How to use the figures.arrowRight function in figures

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few figures examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github dominique-mueller / simple-progress-webpack-plugin / logger / compact-logger.js View on Github external
betterModuleName = betterModuleName
					.replace( /\\/g, '/' )
					.replace( './', '' )
					.replace( 'multi ', '' );

				// Add extra details about whether the currently processed module is an internal or external one
				if ( betterModuleName.startsWith( 'node_modules' ) ) {
					betterModuleName = `${ betterModuleName } ~ external`;
				if ( betterModuleName.startsWith( 'src' ) ) {
					betterModuleName = `${ betterModuleName } ~ internal`;

				const [ betterModulesDone, betterAllModules ] = moduleProgress.split( '/' );
				const moduleDetails = `${ betterModulesDone } of ${ betterAllModules } :: ${ betterModuleName }`;
				logLines.push( chalk.grey( `    ${ figures.arrowRight } ${ moduleDetails }` ) );


		} else if ( progress > 0.7 ) {

			logLines.push( `  ${ figures.tick } Build modules` ) );


		if ( progress > 0.7 && progress < 0.95 ) {

			// Skip if we jumped back a step, else update the step counter
			if ( previousStep > 3 ) {
github neo-one-suite / neo-one / packages / neo-one-cli / src / interactive / createCRUD.js View on Github external
if (typeof task.skipped === 'string') {
          data = task.skipped;
      } else if (data == null) {
        data = task.message;

      if (data != null) {
        data = stripAnsi(
        const out = indentString(`${figures.arrowRight} ${data}`, level, '  ');
          // $FlowFixMe
          `   ${chalk.gray(cliTruncate(out, process.stdout.columns - 3))}`,

    if (
      (task.pending || task.error != null || !task.collapse) &&
      task.subtasks != null &&
      task.subtasks.length > 0
    ) {
      output = output.concat(renderTasks(task.subtasks, spinners, level + 1));
github thiagodp / concordialang / dist / plugins / codeceptjs / TestScriptExecutor.js View on Github external
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            const iconInfo = chalk_1.default.blueBright(;
            const iconArrow = chalk_1.default.yellow(figures_1.arrowRight);
            const iconError = chalk_1.default.redBright(figures_1.cross);
            const iconWarning = chalk_1.default.yellow(figures_1.warning);
            const textColor = chalk_1.default.cyanBright;
            const textCommand = chalk_1.default.cyan;
            const highlight = chalk_1.default.yellowBright;
            if (!!options.sourceCodeDir) {
            if (!!options.executionResultDir) {
            const executionPath = process.cwd();
            const cfgMaker = new ConfigMaker_1.ConfigMaker();
            const writeF = util_1.promisify(fs_1.writeFile);
            // About codeceptj.json ------------------------------------------------
            const CONFIG_FILE_NAME = 'codecept.json';
github Financial-Times / origami-build-tools / lib / helpers / listr-renderer.js View on Github external
const renderHelper = (tasks, options, level) => {
	level = level || 0;

	let output = [];

	for (const task of tasks) {
		if (task.isEnabled()) {
			const skipped = task.isSkipped() ? ` ${chalk.dim('[skipped]')}` : '';

			output.push(indentString(` ${getSymbol(task, options)} ${task.title}${skipped}`, level, '  '));

			if ((task.isPending() || task.isSkipped() || task.hasFailed() || task.isCompleted()) && isDefined(task.output)) {
				const data = task.output.split('\n');
				if (Array.isArray(data) && data.length) {
					for (const datum of data) {
						const out = indentString(`${figures.arrowRight} ${datum}`, level, '  ');
						output.push(`   ${chalk.gray(out)}`);

			if ((task.isPending() || task.hasFailed() || options.collapse === false) && (task.hasFailed() || options.showSubtasks !== false) && task.subtasks.length > 0) {
				output = output.concat(renderHelper(task.subtasks, options, level + 1));

	return output.join('\n');
github SamVerschueren / listr-update-renderer / index.js View on Github external
output.push(indentString(` ${utils.getSymbol(task, options)} ${task.title}${skipped}`, level, '  '));

			if ((task.isPending() || task.isSkipped() || task.hasFailed()) && utils.isDefined(task.output)) {
				let data = task.output;

