How to use the breeze-client.EntityState.Modified function in breeze-client

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github forCrowd / WealthFramework / ng2Client / app / main / modules / data / data.service.ts View on Github external
private prepareSaveBatches() {

        let batches: any[] = [];

        // RowVersion fix
        // TODO How about Deleted state?
        let modifiedEntities = this.getChanges(null, EntityState.Modified);
        modifiedEntities.forEach((entity: any) => {
            var rowVersion = entity.RowVersion;
            entity.RowVersion = "";
            entity.RowVersion = rowVersion;

        /* Aaargh! 
        * Web API OData doesn't calculate the proper save order
        * which means, if we aren't careful on the client,
        * we could save a new TodoItem before we saved its parent new TodoList
        * or delete the parent TodoList before saving its deleted child TodoItems.
        * OData says it is up to the client to save entities in the order
        * required by referential constraints of the database.
        * While we could save each time you make a change, that sucks.
        * So we'll divvy up the pending changes into 4 batches
github forCrowd / WealthFramework / Connect2EffectDemo / app / modules / data / data.service.ts View on Github external
private prepareSaveBatches() {

        let batches: any[] = [];

        // RowVersion fix
        // TODO How about Deleted state?
        let modifiedEntities = this.getChanges(null, EntityState.Modified);
        modifiedEntities.forEach((entity: any) => {
            var rowVersion = entity.RowVersion;
            entity.RowVersion = "";
            entity.RowVersion = rowVersion;

        /* Aaargh! 
        * Web API OData doesn't calculate the proper save order
        * which means, if we aren't careful on the client,
        * we could save a new TodoItem before we saved its parent new TodoList
        * or delete the parent TodoList before saving its deleted child TodoItems.
        * OData says it is up to the client to save entities in the order
        * required by referential constraints of the database.
        * While we could save each time you make a change, that sucks.
        * So we'll divvy up the pending changes into 4 batches