How to use the @vx/scale.scaleTime function in @vx/scale

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @vx/scale examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github hshoff / vx / packages / vx-demo / components / tiles / brush-i.js View on Github external
// accessors
const x = d => new Date(;
const y = d => d.close;

// scales
const xScaleContext = scaleTime({
  range: [0, contextWidth],
  domain: extent(data, x),
  clamp: true,
const yScaleContext = scaleLinear({
  range: [contextHeight, 0],
  domain: [0, max(data, y)],
  nice: true,
const xScaleFocus = scaleTime({
  range: [0, contextWidth],
  domain: extent(data, x),
  clamp: true,
const yScaleFocus = scaleLinear({
  range: [focusHeight, 0],
  domain: [0, max(data, y)],
  nice: true,

const invertX = ({ x, tx, sx }) => (x - tx) / sx;

class Brush extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
github hshoff / vx / packages / vx-demo / components / tiles / lines.js View on Github external
export default ({ width, height }) => {
  // bounds
  const xMax = width;
  const yMax = height / 8;

  // scales
  const xScale = scaleTime({
    range: [0, xMax],
    domain: extent(data, x),
  const yScale = scaleLinear({
    range: [yMax, 0],
    domain: [0, max(data, y)],

  return (
    <svg height="{height}" width="{width}">
      <rect rx="{14}" fill="#242424" height="{height}" width="{width}" y="{0}" x="{0}"></rect>
      {xMax &gt; 8 &amp;&amp;, i) =&gt; {
          return (
github hshoff / vx / packages / vx-demo / components / charts / SimpleAreaChart.js View on Github external
export default ({ margin, width, height }) =&gt; {
  const stock = appleStock;

  // bounds
  const xMax = width - margin.left - margin.right;
  const yMax = height - - margin.bottom;

  // accessors
  const xStock = d =&gt; new Date(;
  const yStock = d =&gt; d.close;

  // scales
  const xStockScale = scaleTime({
    range: [0, xMax],
    domain: extent(stock, xStock),
  const yStockScale = scaleLinear({
    range: [yMax, 0],
    domain: [0, max(stock, yStock)],
    nice: true,

  return (
    <svg width="{width}" height="{height}">
github hshoff / vx / packages / vx-demo / components / tiles / brush-i.js View on Github external
height -
  contextHeight - -
  contextMargin.bottom - -

// data
const data = appleStock;

// accessors
const x = d => new Date(;
const y = d => d.close;

// scales
const xScaleContext = scaleTime({
  range: [0, contextWidth],
  domain: extent(data, x),
  clamp: true,
const yScaleContext = scaleLinear({
  range: [contextHeight, 0],
  domain: [0, max(data, y)],
  nice: true,
const xScaleFocus = scaleTime({
  range: [0, contextWidth],
  domain: extent(data, x),
  clamp: true,
const yScaleFocus = scaleLinear({
  range: [focusHeight, 0],
github hshoff / vx / packages / vx-demo / src / components / tiles / brush.js View on Github external
const xMax = Math.max(width - margin.left - margin.right, 0);
  const yMax = Math.max(height * 0.6 - - margin.bottom, 0);
  const xBrushMax = Math.max(width - brushMargin.left - brushMargin.right, 0);
  const yBrushMax = Math.max(120 - - brushMargin.bottom, 0);

  // scales
  const xScale = scaleTime({
    range: [0, xMax],
    domain: extent(filteredStock, xStock),
  const yScale = scaleLinear({
    range: [yMax, 0],
    domain: [0, max(filteredStock, yStock) + yMax / 3],
    nice: true,
  const xBrushScale = scaleTime({
    range: [0, xBrushMax],
    domain: extent(stock, xStock),
  const yBrushScale = scaleLinear({
    range: [yBrushMax, 0],
    domain: [0, max(stock, yStock) + yBrushMax / 3],
    nice: true,

  return (
      <svg height="{height}" width="{width}">
        <rect rx="{14}" fill="#32deaa" height="{height}" width="{width}" y="{0}" x="{0}"></rect>
github hshoff / vx / packages / vx-demo / src / components / charts / MultiSeriesLine.js View on Github external
export default withSelected(({ selected, updateSelected, width, height, margin }) => {
  // bounds
  const xMax = width - margin.left - margin.right;
  const yMax = height - - margin.bottom;

