How to use the graphql-transformer-core.getDirectiveArguments function in graphql-transformer-core

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github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-dynamodb-transformer / src / DynamoDBModelTransformer.ts View on Github external
private createMutations = (
        def: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode,
        directive: DirectiveNode,
        ctx: TransformerContext,
        nonModelArray: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode[]
    ) => {
        const typeName =

        const mutationFields = [];
        // Get any name overrides provided by the user. If an empty map it provided
        // then we do not generate those fields.
        const directiveArguments: ModelDirectiveArgs = getDirectiveArguments(directive)

        // Configure mutations based on *mutations* argument
        let shouldMakeCreate = true;
        let shouldMakeUpdate = true;
        let shouldMakeDelete = true;
        let createFieldNameOverride = undefined;
        let updateFieldNameOverride = undefined;
        let deleteFieldNameOverride = undefined;

        // Figure out which mutations to make and if they have name overrides
        if (directiveArguments.mutations === null) {
            shouldMakeCreate = false
            shouldMakeUpdate = false
            shouldMakeDelete = false
        } else if (directiveArguments.mutations) {
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-dynamodb-transformer / src / DynamoDBModelTransformer.ts View on Github external
private createSubscriptions = (def: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, directive: DirectiveNode, ctx: TransformerContext) => {
        const typeName =
        const subscriptionFields = []

        const directiveArguments: ModelDirectiveArgs = getDirectiveArguments(directive)

        const subscriptionsArgument = directiveArguments.subscriptions
        const createResolver = ctx.getResource(ResolverResourceIDs.DynamoDBCreateResolverResourceID(typeName))
        const updateResolver = ctx.getResource(ResolverResourceIDs.DynamoDBUpdateResolverResourceID(typeName))
        const deleteResolver = ctx.getResource(ResolverResourceIDs.DynamoDBDeleteResolverResourceID(typeName))
        if (subscriptionsArgument === null) {
        } else if (subscriptionsArgument &&
            subscriptionsArgument.level === "OFF") {
        } else if (subscriptionsArgument &&
            subscriptionsArgument.level !== "PUBLIC") {
            // Add the custom subscriptions
            const subscriptionToMutationsMap: { [subField: string]: string[] } = {}
            const onCreate = subscriptionsArgument.onCreate || []
            const onUpdate = subscriptionsArgument.onUpdate || []
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-connection-transformer / src / ModelConnectionTransformer.ts View on Github external
public newParameterization = (
        parent: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | InterfaceTypeDefinitionNode,
        field: FieldDefinitionNode,
        directive: DirectiveNode,
        ctx: TransformerContext
    ): void => {
        const parentTypeName =;
        const fieldName =;
        const args : RelationArguments = getDirectiveArguments(directive);
        const numFields = args.fields.length;

        // Check that related type exists and that the connected object is annotated with @model.
        const relatedTypeName = getBaseType(field.type)
        const relatedType = ctx.inputDocument.definitions.find(
            d => d.kind === Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION && === relatedTypeName
        ) as ObjectTypeDefinitionNode | undefined

        // Get Child object's table.
        const tableLogicalID = ModelResourceIDs.ModelTableResourceID(;
        const tableResource = ctx.getResource(tableLogicalID) as Table;

        // Ensure that there is at least one field provided.
        if (numFields === 0) {
            throw new InvalidDirectiveError('No fields passed in to @connection directive.')
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-auth-transformer / src / ModelAuthTransformer.ts View on Github external
private protectQueries(ctx: TransformerContext, def: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, rules: AuthRule[]) {
        const secondaryKeyDirectivesWithQueries = (def.directives || []).filter(d => {
            const isKey = === 'key';
            const args = getDirectiveArguments(d);
            // @key with a name is a secondary key.
            const isSecondaryKey = Boolean(;
            const hasQueryField = Boolean(args.queryField);
            return isKey && isSecondaryKey && hasQueryField;
        for (const keyWithQuery of secondaryKeyDirectivesWithQueries) {
            const args = getDirectiveArguments(keyWithQuery);
            const resolverResourceId = ResolverResourceIDs.ResolverResourceID(ctx.getQueryTypeName(), args.queryField);
            this.protectListQuery(ctx, resolverResourceId, rules)
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-auth-transformer / src / ModelAuthTransformer.ts View on Github external
const rules = getArg('rules', []) as AuthRule[]

        const { operationRules, queryRules } = this.splitRules(rules);

