How to use the graphql-transformer-core.SyncUtils.syncTTLConfig function in graphql-transformer-core

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github aws-amplify / amplify-cli / packages / graphql-dynamodb-transformer / src / resources.ts View on Github external
ProvisionedThroughput: Fn.If(ResourceConstants.CONDITIONS.ShouldUsePayPerRequestBilling, Refs.NoValue, {
        ReadCapacityUnits: Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.DynamoDBModelTableReadIOPS),
        WriteCapacityUnits: Fn.Ref(ResourceConstants.PARAMETERS.DynamoDBModelTableWriteIOPS),
      }) as any,
      SSESpecification: {
        SSEEnabled: Fn.If(ResourceConstants.CONDITIONS.ShouldUseServerSideEncryption, true, false),
      PointInTimeRecoverySpecification: Fn.If(
          PointInTimeRecoveryEnabled: true,
      ) as any,
      ...(isSyncEnabled && {
        TimeToLiveSpecification: SyncUtils.syncTTLConfig(),