How to use the expo-av.Video.RESIZE_MODE_COVER function in expo-av

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github expo / expo / apps / native-component-list / src / screens / AV / VideoPlayer.tsx View on Github external
            iconName: 'move',
            title: 'Resize mode – stretch',
            onPress: this._resizeModeSetter(Video.RESIZE_MODE_STRETCH),
            active: this.state.resizeMode === Video.RESIZE_MODE_STRETCH,
            iconName: 'log-in',
            title: 'Resize mode – contain',
            onPress: this._resizeModeSetter(Video.RESIZE_MODE_CONTAIN),
            active: this.state.resizeMode === Video.RESIZE_MODE_CONTAIN,
            iconName: 'qr-scanner',
            title: 'Resize mode – cover',
            onPress: this._resizeModeSetter(Video.RESIZE_MODE_COVER),
            active: this.state.resizeMode === Video.RESIZE_MODE_COVER,
            iconName: 'resize',
            title: 'Open fullscreen',
            onPress: this._openFullscreen,
            active: false,
github expo / expo / apps / native-component-list / src / screens / AV / VideoPlayer.tsx View on Github external
iconName: 'move',
            title: 'Resize mode – stretch',
            onPress: this._resizeModeSetter(Video.RESIZE_MODE_STRETCH),
            active: this.state.resizeMode === Video.RESIZE_MODE_STRETCH,
            iconName: 'log-in',
            title: 'Resize mode – contain',
            onPress: this._resizeModeSetter(Video.RESIZE_MODE_CONTAIN),
            active: this.state.resizeMode === Video.RESIZE_MODE_CONTAIN,
            iconName: 'qr-scanner',
            title: 'Resize mode – cover',
            onPress: this._resizeModeSetter(Video.RESIZE_MODE_COVER),
            active: this.state.resizeMode === Video.RESIZE_MODE_COVER,
            iconName: 'resize',
            title: 'Open fullscreen',
            onPress: this._openFullscreen,
            active: false,