How to use the @schematics/angular/utility/json-utils.findPropertyInAstObject function in @schematics/angular

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return (host: Tree, context: SchematicContext) => {
    const packageJson = 'package.json';
    if (!host.exists(packageJson)) {
      throw new Error(`Could not find ${packageJson}`);
    const content =;
    if (!content) {
      throw new Error('Failed to read package.json content');
    const jsonAst = parseJsonAst(content.toString());
    if (!isJsonAstObject(jsonAst)) {
      throw new Error(`Failed to parse JSON for ${packageJson}`);
    const deps = findPropertyInAstObject(jsonAst, 'dependencies');
    if (!isJsonAstObject(deps)) {
      throw new Error(`Failed to find dependencies in ${packageJson}`);
    const rxjs = findPropertyInAstObject(deps, 'rxjs');
    if (!rxjs) {
      throw new Error(`Failed to find rxjs in dependencies of ${packageJson}`);
    const value = rxjs.value as string;  // value can be version or range
    const match = value.match(/(\d)+\.(\d)+.(\d)+$/);
    if (match) {
      const [_, major, minor] = match;
      if (major < '6' || (major === '6' && minor < '4')) {
        const recorder = host.beginUpdate(packageJson);
        replacePropertyInAstObject(recorder, deps, 'rxjs', '~6.4.0');
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if (!host.exists(packageJson)) {
      throw new Error(`Could not find ${packageJson}`);
    const content =;
    if (!content) {
      throw new Error('Failed to read package.json content');
    const jsonAst = parseJsonAst(content.toString());
    if (!isJsonAstObject(jsonAst)) {
      throw new Error(`Failed to parse JSON for ${packageJson}`);
    const deps = findPropertyInAstObject(jsonAst, 'dependencies');
    if (!isJsonAstObject(deps)) {
      throw new Error(`Failed to find dependencies in ${packageJson}`);
    const rxjs = findPropertyInAstObject(deps, 'rxjs');
    if (!rxjs) {
      throw new Error(`Failed to find rxjs in dependencies of ${packageJson}`);
    const value = rxjs.value as string;  // value can be version or range
    const match = value.match(/(\d)+\.(\d)+.(\d)+$/);
    if (match) {
      const [_, major, minor] = match;
      if (major < '6' || (major === '6' && minor < '4')) {
        const recorder = host.beginUpdate(packageJson);
        replacePropertyInAstObject(recorder, deps, 'rxjs', '~6.4.0');
    } else {
          'Could not determine version of rxjs. \n' +
          'Please make sure that version is at least 6.4.0.');
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// No tsconfig path

    const configBuffer =;
    if (!configBuffer) {
      throw new SchematicsException(`Could not find (${tsConfigPath})`);

    const content = configBuffer.toString();
    const tsConfigAst = parseJsonAst(content, JsonParseMode.Loose);
    if (!tsConfigAst || tsConfigAst.kind !== 'object') {
      throw new SchematicsException(`Invalid JSON AST Object (${tsConfigPath})`);

    const filesAstNode = findPropertyInAstObject(tsConfigAst, 'files');

    const serverFilePath = stripTsExtension(options.serverFileName) + '.ts';
    if (
      filesAstNode &&
      filesAstNode.kind === 'array' &&
      !filesAstNode.elements.some(({ text }) => text === serverFilePath)) {
      const recorder = host.beginUpdate(tsConfigPath);

        stripTsExtension(options.serverFileName) + '.ts',

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recorder, architect, 'serve', {
          builder: '@angular/bazel:build',
          options: {
            targetLabel: '//src:devserver',
            bazelCommand: 'run',
            watch: true,
          configurations: {
            production: {
              targetLabel: '//src:prodserver',

    if (findPropertyInAstObject(architect, 'test')) {
          recorder, architect, 'test', {
            builder: '@angular/bazel:build',
            options: {
              bazelCommand: 'test',
              targetLabel: '//src:test',

    const e2eArchitect = findE2eArchitect(workspaceJsonAst, name);
    if (e2eArchitect && findPropertyInAstObject(e2eArchitect, 'e2e')) {
          recorder, e2eArchitect, 'e2e', {
            builder: '@angular/bazel:build',
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export function findPropertyInAstObject(node: JsonAstObject, propertyName: string): JsonAstNode | null {
  return originalFindPropertyInAstObject(node, propertyName);
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'@bazel/bazel': '^0.26.0',
      '@bazel/ibazel': '^0.10.2',
      '@bazel/karma': '0.31.1',
      '@bazel/typescript': '0.31.1',