        // For each operation evaluate the rules and apply the changes to the relevant resolver.
        this.protectCreateMutation(ctx, ResolverResourceIDs.DynamoDBCreateResolverResourceID(, operationRules.create, def)
        this.protectUpdateMutation(ctx, ResolverResourceIDs.DynamoDBUpdateResolverResourceID(, operationRules.update, def)
        this.protectDeleteMutation(ctx, ResolverResourceIDs.DynamoDBDeleteResolverResourceID(, operationRules.delete, def)
        this.protectGetQuery(ctx, ResolverResourceIDs.DynamoDBGetResolverResourceID(, queryRules.get)
        this.protectListQuery(ctx, ResolverResourceIDs.DynamoDBListResolverResourceID(, queryRules.list)
        this.protectConnections(ctx, def,
        this.protectQueries(ctx, def,

        // Check if subscriptions is enabled
        const directiveArguments: ModelDirectiveArgs = getDirectiveArguments(modelDirective);
        const subscription = this.validateSubscriptionLevel(directiveArguments);
        if (subscription.level !== "OFF") {
            this.protectOnCreateSubscription(ctx, operationRules.create, def,
                subscription.level, subscription.onCreate);
            this.protectOnUpdateSubscription(ctx, operationRules.update, def,
                subscription.level, subscription.onUpdate);
            this.protectOnDeleteSubscription(ctx, operationRules.delete, def,
                subscription.level, subscription.onDelete);
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-key-transformer / src / KeyTransformer.ts View on Github external
function ensureCompositeKeySnippet(dir: DirectiveNode): string {
    const args: KeyArguments = getDirectiveArguments(dir);
    const argsPrefix = 'ctx.args.input';
    if (args.fields.length > 2) {
        const rangeKeyFields = args.fields.slice(1);
        const condensedSortKey = condenseRangeKey(rangeKeyFields);
        const dynamoDBFriendlySortKeyName = toCamelCase( => graphqlName(f)));
        const condensedSortKeyValue = condenseRangeKey(
   => `\${${argsPrefix}.${keyField}}`)
        return print(compoundExpression([
                set(ref(ResourceConstants.SNIPPETS.DynamoDBNameOverrideMap), obj({
                    [condensedSortKey]: str(dynamoDBFriendlySortKeyName)
                qref(`$${ResourceConstants.SNIPPETS.DynamoDBNameOverrideMap}.put("${condensedSortKey}", "${dynamoDBFriendlySortKeyName}")`)
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-key-transformer / src / KeyTransformer.ts View on Github external
function getPrimaryKey(obj: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode): DirectiveNode | undefined {
    for (const directive of obj.directives) {
        if ( === 'key' && !getDirectiveArguments(directive).name) {
            return directive;
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-key-transformer / src / KeyTransformer.ts View on Github external
function setQuerySnippet(definition: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, directive: DirectiveNode, ctx: TransformerContext) {
    const args: KeyArguments = getDirectiveArguments(directive);
    const keys = args.fields;
    const keyTypes = => {
        const field = definition.fields.find(f => === k);
        return attributeTypeFromType(field.type, ctx);
    return block(`Set query expression for @key`, [
        set(ref(ResourceConstants.SNIPPETS.ModelQueryExpression), obj({})),
        applyKeyExpressionForCompositeKey(keys, keyTypes, ResourceConstants.SNIPPETS.ModelQueryExpression)
github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-key-transformer / src / KeyTransformer.ts View on Github external
private updateInputObjects = (definition: ObjectTypeDefinitionNode, directive: DirectiveNode, ctx: TransformerContext) => {
        if (this.isPrimaryKey(directive)) {
            const directiveArgs: KeyArguments = getDirectiveArguments(directive);
            const createInput = ctx.getType(ModelResourceIDs.ModelCreateInputObjectName( as InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode;
            if (createInput) {
                ctx.putType(replaceCreateInput(definition, createInput, directiveArgs.fields));
            const updateInput = ctx.getType(ModelResourceIDs.ModelUpdateInputObjectName( as InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode;
            if (updateInput) {
                ctx.putType(replaceUpdateInput(definition, updateInput, directiveArgs.fields));
            const deleteInput = ctx.getType(ModelResourceIDs.ModelDeleteInputObjectName( as InputObjectTypeDefinitionNode;
            if (deleteInput) {
                ctx.putType(replaceDeleteInput(definition, deleteInput, directiveArgs.fields));