How to use the babylonjs-gltf2interface.AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT function in babylonjs-gltf2interface

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private _loadIndicesAccessorAsync(context: string, accessor: IAccessor): Promise {
        if (accessor.type !== AccessorType.SCALAR) {
            throw new Error(`${context}/type: Invalid value ${accessor.type}`);

        if (accessor.componentType !== AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE &&
            accessor.componentType !== AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT &&
            accessor.componentType !== AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT) {
            throw new Error(`${context}/componentType: Invalid value ${accessor.componentType}`);

        if (accessor._data) {
            return accessor._data as Promise;

        const bufferView = ArrayItem.Get(`${context}/bufferView`, this._gltf.bufferViews, accessor.bufferView);
        accessor._data = this.loadBufferViewAsync(`/bufferViews/${bufferView.index}`, bufferView).then((data) => {
            return GLTFLoader._GetTypedArray(context, accessor.componentType, data, accessor.byteOffset, accessor.count);

        return accessor._data as Promise;
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private _loadIndicesAccessorAsync(context: string, accessor: IAccessor): Promise {
        if (accessor.type !== AccessorType.SCALAR) {
            throw new Error(`${context}/type: Invalid value ${accessor.type}`);

        if (accessor.componentType !== AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE &&
            accessor.componentType !== AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT &&
            accessor.componentType !== AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT) {
            throw new Error(`${context}/componentType: Invalid value ${accessor.componentType}`);

        if (accessor._data) {
            return accessor._data as Promise;

        if (accessor.sparse) {
            const constructor = GLTFLoader._GetTypedArrayConstructor(`${context}/componentType`, accessor.componentType);
            accessor._data = this._loadAccessorAsync(context, accessor, constructor);
        else {
            const bufferView = ArrayItem.Get(`${context}/bufferView`, this._gltf.bufferViews, accessor.bufferView);
            accessor._data = this.loadBufferViewAsync(`/bufferViews/${bufferView.index}`, bufferView).then((data) => {
                return GLTFLoader._GetTypedArray(context, accessor.componentType, data, accessor.byteOffset, accessor.count);
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private static _GetTypedArrayConstructor(context: string, componentType: AccessorComponentType): TypedArrayConstructor {
        switch (componentType) {
            case AccessorComponentType.BYTE: return Int8Array;
            case AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE: return Uint8Array;
            case AccessorComponentType.SHORT: return Int16Array;
            case AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT: return Uint16Array;
            case AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT: return Uint32Array;
            case AccessorComponentType.FLOAT: return Float32Array;
            default: throw new Error(`${context}: Invalid component type ${componentType}`);
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private static _GetTypedArray(context: string, componentType: AccessorComponentType, bufferView: ArrayBufferView, byteOffset: number | undefined, length: number): ArrayBufferView {
        const buffer = bufferView.buffer;
        byteOffset = bufferView.byteOffset + (byteOffset || 0);

        try {
            switch (componentType) {
                case AccessorComponentType.BYTE: return new Int8Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
                case AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_BYTE: return new Uint8Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
                case AccessorComponentType.SHORT: return new Int16Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
                case AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_SHORT: return new Uint16Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
                case AccessorComponentType.UNSIGNED_INT: return new Uint32Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
                case AccessorComponentType.FLOAT: return new Float32Array(buffer, byteOffset, length);
                default: throw new Error(`Invalid component type ${componentType}`);
        catch (e) {
            throw new Error(`${context}: ${e}`);