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parse (str) {
const args = str.split(' ')
if (args.length !== 2) { return false }
let carrier = player.selectorString(args[0])
if (carrier.length === 0) throw new UserError('one carrier')
let attached = player.selectorString(args[1])
if (attached.length === 0) throw new UserError('one attached')
return { carrier: carrier[0], attached: attached[0] }
action ({ carrier, attached }) {
serv.selectorString = (str, pos, world, allowUser = true) => {
pos = pos.clone()
const player = serv.getPlayer(str)
if (!player && str[0] !== '@') return []
else if (player) return allowUser ? [player] : []
const match = str.match(/^@([arpe])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?$/)
if (match === null) throw new UserError('Invalid selector format')
const typeConversion = {
a: 'all',
r: 'random',
p: 'near',
e: 'entity'
const type = typeConversion[match[1]]
const opt = match[2] ? match[2].split(',') : []
const optPair = []
let err
opt.forEach(o => {
const match = o.match(/^([^=]+)=([^=]+)$/)
if (match === null) err = new UserError('Invalid selector option format: "' + o + '"')
else optPair.push({ key: match[1], val: match[2] })
if (err) throw err
parse (str) {
const pars = str.split(' ')
if (pars.length !== 6) { return false }
let [x, y, z, direction, width, height] = pars;
[x, y, z] = [x, y, z].map((val, i) => serv.posFromString(val, player.position[['x', 'y', 'z'][i]]))
const bottomLeft = new Vec3(x, y, z)
if (direction !== 'x' && direction !== 'z') { throw new UserError('Wrong Direction') }
direction = direction === 'x' ? new Vec3(1, 0, 0) : new Vec3(0, 0, 1)
return { bottomLeft, direction, width, height }
async action ({ bottomLeft, direction, width, height }) {
parse (str) {
const args = str.split(' ')
if (args.length !== 2) { return false }
let carrier = player.selectorString(args[0])
if (carrier.length === 0) throw new UserError('one carrier')
let attached = player.selectorString(args[1])
if (attached.length === 0) throw new UserError('one attached')
return { carrier: carrier[0], attached: attached[0] }
action ({ carrier, attached }) {
serv.selectorString = (str, pos, world, allowUser=true) => {
pos = pos.clone();
var player = serv.getPlayer(str);
if (!player && str[0] != '@') return [];
else if (player) return allowUser ? [player] : [];
var match = str.match(/^@([a,r,p,e])(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?$/);
if (match == null) throw new UserError('Invalid selector format');
var typeConversion = {
a: 'all',
r: 'random',
p: 'near',
e: 'entity'
var type = typeConversion[match[1]];
var opt = match[2] ? match[2].split(',') : [];
var optPair = [];
var err;
opt.forEach(o => {
var match = o.match(/^([^=]+)=([^=]+)$/);
if (match == null) err = new UserError('Invalid selector option format: "' + o + '"');
else optPair.push({key: match[1], val: match[2]});
if (err) throw err;
async action ({ bottomLeft, direction, width, height }) {
if (width > 21 || height > 21) { throw new UserError('Portals can only be 21x21!') }
const portal = generatePortal(bottomLeft, direction, width, height)
await addPortalToWorld(, portal, [], [], async (pos, type) => {
await serv.setBlock(, pos, type, 0)
serv.selector = (type, opt) => {
if (['all', 'random', 'near', 'entity'].indexOf(type) == -1)
throw new UserError('serv.selector(): type must be either [all, random, near, or entity]');
var count = typeof opt.count != 'undefined' ?
count :
(type == 'all' || type == 'entity' ?serv.entities.length : 1);
var pos = opt.pos;
var sample;
if (type == 'all') sample = serv.players;
else if (type == 'random' || type == 'near') sample = serv.players.filter(p => != 0);
else if (type == 'entity') sample = Object.keys(serv.entities).map(k => serv.entities[k]);
var checkOption = (val, compare) => {
if (!val) return true;
var not = val[0] == '!';
var v = val;
if (not) v = v.slice(1, v.length);
if (not && compare == v) return false;
serv.selector = (type, opt) => {
if (['all', 'random', 'near', 'entity'].indexOf(type) === -1) { throw new UserError('serv.selector(): type must be either [all, random, near, or entity]') }
const count = opt.count !== undefined
? opt.count
: (type === 'all' || type === 'entity' ? serv.entities.length : 1)
const pos = opt.pos
let sample
if (type === 'all') sample = serv.players
else if (type === 'random' || type === 'near') sample = serv.players.filter(p => !== 0)
else if (type === 'entity') sample = Object.keys(serv.entities).map(k => serv.entities[k])
const checkOption = (val, compare) => {
if (!val) return true
const not = val[0] === '!'
let v = val
if (not) v = v.slice(1, v.length)
action (args) {
if (args.length === 2) {
let entitiesFrom = player.selectorString(args[0])
let entityTo = player.selectorString(args[1])
if (entityTo.length === 0) throw new UserError('Invalid target')
entityTo = entityTo[0]
entitiesFrom.forEach(e => e.teleport(entityTo.position))
} else if (args.length === 3) {
let x = serv.posFromString(args[0], player.position.x)
let y = serv.posFromString(args[1], player.position.y)
let z = serv.posFromString(args[2], player.position.z)
player.teleport(new Vec3(x, y, z))
} else if (args.length === 4) {
let entitiesFrom = player.selectorString(args[0])
entitiesFrom.forEach(e => e.teleport(new Vec3(
serv.posFromString(args[1], e.position.x),
serv.posFromString(args[2], e.position.y),
serv.posFromString(args[3], e.position.z)
serv.posFromString = (str, pos) => {
if (parseInt(str)) return parseInt(str);
if (str.match(/~-?\d+/)) return parseInt(str.slice(1)) + pos;
else if (str == '~') return pos;
else throw new UserError('Invalid position');