How to use the babylonjs-gltf2interface.AnimationChannelTargetPath.TRANSLATION function in babylonjs-gltf2interface

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github BabylonJS / Babylon.js / serializers / src / glTF / 2.0 / glTFAnimation.ts View on Github external
                        if (!babylonTransformNode.parent) {
                            basePositionRotationOrScale = Quaternion.FromArray([0, 1, 0, 0]).multiply(Quaternion.FromArray(basePositionRotationOrScale)).asArray();
                else {
                    basePositionRotationOrScale = Quaternion.Identity().asArray();
            else {
                basePositionRotationOrScale = babylonTransformNode.rotation.asArray();
        else if (animationChannelTargetPath === AnimationChannelTargetPath.TRANSLATION) {
            basePositionRotationOrScale = babylonTransformNode.position.asArray();
            if (convertToRightHandedSystem) {
        else { // scale
            basePositionRotationOrScale = babylonTransformNode.scaling.asArray();
        return basePositionRotationOrScale;
github BabylonJS / Babylon.js / serializers / src / glTF / 2.0 / glTFAnimation.ts View on Github external
        else if (animationType === Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT) { // handles single component x, y, z or w component animation by using a base property and animating over a component.
            newPositionRotationOrScale = this._ConvertFactorToVector3OrQuaternion(keyFrame.value as number, babylonTransformNode, animation, animationType, animationChannelTargetPath, convertToRightHandedSystem, useQuaternion);
            if (newPositionRotationOrScale) {
                if (animationChannelTargetPath === AnimationChannelTargetPath.ROTATION) {
                    let posRotScale = useQuaternion ? newPositionRotationOrScale as Quaternion : Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(newPositionRotationOrScale.y, newPositionRotationOrScale.x, newPositionRotationOrScale.z).normalize();
                    if (convertToRightHandedSystem) {

                        if (!babylonTransformNode.parent) {
                            posRotScale = Quaternion.FromArray([0, 1, 0, 0]).multiply(posRotScale);
                else if (animationChannelTargetPath === AnimationChannelTargetPath.TRANSLATION) {
                    if (convertToRightHandedSystem) {
                        _GLTFUtilities._GetRightHandedNormalVector3FromRef(newPositionRotationOrScale as Vector3);

                        if (!babylonTransformNode.parent) {
                            newPositionRotationOrScale.x *= -1;
                            newPositionRotationOrScale.z *= -1;
        else if (animationType === Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_QUATERNION) {
            value = (keyFrame.value as Quaternion).normalize().asArray();

            if (convertToRightHandedSystem) {
github BabylonJS / Babylon.js / serializers / src / glTF / 2.0 / glTFAnimation.ts View on Github external
private static _DeduceAnimationInfo(animation: Animation): Nullable<_IAnimationInfo> {
        let animationChannelTargetPath: Nullable = null;
        let dataAccessorType = AccessorType.VEC3;
        let useQuaternion: boolean = false;
        let property = animation.targetProperty.split('.');
        switch (property[0]) {
            case 'scaling': {
                animationChannelTargetPath = AnimationChannelTargetPath.SCALE;
            case 'position': {
                animationChannelTargetPath = AnimationChannelTargetPath.TRANSLATION;
            case 'rotation': {
                dataAccessorType = AccessorType.VEC4;
                animationChannelTargetPath = AnimationChannelTargetPath.ROTATION;
            case 'rotationQuaternion': {
                dataAccessorType = AccessorType.VEC4;
                useQuaternion = true;
                animationChannelTargetPath = AnimationChannelTargetPath.ROTATION;
            default: {
                Tools.Error(`Unsupported animatable property ${property[0]}`);
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private static _DeduceAnimationInfo(animation: Animation): Nullable<_IAnimationInfo> {
        let animationChannelTargetPath: Nullable = null;
        let dataAccessorType = AccessorType.VEC3;
        let useQuaternion: boolean = false;
        let property = animation.targetProperty.split('.');
        switch (property[0]) {
            case 'scaling': {
                animationChannelTargetPath = AnimationChannelTargetPath.SCALE;
            case 'position': {
                animationChannelTargetPath = AnimationChannelTargetPath.TRANSLATION;
            case 'rotation': {
                dataAccessorType = AccessorType.VEC4;
                animationChannelTargetPath = AnimationChannelTargetPath.ROTATION;
            case 'rotationQuaternion': {
                dataAccessorType = AccessorType.VEC4;
                useQuaternion = true;
                animationChannelTargetPath = AnimationChannelTargetPath.ROTATION;
            default: {
                Tools.Error(`Unsupported animatable property ${property[0]}`);
github BabylonJS / Babylon.js / loaders / src / glTF / 2.0 / glTFLoader.ts View on Github external
return this._loadAnimationSamplerAsync(`${animationContext}/samplers/${channel.sampler}`, sampler).then((data) => {
            let targetPath: string;
            let animationType: number;
            switch ( {
                case AnimationChannelTargetPath.TRANSLATION: {
                    targetPath = "position";
                    animationType = Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3;
                case AnimationChannelTargetPath.ROTATION: {
                    targetPath = "rotationQuaternion";
                    animationType = Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_QUATERNION;
                case AnimationChannelTargetPath.SCALE: {
                    targetPath = "scaling";
                    animationType = Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3;
                case AnimationChannelTargetPath.WEIGHTS: {
                    targetPath = "influence";
github BabylonJS / Babylon.js / loaders / src / glTF / 2.0 / glTFLoader.ts View on Github external
return this._loadAnimationSamplerAsync(`${animationContext}/samplers/${channel.sampler}`, sampler).then((data) => {
            let targetPath: string;
            let animationType: number;
            switch ( {
                case AnimationChannelTargetPath.TRANSLATION: {
                    targetPath = "position";
                    animationType = Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3;
                case AnimationChannelTargetPath.ROTATION: {
                    targetPath = "rotationQuaternion";
                    animationType = Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_QUATERNION;
                case AnimationChannelTargetPath.SCALE: {
                    targetPath = "scaling";
                    animationType = Animation.ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3;
                case AnimationChannelTargetPath.WEIGHTS: {
                    targetPath = "influence";