How to use the bitsharesjs/es.ChainStore.getObject function in bitsharesjs

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github bitshares / bitshares-ui / app / components / DepositWithdraw / citadel / WithdrawModalCitadel.jsx View on Github external

        function hasBalance(id) {
            if (feeStatus[id] === undefined) return true;
            return feeStatus[id] && feeStatus[id].hasBalance;

        let fee_asset_types = [];
        if (!(from_account && from_account.get("balances"))) {
            return {fee_asset_types};
        let account_balances = state.from_account.get("balances").toJS();
        fee_asset_types = Object.keys(account_balances).sort(utils.sortID);
        for (let key in account_balances) {
            let asset = ChainStore.getObject(key);
            let balanceObject = ChainStore.getObject(account_balances[key]);
            if (balanceObject && balanceObject.get("balance") === 0) {
                if (fee_asset_types.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
                    fee_asset_types.splice(fee_asset_types.indexOf(key), 1);

            if (asset) {
                // Remove any assets that do not have valid core exchange rates
                let priceIsValid = false,
                try {
                    p = new Price({
                        base: new Asset(
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / app / components / DepositWithdraw / xbtsx / XbtsxWithdrawModal.jsx View on Github external

        function hasBalance(id) {
            if (feeStatus[id] === undefined) return true;
            return feeStatus[id] && feeStatus[id].hasBalance;

        let fee_asset_types = [];
        if (!(from_account && from_account.get("balances"))) {
            return {fee_asset_types};
        let account_balances = state.from_account.get("balances").toJS();
        fee_asset_types = Object.keys(account_balances).sort(utils.sortID);
        for (let key in account_balances) {
            let asset = ChainStore.getObject(key);
            let balanceObject = ChainStore.getObject(account_balances[key]);
            if (balanceObject && balanceObject.get("balance") === 0) {
                if (fee_asset_types.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
                    fee_asset_types.splice(fee_asset_types.indexOf(key), 1);

            if (asset) {
                // Remove any assets that do not have valid core exchange rates
                let priceIsValid = false,
                try {
                    p = new Price({
                        base: new Asset(
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / app / components / Modal / WithdrawModalNew.jsx View on Github external
return feeStatus[id] && feeStatus[id].hasPoolBalance;

        function hasBalance(id) {
            if (feeStatus[id] === undefined) return true;
            return feeStatus[id] && feeStatus[id].hasBalance;

        let fee_asset_types = [];
        if (!(btsAccount && btsAccount.get("balances"))) {
            return {fee_asset_types};
        let account_balances = btsAccount.get("balances").toJS();
        fee_asset_types = Object.keys(account_balances).sort(utils.sortID);
        for (let key in account_balances) {
            let asset = ChainStore.getObject(key);
            let balanceObject = ChainStore.getObject(account_balances[key]);
            if (balanceObject && balanceObject.get("balance") === 0) {
                if (fee_asset_types.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
                    fee_asset_types.splice(fee_asset_types.indexOf(key), 1);

            if (asset) {
                // Remove any assets that do not have valid core exchange rates
                let priceIsValid = false,
                try {
                    p = new Price({
                        base: new Asset(
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / app / components / DepositWithdraw / citadel / WithdrawModalCitadel.jsx View on Github external
return feeStatus[id] && feeStatus[id].hasPoolBalance;

        function hasBalance(id) {
            if (feeStatus[id] === undefined) return true;
            return feeStatus[id] && feeStatus[id].hasBalance;

        let fee_asset_types = [];
        if (!(from_account && from_account.get("balances"))) {
            return {fee_asset_types};
        let account_balances = state.from_account.get("balances").toJS();
        fee_asset_types = Object.keys(account_balances).sort(utils.sortID);
        for (let key in account_balances) {
            let asset = ChainStore.getObject(key);
            let balanceObject = ChainStore.getObject(account_balances[key]);
            if (balanceObject && balanceObject.get("balance") === 0) {
                if (fee_asset_types.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
                    fee_asset_types.splice(fee_asset_types.indexOf(key), 1);

            if (asset) {
                // Remove any assets that do not have valid core exchange rates
                let priceIsValid = false,
                try {
                    p = new Price({
                        base: new Asset(
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / web / app / components / Explorer / Witnesses.jsx View on Github external
render() {
        let {witness, isCurrent, rank} = this.props;
        let witness_data = ChainStore.getWitnessById( this.props.witness.get('id') );
        if ( !witness_data ) return null;
        let total_votes = witness_data.get( "total_votes" );

