How to use bitsharesjs - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bitsharesjs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bitshares / bitshares-ui / app / components / Account / AccountAssetCreate.jsx View on Github external
// let asset = props.asset.toJS();
        let isBitAsset = false;
        let precision = utils.get_asset_precision(4);
        let corePrecision = utils.get_asset_precision(

        let {flagBooleans, permissionBooleans} = this._getPermissions({

        // let flags = assetUtils.getFlags(flagBooleans);
        // let permissions = assetUtils.getPermissions(permissionBooleans, isBitAsset);
        // console.log("all permissions:", permissionBooleans, permissions)

        let coreRateBaseAssetName = ChainStore.getAsset("1.3.0").get("symbol");

        return {
            update: {
                symbol: "",
                precision: 4,
                max_supply: 100000,
                max_market_fee: 0,
                market_fee_percent: 0,
                description: {main: ""}
            errors: {
                max_supply: null
            isValid: true,
            flagBooleans: flagBooleans,
            permissionBooleans: permissionBooleans,
github GamechainSystem / GameChainBase / GameChainBlockWallet / app / actions / AssetActions.js View on Github external
createAsset(account_id, createObject, flags, permissions, cer, isBitAsset, is_prediction_market, bitasset_opts, description) {
        // Create asset action here...
        console.log("create asset:", createObject, "flags:", flags, "isBitAsset:", isBitAsset, "bitasset_opts:", bitasset_opts);
        let tr = wallet_api.new_transaction();
        let precision = utils.get_asset_precision(createObject.precision);

        big.config({DECIMAL_PLACES: createObject.precision});
        let max_supply = (new big(createObject.max_supply)).times(precision).toString();
        let max_market_fee = (new big(createObject.max_market_fee || 0)).times(precision).toString();
        // console.log("max_supply:", max_supply);
        // console.log("max_market_fee:", max_market_fee);

        let corePrecision = utils.get_asset_precision(ChainStore.getAsset(cer.base.asset_id).get("precision"));

        let operationJSON = {
            "fee": {
                amount: 0,
                asset_id: 0
            "issuer": account_id,
            "symbol": createObject.symbol,
            "precision": parseInt(createObject.precision, 10),
            "common_options": {
                "max_supply": max_supply,
                "market_fee_percent": createObject.market_fee_percent * 100 || 0,
                "max_market_fee": max_market_fee,
                "issuer_permissions": permissions,
                "flags": flags,
                "core_exchange_rate": {
github GamechainSystem / GameChainBase / GameChainBlockWallet / app / api / ApplicationApi.js View on Github external
optional_nonce = null,
        propose_account = null,
        fee_asset_id = "1.3.0",
    }) {
        let memo_sender = propose_account || from_account;

        let unlock_promise = WalletUnlockActions.unlock();
        return Promise.all([
            FetchChain("getAccount", from_account),
            FetchChain("getAccount", to_account),
            FetchChain("getAccount", memo_sender),
            FetchChain("getAccount", propose_account),
            FetchChain("getAsset", asset),
            FetchChain("getAsset", fee_asset_id),
        ]).then((res)=> {

            let [
                chain_from, chain_to, chain_memo_sender, chain_propose_account,
                chain_asset, chain_fee_asset
            ] = res;

            let memo_from_public, memo_to_public;
            if( memo && encrypt_memo  ) {

                memo_from_public = chain_memo_sender.getIn(["options","memo_key"]);
                // The 1s are base58 for all zeros (null)
                if( /111111111111111111111/.test(memo_from_public)) {
                    memo_from_public = null;
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / app / components / Account / AccountSelectorAnt.jsx View on Github external
let {onChange, onAccountChanged, accountName} = this.props;

        let _accountName = this.getVerifiedAccountName(e);

        if (_accountName === accountName) {
            // nothing has changed, don't notify

        // Synchronous onChange for input change
        if (!!onChange && (!!_accountName || _accountName === ""))

        // asynchronous onAccountChanged for checking on chain
        if (!!onAccountChanged) {
            FetchChain("getAccount", _accountName, undefined, {
                [_accountName]: false
                .then(_account => {
                    if (!!_account) {
                .catch(err => {
                    // error fetching
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / web / app / api / ApplicationApi.js View on Github external
        encrypt_memo = true,
        optional_nonce = null
        ) {

        let unlock_promise = WalletUnlockActions.unlock();

        return Promise.all([
            FetchChain("getAccount", from_account),
            FetchChain("getAccount", to_account),
        ]).then((res)=> {
            let [chain_memo_sender, chain_to] = res;

            let memo_from_public, memo_to_public;
            if( memo && encrypt_memo  ) {

                memo_from_public = chain_memo_sender.getIn(["options","memo_key"]);