				if (typeof data === 'string') {
					data = stripAnsi(data.trim().split('\n').filter(Boolean).pop());

					if (data === '') {
						data = undefined;

				if (utils.isDefined(data)) {
					const out = indentString(`${figures.arrowRight} ${data}`, level, '  ');
					output.push(`   ${chalk.gray(cliTruncate(out, process.stdout.columns - 3))}`);

			if ((task.isPending() || task.hasFailed() || options.collapse === false) && (task.hasFailed() || options.showSubtasks !== false) && task.subtasks.length > 0) {
				output = output.concat(renderHelper(task.subtasks, options, level + 1));

	return output.join('\n');
github rispa-io / rispa-cli / src / utils / ListrRender.js View on Github external
state: task => {
    const message = createMessage(task)

    log(`${chalk.bold(task.title)} ${message}`)

    if (task.isSkipped() && task.output) {
      log(`${} ${chalk.grey(task.output)}`)
  data: (task, event) => {
github zaaack / foy / src / cli-loading.ts View on Github external
renderDepsTree(depsTree: DepsTree, output: string[] = []) {
    let indent = Array(depsTree.depth * this.props.indent)
      .fill(' ')
    let frames = Spinners.dots.frames as string[]
    let symbol = {
      [TaskState.waiting]: chalk.gray(logFigures.ellipsis),
      [TaskState.pending]: chalk.blueBright(logFigures.arrowRight),
      [TaskState.loading]: chalk.cyan(frames[this.count(depsTree.uid) % frames.length]),
      [TaskState.skipped]: chalk.yellow(,
    let color =
      (this.props.grayState || [TaskState.waiting]).indexOf(depsTree.state) >= 0
        ? f => chalk.gray(f)
        : f => f
    let skipped = depsTree.state === TaskState.skipped
      `${indent}${symbol} ${color(}${skipped ? chalk.gray(` [skipped]`) : ''}${depsTree.priority ? chalk.gray(` [priority: ${depsTree.priority}]`) : ''}`,
    let childDeps = ([] as DepsTree[])
github dpricha89 / cloudsu / node_modules / grunt-contrib-uglify / node_modules / maxmin / index.js View on Github external
'use strict';
var gzipSize = require('gzip-size');
var prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var figures = require('figures');
var arrow = ' ' + figures.arrowRight + ' ';

function format(size) {

module.exports = function (max, min, useGzip) {
	if (max == null || min == null) {
		throw new Error('`max` and `min` required');

	var ret = format(typeof max === 'number' ? max : max.length) + arrow + format(typeof min === 'number' ? min : min.length);

	if (useGzip === true && typeof min !== 'number') {
		ret += arrow + format(gzipSize.sync(min)) + chalk.gray(' (gzip)');
github sindresorhus / maxmin / index.js View on Github external
'use strict';
var gzipSize = require('gzip-size');
var prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var figures = require('figures');
var arrow = ' ' + figures.arrowRight + ' ';

function format(size) {

module.exports = function (max, min, useGzip) {
	var ret = format(typeof max === 'number' ? max : max.length) + arrow + format(typeof min === 'number' ? min : min.length);

	if (useGzip === true && typeof min !== 'number') {
		ret += arrow + format(gzipSize.sync(min)) + chalk.gray(' (gzip)');

	return ret;
github ForbesLindesay / stop / lib / minify-css.js View on Github external
'use strict';

var util = require('util');
var barrage = require('barrage');
var css = require('css');
var CleanCSS = require('clean-css');
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var chalk = require('chalk');
var prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes');
var figures = require('figures');
var arrow = ' ' + figures.arrowRight + ' ';

function cleanCSS(css) {
  return new CleanCSS().minify(css).styles;

function formatSize(size, tag) {
  return + ' ' + chalk.gray('(' + tag + ')');
module.exports = eliminateDeadStyles;
function eliminateDeadStyles(options) {
  options = options || {};
  if (!options.deadCode) {
    var stream = new barrage.Transform({objectMode: true});
    stream._transform = function (page, _, cb) {
      if (page.headers['content-type'].indexOf('text/css') !== -1 && (!options.filter || options.filter(page.url))) {
        var before = page.body.length;