How to use the expo-av.Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_ANDROID_DO_NOT_MIX function in expo-av

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github expo / audio-recording-example / App.js View on Github external
isLoading: true,
    try {
      await this.recording.stopAndUnloadAsync();
    } catch (error) {
      // Do nothing -- we are already unloaded.
    const info = await FileSystem.getInfoAsync(this.recording.getURI());
    console.log(`FILE INFO: ${JSON.stringify(info)}`);
    await Audio.setAudioModeAsync({
      allowsRecordingIOS: false,
      interruptionModeIOS: Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_IOS_DO_NOT_MIX,
      playsInSilentModeIOS: true,
      playsInSilentLockedModeIOS: true,
      shouldDuckAndroid: true,
      interruptionModeAndroid: Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_ANDROID_DO_NOT_MIX,
      playThroughEarpieceAndroid: false,
      staysActiveInBackground: true,
    const { sound, status } = await this.recording.createNewLoadedSoundAsync(
        isLooping: true,
        isMuted: this.state.muted,
        volume: this.state.volume,
        rate: this.state.rate,
        shouldCorrectPitch: this.state.shouldCorrectPitch,
    this.sound = sound;
      isLoading: false,
github expo / expo / apps / native-component-list / src / screens / AV / AudioModeSelector.ios.tsx View on Github external
_applyMode = async () => {
    try {
      await Audio.setAudioModeAsync({
        // Android values don't matter, this is iOS-only selector
        shouldDuckAndroid: false,
        interruptionModeAndroid: Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_ANDROID_DO_NOT_MIX,
        playThroughEarpieceAndroid: false,
      this.setState({ setMode: this.state.modeToSet });
    } catch (error) {
github NervJS / taro / packages / taro-rn / src / api / media / record.ts View on Github external
audioSource = 'auto'
    }: any = opts
    let options = {
      android: Object.assign({},, {sampleRate, numberOfChannels, bitRate: encodeBitRate}),
      ios: Object.assign({}, RecorderManager.RecordingOptions.ios, {sampleRate, numberOfChannels, bitRate: encodeBitRate})
    try {
      const res = RecorderManager.recordInstance.getStatusAsync()
      console.log('res', res)
      await Audio.setAudioModeAsync({
        allowsRecordingIOS: true,
        interruptionModeIOS: Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_IOS_DO_NOT_MIX,
        playsInSilentModeIOS: true,
        staysActiveInBackground: false,
        shouldDuckAndroid: true,
        interruptionModeAndroid: Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_ANDROID_DO_NOT_MIX,
        playThroughEarpieceAndroid: true
      } as any)
      await RecorderManager.recordInstance.prepareToRecordAsync(options)
      const res2 = RecorderManager.recordInstance.getStatusAsync()
      console.log('res2', res2)
      await RecorderManager.recordInstance.startAsync()
    } catch (error) {
      this.onErrorCallback && this.onErrorCallback({errMsg: error.message})
github serlo / serlo-abc / src / components / helpers / PlaySounds.tsx View on Github external
.then(() =>
              staysActiveInBackground: true,
              allowsRecordingIOS: false,
              interruptionModeIOS: Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_IOS_DO_NOT_MIX,
              playsInSilentModeIOS: true,
              shouldDuckAndroid: true,
              playThroughEarpieceAndroid: false
github expo / playlist-example / App.js View on Github external
({ throughEarpiece }) =>
          allowsRecordingIOS: false,
          interruptionModeIOS: Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_IOS_DO_NOT_MIX,
          playsInSilentModeIOS: true,
          shouldDuckAndroid: true,
          interruptionModeAndroid: Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_ANDROID_DO_NOT_MIX,
          playThroughEarpieceAndroid: throughEarpiece
github serlo / serlo-abc / src / components / helpers / PlaySounds.tsx View on Github external
.then(() =>
              staysActiveInBackground: true,
              allowsRecordingIOS: true,
              interruptionModeIOS: Audio.INTERRUPTION_MODE_IOS_DO_NOT_MIX,
              playsInSilentModeIOS: true,
              shouldDuckAndroid: true,
              playThroughEarpieceAndroid: false