How to use the figures.pointerSmall function in figures

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few figures examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github avajs / ava / lib / reporters / prefix-title.js View on Github external
'use strict';
const path = require('path');
const figures = require('figures');
const chalk = require('../chalk').get();

const SEPERATOR = ' ' + chalk.gray.dim(figures.pointerSmall) + ' ';

module.exports = (base, file, title) => {
	const prefix = file
		// Only replace base if it is found at the start of the path
		.replace(base, (match, offset) => offset === 0 ? '' : match)
		.replace(/\.spec/, '')
		.replace(/\.test/, '')
		.replace(/test-/g, '')
		.replace(/\.js$/, '')
		.filter(p => p !== '__tests__')

	return prefix + SEPERATOR + title;
github beakerbrowser / hashbase / lib / dbs / legacy-leveldb / index.js View on Github external
  for (let archive of await dbs.archives.list()) {
    archive.isFeatured = await dbs.featuredArchives.has(archive.key)
    insert('archives', toArchiveRecord(archive))
  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Users->Archives...')
  for (let userArchive of usersArchives) {
    insert('users_archives', toUserArchiveRecord(userArchive))
  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Reports...')
  for (let report of await dbs.reports.list()) {
    insert('reports', toReportRecord(report))
  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Activity...')
  for (let act of await dbs.activity.listGlobalEvents()) {
    insert('activity', toActivityRecord(act))

  // close output stream
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    ws.end((err) => {
      if (err) reject(err)
      else resolve()

  // close the leveldb
  await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    levelInstance.close((err) => {
github serverless / components / src / cli / index.js View on Github external
renderError(error, entity) {
    // If no argument, skip
    if (!error || error === '') {

    // Clear any existing content
    console.log() // eslint-disable-line

    // Write Error
    if (entity) {
      entity = `${red(entity)} ${red(figures.pointerSmall)} ${red(`error:`)}`
      console.log(`  ${entity}`) // eslint-disable-line
    } else {
      console.log(`  ${red('error:')}`) // eslint-disable-line
    console.log(` `, error) // eslint-disable-line

    // Put cursor to starting position for next view
github beakerbrowser / hashbase / index.js View on Github external
module.exports = async function (config) {
  console.log(figures.heart, 'Hello friend')
  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Instantiating backend')
  var cloud = new Hypercloud(config)
  cloud.version = packageJson.version
  await cloud.setup()

  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Instantiating server')
  var app = express()
  if (config.proxy) {
    app.set('trust proxy', 'loopback')
  } = cloud
  app.config = config
  app.approveDomains = approveDomains(config, cloud)

  app.locals = {
    session: false, // default session value
    sessionUser: false,
    errors: false, // common default value
    // Using the stripe publishable key to identify whether or not to show pricing related information
    // on any page
    stripePK: config.stripe ? config.stripe.publishableKey : null,
    appInfo: {
github thiagodp / concordialang / dist / modules / app / CLI.js View on Github external
constructor() {
        this.colors = chalk_1.default;
        this.figures = figures;
        this.symbolPointer = figures.pointerSmall;
        this.symbolItem = figures.line;
        this.symbolSuccess = logSymbols.success;
        this.symbolError = logSymbols.error;
        this.symbolWarning = logSymbols.warning;
        this.symbolInfo =;
        this.colorSuccess = this.colors.greenBright; // this.colors.rgb(0, 255, 0);
        this.colorError = this.colors.redBright; // this.colors.rgb(255, 0, 0);
        this.colorWarning = this.colors.yellow;
        this.colorInfo = this.colors.gray;
        this.colorHighlight = this.colors.yellowBright; // this.colors.rgb(255, 242, 0);
        this.colorText = this.colors.white;
        this.bgSuccess = this.colors.bgGreenBright;
        this.bgError = this.colors.bgRedBright;
        this.bgWarning = this.colors.bgYellow;
        this.bgInfo = this.colors.bgBlackBright; // bgGray does not exist in chalk
        this.bgHighlight = this.colors.bgYellowBright;
github thiagodp / concordialang / modules / app / CLI.ts View on Github external
return this.bgWarning;
        return this.bgSuccess;

    properSymbol( hasErrors: boolean, hasWarnings: boolean ): any {
        if ( hasErrors ) {
            return this.symbolError;
        if ( hasWarnings ) {
            return this.symbolWarning;
        return this.symbolSuccess;

    readonly symbolPointer = figures.pointerSmall;
    readonly symbolItem = figures.line;
    readonly symbolSuccess = logSymbols.success;
    readonly symbolError = logSymbols.error;
    readonly symbolWarning = logSymbols.warning;
    readonly symbolInfo =;

    readonly colorSuccess = this.colors.greenBright; // this.colors.rgb(0, 255, 0);
    readonly colorError = this.colors.redBright; // this.colors.rgb(255, 0, 0);
    readonly colorWarning = this.colors.yellow;
    readonly colorInfo = this.colors.gray;
    readonly colorHighlight = this.colors.yellowBright; // this.colors.rgb(255, 242, 0);
    readonly colorText = this.colors.white;

    readonly bgSuccess = this.colors.bgGreenBright;
    readonly bgError = this.colors.bgRedBright;
    readonly bgWarning = this.colors.bgYellow;
github avajs / ava / test / reporters / prefix-title.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const path = require('path');
const figures = require('figures');
const {test} = require('tap');
const chalk = require('../../lib/chalk').get();
const prefixTitle = require('../../lib/reporters/prefix-title');

const sep = ' ' + chalk.gray.dim(figures.pointerSmall) + ' ';

test('removes base if found at start of path', t => {`test${path.sep}`, path.normalize('test/run-status.js'), 'title'), `run-status${sep}title`);

test('does not remove base if found but not at start of path', t => {, path.normalize('test/run-status.js'), 'title'), `test${sep}run-status${sep}title`);

test('removes .js extension', t => {, 'run-status.js', 'title'), `run-status${sep}title`);
github beakerbrowser / hashbase / index.js View on Github external
module.exports = async function (config) {
  console.log(figures.heart, 'Hello friend')
  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Instantiating backend')
  var cloud = new Hypercloud(config)
  cloud.version = packageJson.version
  await cloud.setup()

  console.log(figures.pointerSmall, 'Instantiating server')
  var app = express()
  if (config.proxy) {
    app.set('trust proxy', 'loopback')
  } = cloud
  app.config = config
  app.approveDomains = approveDomains(config, cloud)

  app.locals = {
github absolunet / nwayo / packages / workflow / cli / doctor.js View on Github external
let extra = '';
				if (test.differences) {
					extra += test.differences.superfluous && test.differences.superfluous.length !== 0 ? chalk.yellow(` [+] ${test.differences.superfluous.join(' | ')}`) : '';
					extra += test.differences.missing     && test.differences.missing.length !== 0     ?` [-] ${test.differences.missing.join(' | ')}`) : '';
					extra += test.differences.mismatched  && test.differences.mismatched.length !== 0  ?` [*] ${test.differences.mismatched.join(' | ')}`) : '';

				if (test.outdated) {
					extra += `  ${chalk.dim(test.outdated.current)}${chalk.yellow(test.outdated.latest)}`;

				if (test.linterOutput) {
					extra += `\n${test.linterOutput}`;

				terminal.echo(`${`${figures.pointerSmall} ${figures.cross}`)}  ${test.message}${extra}`);
github klaussinani / signale / src / signale.js View on Github external

    if (this._config.displayTimestamp) {

    if (this._config.displayFilename) {

    if (this._scopeName.length !== 0 && this._config.displayScope) {

    if (meta.length !== 0) {
      return => grey(item));

    return meta;