''))
tasks.templates = function assetsTemplates() {
let sources = [path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, './components/**/*.vue')]
return gulp.src(sources)
commonjs: false,
namespace: 'global.templates',
pathfilter: ['src', 'components', 'node_modules'],
.on('error', notify.onError('Error: <%= error.message %>'))
.pipe(ifElse(settings.BUILD_OPTIMIZED, () => minifier()))
.pipe(gulp.dest(path.join(settings.BUILD_DIR, 'js')))
.pipe(size(_extend({title: 'templates'}, settings.SIZE_OPTIONS)))
done => {
.src(['**/*.css', 'scss/index*'], {
base: distPath(),
cwd: distPath()
.pipe(gulpinsert.prepend(`/*! ${DISPLAY_NAME} ${SLDS_VERSION} */\n`))
.on('error', done)
.on('finish', done);
done => {