  // accessors
  const x = d => parseDate(;
  const y = d => +d.temperature;

  // scales
  const xScale = scaleTime({
    range: [0, xMax],
    domain: extent(rawData, x),
  const yScale = scaleLinear({
    range: [yMax, 0],
    domain: extent(
      selected.slice().reduce((ret, c) => {
        return ret.concat(getCity(c).values);
      }, []),
  const color = scaleOrdinal({
    range: ['#3b99d8', '#239f85', '#9a5cb4'],
    domain: cityNames,
github blockkeeper / blockkeeper-frontend-web / src / view / Lib.js View on Github external
const margin = pMargin || {
      left: 0,
      right: 0,
      top: 0,
      bottom: 0

    if (width &lt; 10) return null

    const xMax = width - margin.left - margin.right
    const yMax = height - - margin.bottom
    const xStock = d =&gt; new Date(d[0] * 1000)
    const yStock = d =&gt; d[1]
    const bisectDate = bisector(d =&gt; new Date(d[0] * 1000)).left

    const xScale = scaleTime({
      range: [0, xMax],
      domain: extent(data, xStock)
    const yScale = scaleLinear({
      range: [yMax, 70], // 70px margin cause tooltip needs space
      domain: [(min(data, yStock) - (min(data, yStock) / 100 * 10)), max(data, yStock)],
      nice: true

    return (
      <div style="{{height:">
        <svg height="{height}" width="{width}">
github hshoff / vx / packages / vx-demo / components / tiles / axis.js View on Github external
export default ({ width, height, margin }) =&gt; {
  if (width &lt; 10) return null;

  // bounds
  const xMax = width - margin.left - margin.right;
  const yMax = height - - margin.bottom;

  // scales
  const xScale = scaleTime({
    range: [0, xMax],
    domain: extent(data, x),
  const yScale = scaleLinear({
    range: [yMax, 0],
    domain: [0, Math.max(],
    nice: true,

  return (
    <svg height="{height}" width="{width}">
      <rect rx="{14}" fill="#f4419f" height="{height}" width="{width}" y="{0}" x="{0}"></rect>
github brentvollebregt / who-is-on-my-network / webapp / src / components / EntityPlot / Chart.tsx View on Github external
}) => {
  const xMax = width - margin.left - margin.right;
  const yMax = height - - margin.bottom;

  const points = entityIds
    .map((d: string) => entityDiscoveryTimes[d].map(date => [d, date]))
    .flatMap(x => x) as [string, DateTime][];

  const xScale = scaleTime({
    range: [0, xMax],
    domain: [minDate.toJSDate(), maxDate.toJSDate()]

  const yScale = scaleBand({
    range: [yMax, 0],
    domain: entityIds.slice().reverse(), // Need to reverse (without mutation) to get in the right order
    padding: 0.2

  const onDeviceNameClick = (entityName: string | number | undefined) => () => {
    const entityId = Object.keys(entityIdNameMap).reduce(
      (acc: undefined | string, currentEntityId) => {
        return acc !== undefined
          ? acc
          : entityIdNameMap[currentEntityId] === entityName
github ssorallen / finance / src / Stock.js View on Github external
render() {
    const { chart, quote } = this.props;
    let xScale;
    let yScale;
    if (chart != null) {
      const deviationYFudge = deviation(chart, y) / 2;
      xScale = scaleTime({
        range: [0, xMax],
        domain: extent(chart, x),
      yScale = scaleLinear({
        range: [yMax, 0],
        domain: [min(chart, y) - deviationYFudge, max(chart, y) + deviationYFudge],
    return (
          {quote == null ? '...' : quote.companyName} ({this.props.match.params.symbol})
          <small>{quote == null ? '...' : quote.latestPrice}</small>{' '}