How to use the adaptivecards.TextWeight.Bolder function in adaptivecards

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few adaptivecards examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / skype.ts View on Github external
actionsOrientation: Orientation.Vertical,
                actionAlignment: ActionAlignment.Stretch
            adaptiveCard: {
                allowCustomStyle: false
            imageSet: {
                imageSize: Size.Medium,
                maxImageHeight: 100
            factSet: {
                title: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Bolder,
                    wrap: true,
                    maxWidth: 150,
                value: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Default,
                    wrap: true,
                spacing: 5
github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / bing.ts View on Github external
actionsOrientation: Orientation.Vertical,
                actionAlignment: ActionAlignment.Stretch
            adaptiveCard: {
                allowCustomStyle: false
            imageSet: {
                imageSize: Size.Medium,
                maxImageHeight: 100
            factSet: {
                title: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Bolder,
                    wrap: true,
                    maxWidth: 150,
                value: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Default,
                    wrap: true,
                spacing: 10
github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / kik.ts View on Github external
actionsOrientation: Orientation.Horizontal,
                actionAlignment: ActionAlignment.Left
            adaptiveCard: {
                allowCustomStyle: false
            imageSet: {
                imageSize: Size.Medium,
                maxImageHeight: 100
            factSet: {
                title: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Bolder,
                    wrap: true,
                    maxWidth: 150
                value: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Default,
                    wrap: true
                spacing: 10
github microsoft / BotFramework-Emulator / packages / custom-botframework-webchat / src / Attachment.tsx View on Github external
receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(item.price, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, columns2[2]);
                } else {
                    const columns3 = receiptCardBuilder.addColumnSet([75, 25]);
                    receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(item.title, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder, wrap: true }, columns3[0]);
                    receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(item.subtitle, { size: TextSize.Medium, wrap: true }, columns3[0]);
                    receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(item.price, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, columns3[1]);
            if (exists(attachment.content.vat)) {
                const vatCol = receiptCardBuilder.addColumnSet([75, 25]);
                receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(props.format.strings.receiptVat, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, vatCol[0]);
                receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(attachment.content.vat, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, vatCol[1]);
            if (exists( {
                const taxCol = receiptCardBuilder.addColumnSet([75, 25]);
                receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(props.format.strings.receiptTax, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, taxCol[0]);
                receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right }, taxCol[1]);
            if (exists( {
                const totalCol = receiptCardBuilder.addColumnSet([75, 25]);
                receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(props.format.strings.receiptTotal, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, totalCol[0]);
                receiptCardBuilder.addTextBlock(, { horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right, size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, totalCol[1]);
            return (

        case "application/":
            if (!attachment.content)
                return null;
            return (
github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / facebook.ts View on Github external
actionsOrientation: Orientation.Horizontal,
                actionAlignment: ActionAlignment.Left
            adaptiveCard: {
                allowCustomStyle: false
            imageSet: {
                imageSize: Size.Medium,
                maxImageHeight: 100
            factSet: {
                title: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Bolder,
                    wrap: true,
                    maxWidth: 150,
                value: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Default,
                    wrap: true,
                spacing: 20
github microsoft / BotFramework-WebChat / src / Attachment.tsx View on Github external
onClick={ onCardAction(attachment.content.tap) }
                    onImageLoad={ props.onImageLoad }

        case 'application/':
            if (!attachment.content) {
                return null;

            const thumbnailCardBuilder = new CardBuilder.AdaptiveCardBuilder();

            if (attachment.content.images && attachment.content.images.length > 0) {
                const columns = thumbnailCardBuilder.addColumnSet([75, 25]);

                thumbnailCardBuilder.addTextBlock(attachment.content.title, { size: TextSize.Medium, weight: TextWeight.Bolder }, columns[0]);
                thumbnailCardBuilder.addTextBlock(attachment.content.subtitle, { isSubtle: true, wrap: true }, columns[0]);
                thumbnailCardBuilder.addImage(attachment.content.images[0].url, columns[1], attachment.content.images[0].tap);
                thumbnailCardBuilder.addTextBlock(attachment.content.text, { wrap: true });
            } else {

            return (
github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / telegram.ts View on Github external
actionsOrientation: Orientation.Horizontal,
                actionAlignment: ActionAlignment.Left
            adaptiveCard: {
                allowCustomStyle: false
            imageSet: {
                imageSize: Size.Medium,
                maxImageHeight: 100
            factSet: {
                title: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Bolder,
                    wrap: true,
                    maxWidth: 150
                value: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Default,
                    wrap: true
                spacing: 10
github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / groupme.ts View on Github external
actionsOrientation: Orientation.Horizontal,
                actionAlignment: ActionAlignment.Left,
            adaptiveCard: {
                allowCustomStyle: false,
            imageSet: {
                imageSize: Size.Medium,
                maxImageHeight: 100,
            factSet: {
                title: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Bolder,
                    wrap: true,
                    maxWidth: 150,
                value: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Default,
                    wrap: true,
                spacing: 10,
github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / bing.ts View on Github external
actionsOrientation: Orientation.Vertical,
                actionAlignment: ActionAlignment.Stretch
            adaptiveCard: {
                allowCustomStyle: false
            imageSet: {
                imageSize: Size.Medium,
                maxImageHeight: 100
            factSet: {
                title: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Bolder,
                    wrap: true,
                    maxWidth: 150,
                value: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Default,
                    wrap: true,
                spacing: 10
github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / headless.ts View on Github external
actionsOrientation: Orientation.Horizontal,
                actionAlignment: ActionAlignment.Left
            adaptiveCard: {
                allowCustomStyle: false
            imageSet: {
                imageSize: Size.Medium,
                maxImageHeight: 100
            factSet: {
                title: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Bolder,
                    wrap: true,
                    maxWidth: 150
                value: {
                    color: TextColor.Default,
                    size: TextSize.Default,
                    isSubtle: false,
                    weight: TextWeight.Default,
                    wrap: true
                spacing: 10