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* we could save a new TodoItem before we saved its parent new TodoList
* or delete the parent TodoList before saving its deleted child TodoItems.
* OData says it is up to the client to save entities in the order
* required by referential constraints of the database.
* While we could save each time you make a change, that sucks.
* So we"ll divvy up the pending changes into 4 batches
* 1. Deleted Todos
* 2. Deleted TodoLists
* 3. Added TodoLists
* 4. Every other change
batches.push(getChanges("UserElementCell", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementCell", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementItem", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("UserElementField", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementField", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("Element", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("UserResourcePool", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("ResourcePool", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("ResourcePool", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("UserResourcePool", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("Element", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementField", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("UserElementField", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementItem", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementCell", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("UserElementCell", breeze.EntityState.Added));
// batches.push(null); // empty = save all remaining pending changes
function prepareSaveBatches() {
var batches = [];
// RowVersion fix
// TODO How about Deleted state?
var modifiedEntities = getChanges(null, breeze.EntityState.Modified);
modifiedEntities.forEach(entity => {
var rowVersion = entity.RowVersion;
entity.RowVersion = "";
entity.RowVersion = rowVersion;
/* Aaargh!
* Web API OData doesn"t calculate the proper save order
* which means, if we aren"t careful on the client,
* we could save a new TodoItem before we saved its parent new TodoList
* or delete the parent TodoList before saving its deleted child TodoItems.
* OData says it is up to the client to save entities in the order
* required by referential constraints of the database.
* While we could save each time you make a change, that sucks.
* So we"ll divvy up the pending changes into 4 batches
batches.push(getChanges("ElementCell", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementItem", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("UserElementField", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementField", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("Element", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("UserResourcePool", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("ResourcePool", breeze.EntityState.Deleted));
batches.push(getChanges("ResourcePool", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("UserResourcePool", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("Element", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementField", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("UserElementField", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementItem", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("ElementCell", breeze.EntityState.Added));
batches.push(getChanges("UserElementCell", breeze.EntityState.Added));
// batches.push(null); // empty = save all remaining pending changes
return batches;
* No we can"t flatten into one request because Web API OData reorders
* arbitrarily, causing the database failure we"re trying to avoid.