    const recorder = host.beginUpdate(packageJson);
    for (const packageName of Object.keys(devDependencies)) {
      const existingDep = findPropertyInAstObject(deps, packageName);
      if (existingDep) {
        const content = packageJsonContent.toString();
        removeKeyValueInAstObject(recorder, content, deps, packageName);
      const version = devDependencies[packageName];
      const indent = 4;
      if (findPropertyInAstObject(devDeps, packageName)) {
        replacePropertyInAstObject(recorder, devDeps, packageName, version, indent);
      } else {
        insertPropertyInAstObjectInOrder(recorder, devDeps, packageName, version, indent);
    return host;
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return (host: Tree) => {
    const packageJson = 'package.json';
    if (!host.exists(packageJson)) {
      throw new Error(`Could not find ${packageJson}`);
    const packageJsonContent =;
    if (!packageJsonContent) {
      throw new Error('Failed to read package.json content');
    const jsonAst = parseJsonAst(packageJsonContent.toString()) as JsonAstObject;
    const deps = findPropertyInAstObject(jsonAst, 'dependencies') as JsonAstObject;
    const devDeps = findPropertyInAstObject(jsonAst, 'devDependencies') as JsonAstObject;

    const angularCoreNode = findPropertyInAstObject(deps, '@angular/core');
    if (!angularCoreNode) {
      throw new Error('@angular/core dependency not found in package.json');
    const angularCoreVersion = angularCoreNode.value as string;

    const devDependencies: {[k: string]: string} = {
      '@angular/bazel': angularCoreVersion,
      '@bazel/bazel': '^0.26.0',
      '@bazel/ibazel': '^0.10.2',
      '@bazel/karma': '0.31.1',
      '@bazel/typescript': '0.31.1',
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if (!host.exists('angular-metadata.tsconfig.json')) {
    const packageJson = 'package.json';
    if (!host.exists(packageJson)) {
      throw new Error(`Could not find ${packageJson}`);
    const content =;
    if (!content) {
      throw new Error('Failed to read package.json content');
    const jsonAst = parseJsonAst(content.toString());
    if (!isJsonAstObject(jsonAst)) {
      throw new Error(`Failed to parse JSON for ${packageJson}`);
    const scripts = findPropertyInAstObject(jsonAst, 'scripts') as JsonAstObject;
    const recorder = host.beginUpdate(packageJson);
    if (scripts) {
          recorder, scripts, 'postinstall', 'ngc -p ./angular-metadata.tsconfig.json', 4);
    } else {
          recorder, jsonAst, 'scripts', {
            postinstall: 'ngc -p ./angular-metadata.tsconfig.json',
    return host;
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return (host: Tree) => {
    const packageJson = 'package.json';
    if (!host.exists(packageJson)) {
      throw new Error(`Could not find ${packageJson}`);
    const packageJsonContent =;
    if (!packageJsonContent) {
      throw new Error('Failed to read package.json content');
    const jsonAst = parseJsonAst(packageJsonContent.toString()) as JsonAstObject;
    const deps = findPropertyInAstObject(jsonAst, 'dependencies') as JsonAstObject;
    const devDeps = findPropertyInAstObject(jsonAst, 'devDependencies') as JsonAstObject;

    const angularCoreNode = findPropertyInAstObject(deps, '@angular/core');
    if (!angularCoreNode) {
      throw new Error('@angular/core dependency not found in package.json');
    const angularCoreVersion = angularCoreNode.value as string;

    const devDependencies: {[k: string]: string} = {
      '@angular/bazel': angularCoreVersion,
      '@bazel/bazel': '^0.26.0',
      '@bazel/ibazel': '^0.10.2',
      '@bazel/karma': '0.31.1',
      '@bazel/typescript': '0.31.1',

    const recorder = host.beginUpdate(packageJson);
    for (const packageName of Object.keys(devDependencies)) {
      const existingDep = findPropertyInAstObject(deps, packageName);
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return (host: Tree) => {
    const packageJson = 'package.json';
    if (!host.exists(packageJson)) {
      throw new Error(`Could not find ${packageJson}`);
    const packageJsonContent =;
    if (!packageJsonContent) {
      throw new Error('Failed to read package.json content');
    const jsonAst = parseJsonAst(packageJsonContent.toString()) as JsonAstObject;
    const deps = findPropertyInAstObject(jsonAst, 'dependencies') as JsonAstObject;
    const devDeps = findPropertyInAstObject(jsonAst, 'devDependencies') as JsonAstObject;

    const angularCoreNode = findPropertyInAstObject(deps, '@angular/core');
    if (!angularCoreNode) {
      throw new Error('@angular/core dependency not found in package.json');
    const angularCoreVersion = angularCoreNode.value as string;

    const devDependencies: {[k: string]: string} = {
      '@angular/bazel': angularCoreVersion,
      '@bazel/bazel': '^0.26.0',
      '@bazel/ibazel': '^0.10.2',
      '@bazel/karma': '0.31.1',
      '@bazel/typescript': '0.31.1',

    const recorder = host.beginUpdate(packageJson);