How to use the @turf/helpers.isNumber function in @turf/helpers

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @turf/helpers examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-point-grid / index.js View on Github external
function pointGrid(bbox, cellSide, options) {
    // Optional parameters
    options = options || {};
    if (!isObject(options)) throw new Error('options is invalid');
    // var units = options.units;
    var mask = options.mask;
    var properties =;

    // Containers
    var results = [];

    // Input Validation
    if (cellSide === null || cellSide === undefined) throw new Error('cellSide is required');
    if (!isNumber(cellSide)) throw new Error('cellSide is invalid');
    if (!bbox) throw new Error('bbox is required');
    if (!Array.isArray(bbox)) throw new Error('bbox must be array');
    if (bbox.length !== 4) throw new Error('bbox must contain 4 numbers');
    if (mask && ['Polygon', 'MultiPolygon'].indexOf(getType(mask)) === -1) throw new Error('options.mask must be a (Multi)Polygon');

    var west = bbox[0];
    var south = bbox[1];
    var east = bbox[2];
    var north = bbox[3];

    var xFraction = cellSide / (distance([west, south], [east, south], options));
    var cellWidth = xFraction * (east - west);
    var yFraction = cellSide / (distance([west, south], [west, north], options));
    var cellHeight = yFraction * (north - south);

    var bboxWidth = (east - west);
github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-ellipse / index.js View on Github external
function ellipse(center, xSemiAxis, ySemiAxis, options) {
    // Optional params
    options = options || {};
    var steps = options.steps || 64;
    var units = options.units || 'kilometers';
    var angle = options.angle || 0;
    var pivot = options.pivot || center;
    var properties = || || {};

    // validation
    if (!center) throw new Error('center is required');
    if (!xSemiAxis) throw new Error('xSemiAxis is required');
    if (!ySemiAxis) throw new Error('ySemiAxis is required');
    if (!isObject(options)) throw new Error('options must be an object');
    if (!isNumber(steps)) throw new Error('steps must be a number');
    if (!isNumber(angle)) throw new Error('angle must be a number');

    var centerCoords = getCoord(center);
    if (units === 'degrees') {
        var angleRad = degreesToRadians(angle);
    } else {
        xSemiAxis = rhumbDestination(center, xSemiAxis, 90, {units: units});
        ySemiAxis = rhumbDestination(center, ySemiAxis, 0, {units: units});
        xSemiAxis = getCoord(xSemiAxis)[0] - centerCoords[0];
        ySemiAxis = getCoord(ySemiAxis)[1] - centerCoords[1];

    var coordinates = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < steps; i += 1) {
        var stepAngle = i * -360 / steps;
        var x = ((xSemiAxis * ySemiAxis) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(ySemiAxis, 2) + (Math.pow(xSemiAxis, 2) * Math.pow(getTanDeg(stepAngle), 2))));
        var y = ((xSemiAxis * ySemiAxis) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xSemiAxis, 2) + (Math.pow(ySemiAxis, 2) / Math.pow(getTanDeg(stepAngle), 2))));
github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-projection / index.ts View on Github external
function convert(geojson: any, projection: string, options: {mutate?: boolean} = {}): any {
    // Optional parameters
    options = options || {};
    var mutate = options.mutate;

    // Validation
    if (!geojson) throw new Error('geojson is required');

    // Handle Position
    if (Array.isArray(geojson) && isNumber(geojson[0])) geojson = (projection === 'mercator') ? convertToMercator(geojson) : convertToWgs84(geojson);

    // Handle GeoJSON
    else {
        // Handle possible data mutation
        if (mutate !== true) geojson = clone(geojson);

        coordEach(geojson, function (coord) {
            var newCoord = (projection === 'mercator') ? convertToMercator(coord) : convertToWgs84(coord);
            coord[0] = newCoord[0];
            coord[1] = newCoord[1];
    return geojson;
github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-random / index.ts View on Github external
export function randomPolygon(count?: number, options: {
    bbox?: BBox,
    num_vertices?: number,
    max_radial_length?: number,
} = {}): FeatureCollection {
    // Default param
    if (count === undefined || count === null) { count = 1; }
    if (!isNumber(options.num_vertices) || options.num_vertices === undefined) {
        options.num_vertices = 10;
    if (!isNumber(options.max_radial_length) || options.max_radial_length === undefined) {
        options.max_radial_length = 10;

    const features = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        let vertices: any[] = [];
        const circleOffsets = Array.apply(null, new Array(options.num_vertices + 1)).map(Math.random);

        // Sum Offsets
        circleOffsets.forEach((cur: any, index: number, arr: any[]) => {
            arr[index] = (index > 0) ? cur + arr[index - 1] : cur;
github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-center-median / index.ts View on Github external
function centerMedian(
    features: FeatureCollection,
    options: { weight?: string, tolerance?: number, counter?: number} = {}
): Feature,
    [key: string]: any
}> {
    // Optional params
    options = options || {};
    if (!isObject(options)) throw new Error('options is invalid');
    var counter = options.counter || 10;
    if (!isNumber(counter)) throw new Error('counter must be a number');
    var weightTerm = options.weight;

    // Calculate mean center:
    var meanCenter = centerMean(features, {weight: options.weight});

    // Calculate center of every feature:
    var centroids: any = featureCollection([]);
    featureEach(features, function (feature) {
        centroids.features.push(centroid(feature, {properties: {weight:[weightTerm]}}));
    }); = {
        tolerance: options.tolerance,
        medianCandidates: []
    return findMedian(meanCenter.geometry.coordinates, [0, 0], centroids, counter);
github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-invariant / index.js View on Github external
export function containsNumber(coordinates) {
    if (coordinates.length > 1 && isNumber(coordinates[0]) && isNumber(coordinates[1])) {
        return true;

    if (Array.isArray(coordinates[0]) && coordinates[0].length) {
        return containsNumber(coordinates[0]);
    throw new Error('coordinates must only contain numbers');
github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-mean-center / index.js View on Github external
featureEach(collection, function (point, i) {
        var w =[weight] || 1;
        if (!isNumber(w)) throw new Error('Weight for feature index ' + i + ' is not a number!');
        sumXs += getCoords(point)[0] * w;
        sumYs += getCoords(point)[1] * w;
        sumNs += w;
    if (sumNs === 0) throw new Error('Sum of weights is equal to zero!');
github cheeaun / taxirouter-sg / assets / turf.js View on Github external
function containsNumber(coordinates) {
    if (coordinates.length > 1 && helpers.isNumber(coordinates[0]) && helpers.isNumber(coordinates[1])) {
        return true;

    if (Array.isArray(coordinates[0]) && coordinates[0].length) {
        return containsNumber(coordinates[0]);
    throw new Error('coordinates must only contain numbers');
github Turfjs / turf / packages / turf-center-mean / index.ts View on Github external
geomEach(geojson, function (geom, featureIndex, properties) {
        let weight = properties[options.weight];
        weight = (weight === undefined || weight === null) ? 1 : weight;
        if (!isNumber(weight)) throw new Error('weight value must be a number for feature index ' + featureIndex);
        weight = Number(weight);
        if (weight > 0) {
            coordEach(geom, function (coord) {
                sumXs += coord[0] * weight;
                sumYs += coord[1] * weight;
                sumNs += weight;
    return point([sumXs / sumNs, sumYs / sumNs],, options);