How to use the @vx/scale/build/scales/ordinal function in @vx/scale

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @vx/scale examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github williaster / data-ui / packages / demo / examples / 01-xy-chart / StackedAreaExample.jsx View on Github external
return { ...obj, y: obj.y + value, [key]: value };
    { y: 0 },

const percentStackedData = => ({
  y: 1,
  ...stackKeys.reduce((obj, key) => ({ ...obj, [key]: d[key] / d.y }), {}),

const patternIds = [PATTERN_ID_1, PATTERN_ID_2, PATTERN_ID_3];
const stackFills = => `url(#${id})`);
const legendScale = scaleOrdinal({ range: stackFills, domain: stackKeys });

export default function StackedAreaExample() {
  return (
      {asPercent => (
          <div style="{{">
                <svg height="{height}" width="{width}">
                  <rect fill="{fill}" height="{height}" width="{width}"></rect>