        let witness_aslot = witness_data.get('last_aslot')
        let color = {};
        if( this.props.most_recent - witness_aslot > 100 ) {
           color = {borderLeft: "1px solid #FCAB53"};
        else {
           color = {borderLeft: "1px solid #50D2C2"};
        let last_aslot_time = new Date( - ((this.props.most_recent - witness_aslot ) * ChainStore.getObject( "2.0.0" ).getIn( ["parameters","block_interval"] )*1000));

        let currentClass = isCurrent ? "active-witness" : "";

        let missed = witness_data.get('total_missed');
        let missedClass = classNames("txtlabel",
            {"success": missed <= 500 },
            {"info": missed > 500 && missed <= 1250},
            {"warning": missed > 1250 && missed <= 2000},
            {"error": missed >= 200}

        return (
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / web / app / components / Explorer / Witnesses.jsx View on Github external
.filter(a => {
                    if (!a) { return false; }
                    let account = ChainStore.getObject(a.get("witness_account"));
                    if (!account) return false;
                    let name = account.get("name");
                    if (!name) return false;
                    return name.indexOf(this.props.filter) !== -1;
                .sort((a, b) => {
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / web / app / components / Utility / FormattedAsset.jsx View on Github external
if (hide_amount) {
            colorClass += " no-amount";

        if (asPercentage) {
            let supply = parseInt(asset.dynamic.current_supply, 10);
            let percent = utils.format_number((amount / supply) * 100, 4);
            return (


        let issuer = ChainStore.getObject(asset.issuer, false, false);
        let issuerName = issuer ? issuer.get('name') : '';

        let description = assetUtils.parseDescription(asset.options.description);

        const currency_popover_body = !hide_asset &amp;&amp; this.props.assetInfo &amp;&amp; <div>

        return (
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / web / app / components / Utility / BindToChainState.jsx View on Github external
update(next_props = null)
            //let keep_updating = (options && options.keep_updating) || this.props.keep_updating;
            //if(!next_props && !keep_updating && this.state.resolved) return;

            let props = next_props || this.props;
            let new_state = {};
            let all_objects_counter = 0;
            let resolved_objects_counter = 0;
            for( let key of this.chain_objects )
                let prop = props[key] || this.dynamic_props[key] || this.default_props[key];
                if(prop) {
                    let new_obj = ChainStore.getObject(prop, false, this.default_props["autosubscribe"]);
                    if (new_obj === undefined && this.required_props.indexOf(key) === -1 && new_obj !== this.state[key]) new_state[key] = new_obj;
                    else if (new_obj && new_obj !== this.state[key]) new_state[key] = new_obj;
                    if (new_obj !== undefined) ++resolved_objects_counter;
                } else {
                    if(this.state[key]) new_state[key] = null;
            for( let key of this.chain_accounts )
                let prop = props[key] || this.dynamic_props[key] || this.default_props[key];
                if(prop) {
                    if(prop[0] === "#" && Number.parseInt(prop.substring(1)))
                        prop = "1.2." + prop.substring(1);
                    let new_obj = ChainStore.getAccount(prop, this.default_props["autosubscribe"]);
                    if (new_obj === undefined && this.required_props.indexOf(key) === -1 && new_obj !== this.state[key]) new_state[key] = new_obj;
github bitshares / bitshares-ui / web / app / components / Transfer / Transfer.jsx View on Github external
_getAvailableAssets(state = this.state) {
        const { from_account, from_error } = state;
        let asset_types = [], fee_asset_types = [];
        if (!(from_account && from_account.get("balances") && !from_error)) {
            return {asset_types, fee_asset_types};
        let account_balances = state.from_account.get("balances").toJS();
        asset_types = Object.keys(account_balances).sort(utils.sortID);
        fee_asset_types = Object.keys(account_balances).sort(utils.sortID);
        for (let key in account_balances) {
            let asset = ChainStore.getObject(key);
            let balanceObject = ChainStore.getObject(account_balances[key]);
            if (balanceObject && balanceObject.get("balance") === 0) {
                asset_types.splice(asset_types.indexOf(key), 1);
                if (fee_asset_types.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
                    fee_asset_types.splice(fee_asset_types.indexOf(key), 1);

            if (asset) {
                if (asset.get("id") !== "1.3.0" && !utils.isValidPrice(asset.getIn(["options", "core_exchange_rate"]))) {
                    fee_asset_types.splice(fee_asset_types.indexOf(key), 1);

        return {asset_types, fee_asset_types};