How to use the @serenity-js/core/lib/model.ExecutionFailedWithError function in @serenity-js/core

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github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / jasmine / src / SerenityReporterForJasmine.ts View on Github external
private failureOutcomeFrom(failure: Expectation): ProblemIndication {
        const error = this.errorFrom(failure);

        if (error instanceof AssertionError) {
            // sadly, Jasmine error propagation mechanism is rather basic
            // and unable to serialise the expected/actual properties of the AssertionError object
            return new ExecutionFailedWithAssertionError(error);

        if (!! failure.matcherName) {                       // the presence of a non-empty matcherName property indicates a Jasmine-specific assertion error
            return new ExecutionFailedWithAssertionError(
                new AssertionError(failure.message, failure.expected, failure.actual, error),

        return new ExecutionFailedWithError(error);
github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / cucumber / src / listeners / cucumber-0.ts View on Github external
case status === 'undefined':
            return new ImplementationPending(new ImplementationPendingError('Step not implemented'));

        case status === 'ambiguous':
            if (! error) {
                // Only the step result contains the "ambiguous step def error", the scenario itself doesn't
                return new ExecutionFailedWithError(new AmbiguousStepDefinitionError('Multiple step definitions match'));

            return new ExecutionFailedWithError(error);

        case status === 'failed':
            switch (true) {
                case error instanceof AssertionError:       return new ExecutionFailedWithAssertionError(error as AssertionError);
                case error instanceof TestCompromisedError: return new ExecutionCompromised(error as TestCompromisedError);
                default:                                    return new ExecutionFailedWithError(error);

        case status === 'pending':
            return new ImplementationPending(new ImplementationPendingError('Step not implemented'));

        case status === 'passed':
            return new ExecutionSuccessful();

        case status === 'skipped':
            return new ExecutionSkipped();
    // tslint:enable:switch-default
github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / cucumber / src / listeners / CucumberEventProtocolAdapter.ts View on Github external
outcomeFrom(result: { duration: number, exception: string | Error, status: string }): Outcome {
            const error = !! result.exception && this.errorFrom(result.exception);

            // tslint:disable:switch-default
            switch (result.status) {
                case 'undefined':
                    return new ImplementationPending(new ImplementationPendingError('Step not implemented'));

                case 'ambiguous':
                case 'failed':
                    switch (true) {
                        case error instanceof AssertionError:       return new ExecutionFailedWithAssertionError(error as AssertionError);
                        case error instanceof TestCompromisedError: return new ExecutionCompromised(error as TestCompromisedError);
                        default:                                    return new ExecutionFailedWithError(error);

                case 'pending':
                    return new ImplementationPending(new ImplementationPendingError('Step not implemented'));

                case 'passed':
                    return new ExecutionSuccessful();

                case 'skipped':
                    return new ExecutionSkipped();
            // tslint:enable:switch-default
github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / serenity-bdd / spec / stage / crew / serenity-bdd-reporter / SerenityBDDReporter / reporting_scene_sequences.spec.ts View on Github external
it('determines the result of the sequence based on the worst result of the contributing scenarios', () => {
            new SceneSequenceDetected(sequence),
                new SceneTemplateDetected(template),
                new SceneParametersDetected(
                    new ScenarioParameters(
                        new Name('Serenity/JS contributors'),
                        new Description(`Some of the people who have contributed their time and talent to the Serenity/JS project`),
                        { Developer: 'jan-molak', Twitter_Handle: '@JanMolak' },
                new SceneStarts(scenario1),
                new SceneFinished(scenario1, new ExecutionFailedWithError(new Error('Something happened'))),

            new SceneSequenceDetected(sequence),
                new SceneTemplateDetected(template),
                new SceneParametersDetected(
                    new ScenarioParameters(
                        new Name('Serenity/JS contributors'),
                        new Description(`Some of the people who have contributed their time and talent to the Serenity/JS project`),
                        { Developer: 'wakaleo', Twitter_Handle: '@wakaleo' },
                new SceneStarts(scenario2),
                new SceneFinished(scenario2, new ExecutionSuccessful()),
            new TestRunFinished(),
github jan-molak / serenity-js / packages / protractor / spec / adapter / ProtractorFrameworkAdapter.spec.ts View on Github external
function sample(type: 'passing.spec.ts' | 'failing.spec.ts' | string) {
        return type === 'passing.spec.ts'
            ? { path: 'passing.spec.ts', name: 'passing test', category: 'samples', description: 'samples passing test', outcome: new ExecutionSuccessful() }
            : { path: 'failing.spec.ts', name: 'failing test', category: 'samples', description: 'samples failing test', outcome: new ExecutionFailedWithError(expectedError) };