                // The 1s are base58 for all zeros (null)
                if( /111111111111111111111/.test(memo_from_public)) {
                    memo_from_public = null;

                memo_to_public = chain_to.getIn(["options","memo_key"])
                if( /111111111111111111111/.test(memo_to_public)) {
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / web / app / components / Utility / EquivalentValueComponent.jsx View on Github external
render() {
        let {amount, toAsset, fromAsset, fullPrecision, marketStats} = this.props;
        let coreAsset = ChainStore.getAsset("1.3.0");
        let toStats, fromStats;

        let toID = toAsset.get("id");
        let toSymbol = toAsset.get("symbol");
        let fromID = fromAsset.get("id");
        let fromSymbol = fromAsset.get("symbol");

        if (!fullPrecision) {
            amount = utils.get_asset_amount(amount, fromAsset);

        // console.log("marketStats:", marketStats.toJS());
        if (coreAsset && marketStats) {
            let coreSymbol = coreAsset.get("symbol");
            toStats = marketStats.get(toSymbol + "_" + coreSymbol);
            fromStats = marketStats.get(fromSymbol + "_" + coreSymbol);
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / app / components / Account / AccountVoting.jsx View on Github external
                .sort((a, b) => {
                    return (
                        parseInt(a.split(".")[2], 10) -
                        parseInt(b.split(".")[2], 10)
            const lastActive = active.last() || `1.${isWitness ? "6" : "5"}.1`;
            lastIdx = parseInt(lastActive.split(".")[2], 10);
            for (var i = 1; i <= lastIdx + 10; i++) {
                vote_ids.push(`1.${isWitness ? "6" : "5"}.${i}`);
        } else {
            lastIdx = parseInt(vote_ids[vote_ids.length - 1].split(".")[2], 10);
        FetchChainObjects(ChainStore.getObject, vote_ids, 5000, {}).then(
            vote_objs => {
                this.state[`all_${type}`] = current.concat(
                            .filter(a => !!a)
                            .map(a =>
                                        ? "witness_account"
                                        : "committee_member_account"
                if (!!vote_objs[vote_objs.length - 1]) {
                    // there are more valid vote objs, fetch 10 more
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / app / components / Account / AccountVoting.jsx View on Github external
const hasProxy = proxy_account_id !== "1.2.5";
        if (hasProxy && proxyOptions) {
            let proxy_votes = proxyOptions.get("votes");
            let proxy_vote_ids = proxy_votes.toArray();
            proxy_vids = Immutable.Set(proxy_vote_ids);

            proxyPromise = FetchChainObjects(

            FetchChainObjects(ChainStore.getObjectByVoteID, vote_ids, 10000),
        ]).then(res => {
            const [vote_objs, proxy_vote_objs] = res;
            function sortVoteObjects(objects) {
                let witnesses = new Immutable.List();
                let committee = new Immutable.List();
                let workers = new Immutable.Set();
                objects.forEach(obj => {
                    let account_id = obj.get("committee_member_account");
                    if (account_id) {
                        committee = committee.push(account_id);
                    } else if ((account_id = obj.get("worker_account"))) {
                        // console.log( "worker: ", obj );
                        //     workers = workers.add(obj.get("id"));
                    } else if ((account_id = obj.get("witness_account"))) {
                        witnesses = witnesses.push(account_id);
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / app / stores / WalletDb.js View on Github external
        /* If sequence is 0 this is the first lookup, so check at least the first 10 positions */
        const loopMax = !sequence
            ? Math.max(sequence + this.brainkey_look_ahead, 10)
            : sequence + this.brainkey_look_ahead;
        // console.log("generateNextKey, save:", save, "sequence:", sequence, "loopMax", loopMax, "brainkey_look_ahead:", this.brainkey_look_ahead);

        for (let i = sequence; i < loopMax; i++) {
            let private_key = key.get_brainPrivateKey(brainkey, i);
            let pubkey = this.generateNextKey_pubcache[i]
                ? this.generateNextKey_pubcache[i]
                : (this.generateNextKey_pubcache[
                  ] = private_key.toPublicKey().toPublicKeyString());

            let next_key = ChainStore.getAccountRefsOfKey(pubkey);
            // TODO if ( next_key === undefined ) return undefined

            /* If next_key exists, it means the generated private key controls an account, so we need to save it */
            if (next_key && next_key.size) {
                used_sequence = i;
                    "WARN: Private key sequence " +
                        used_sequence +
                        " in-use. " +
                        "I am saving the private key and will go onto the next one."
                this.saveKey(private_key, used_sequence);
                // this.brainkey_look_ahead++;
        if (used_sequence !== null) {
github GamechainSystem / GameChainBase / GameChainBlockWallet / app / components / wallet / ImportKey.js View on Github external
addByPattern(contents) {
        if (!contents)
            return false

        var count = 0, invalid_count = 0
        var wif_regex = /5[HJK][1-9A-Za-z]{49}/g
        for (let wif of contents.match(wif_regex) || []) {
            try {
                var private_key = PrivateKey.fromWif(wif) //could throw and error
                var private_plainhex = private_key.toBuffer().toString('hex')
                var public_key = private_key.toPublicKey() // S L O W
                var public_key_string = public_key.toPublicKeyString()
                this.state.imported_keys_public[public_key_string] = true
                this.state.keys_to_account[private_plainhex] = {
                    account_names: [], public_key_string
            } catch (e) {
                console.error('addByPattern:', e);
            key_text_message: 'Found ' +
            (!count ? "" : count + " valid") +