How to use the @serenity-js/core/lib/model.Name function in @serenity-js/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @serenity-js/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / cucumber / spec / gherkin / feature-files / FeatureFileMapper.spec.ts View on Github external
it('associates the background with the feature', parse('backgrounds.feature', map => {
            const feature = map.get(Feature).onLine(1);

                new Background(
                    new FileSystemLocation(fixtures.join(new Path('backgrounds.feature')), 3, 3),
                    new Name('The one that provides some context'),
                    new Description('Once upon a time, there was a test suite.'),
                        new Step(
                            new FileSystemLocation(fixtures.join(new Path('backgrounds.feature')), 7, 5),
                            new Name('Given a prerequisite'),
github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / cucumber / spec / listeners / CucumberEventProtocolAdapter.spec.ts View on Github external
it('correctly recognises Cucumber Event Protocol events', () => {


        const expectedScenarioDetails = new ScenarioDetails(
            new Name('Hooks'),
            new Category('Event Protocol'),
            new FileSystemLocation(
                new Path('features/tasty-cucumber.feature'),

        return serenity.waitForNextCue().then(() => {
                .next(SceneStarts,          e => expect(e.value).to.equal(expectedScenarioDetails))
                .next(TestRunnerDetected,   e => expect(e.value).to.equal(new Name('Cucumber')))
                .next(SceneTagged,          e => expect(e.tag).to.equal(new FeatureTag('Event Protocol')))
                .next(TaskStarts,           e => expect( Name('Given I have a tasty cucumber in my belly')))
                .next(TaskFinished,         e => {
                    expect( Name('Given I have a tasty cucumber in my belly'));
github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / cucumber / spec / gherkin / feature-files / FeatureFileMapper.spec.ts View on Github external
it('maps the background with name and description', parse('backgrounds.feature', map => {
            const firstBackground = map.get(Background).onLine(3);

            expect( Name('The one that provides some context'));
            expect(firstBackground.description).to.equal(new Description('Once upon a time, there was a test suite.'));
                new Step(
                    new FileSystemLocation(fixtures.join(new Path('backgrounds.feature')),
                    new Name('Given a prerequisite'),
github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / cucumber / spec / gherkin / feature-files / FeatureFileMapper.spec.ts View on Github external
            expect(outline.parameters[60]).to.equal(new ScenarioParameters(
                new Name(''),
                { username: 'admin', password: 'P@ssw0rd1' },
            expect(outline.parameters[61]).to.equal(new ScenarioParameters(
                new Name(''),
                { username: 'editor', password: 'P@ssw0rd2' },

                .to.equal(new Step(
                    new FileSystemLocation(path, 53, 5),
                    new Name('Given the user logs in as admin with the following credentials:\n| username | admin |\n| password | P@ssw0rd1 |'),

                .to.equal(new Step(
                    new FileSystemLocation(path, 53, 5),
                    new Name('Given the user logs in as editor with the following credentials:\n| username | editor |\n| password | P@ssw0rd2 |'),
github jan-molak / serenity-js / integration / cucumber / spec / passing_scenario.spec.ts View on Github external
                .next(TestRunnerDetected,  event => expect(event.value).to.equal(new Name('Cucumber')))
                .next(SceneTagged,         event => expect(event.tag).to.equal(new FeatureTag('Serenity/JS recognises a passing scenario')))
github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / serenity-bdd / spec / stage / crew / samples.ts View on Github external
import { FileSystemLocation, Path } from '@serenity-js/core/lib/io';
import { Category, Name, Photo, ScenarioDetails } from '@serenity-js/core/lib/model';

export const defaultCardScenario = new ScenarioDetails(
    new Name('Paying with a default card'),
    new Category('Online Checkout'),
    new FileSystemLocation(
        new Path(`payments/checkout.feature`),

export const voucherScenario = new ScenarioDetails(
    new Name('Paying with a voucher'),
    new Category('Online Checkout'),
    new FileSystemLocation(
        new Path(`payments/checkout.feature`),

github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / cucumber / spec / listeners / CucumberEventProtocolAdapter.spec.ts View on Github external
.next(TaskFinished, e => {
                    expect( Name('Given I have a pending step'));
                .next(TaskStarts, e => expect( Name(`Then I should implement it`)))
github jan-molak / serenity-js / integration / cucumber / spec / timed_out_scenario.spec.ts View on Github external
                .next(TestRunnerDetected,  event => expect(event.value).to.equal(new Name('Cucumber')))
                .next(SceneTagged,         event => expect(event.tag).to.equal(new FeatureTag('Serenity/JS recognises a timed out scenario')))
github jan-molak / serenity-js / integration / cucumber / spec / ambiguous_steps.spec.ts View on Github external
            .next(SceneStarts, event => expect( Name('A passing scenario')))
            .next(TestRunnerDetected, event => expect(event.value).to.equal(new Name('Cucumber')))
github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / cucumber / spec / gherkin / feature-files / FeatureFileMapper.spec.ts View on Github external
new FileSystemLocation(path, 14, 7),
                new Name('The one with examples'),
                new Description('Description of the scenario with examples'),
                    new Step(
                        new FileSystemLocation(path, 7, 5),
                        new Name('Given step with a value one'),
                new FileSystemLocation(path, 3, 3),

            expect(map.get(Scenario).onLine(15)).to.equal(new Scenario(
                new FileSystemLocation(path, 15, 7),
                new Name('The one with examples'),
                new Description('Description of the scenario with examples'),
                    new Step(
                        new FileSystemLocation(path, 7, 5),
                        new Name('Given step with a value two'),
                new FileSystemLocation(path, 3, 3),