How to use the adaptivecards.ActionAlignment.Left function in adaptivecards

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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / timeline.ts View on Github external
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                large: 120
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                actionAlignment: ActionAlignment.Left
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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / sms.ts View on Github external
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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / headless.ts View on Github external
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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / groupme.ts View on Github external
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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / live-tile.ts View on Github external
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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / live-tile.ts View on Github external
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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / slack.ts View on Github external
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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / facebook.ts View on Github external
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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / groupme.ts View on Github external
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github microsoft / AdaptiveCards / source / nodejs / adaptivecards-visualizer / src / containers / sms.ts View on Github external
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                large: 180
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