Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
const text = routesArr.getFullText(source);
let route: string = routeLiteral;
if (occurencesCount > 0) {
const identation = text.match(/\r?\n(\r?)\s*/) || [];
route = `,${identation[0] || ' '}${routeLiteral}`;
// Find a route which `path` equals to `''`
const routeNode = findRouteNode(routesArr, ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier, 'path', '');
if (!routeNode) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find a route definition which path is empty string`);
const routeNodeArr = findNodes(
)[0] as ts.ArrayLiteralExpression;
return insertAfterLastOccurrence(
(routeNodeArr.elements as unknown) as ts.Node[],
function genCustomIcons(options: PluginOptions, host: Tree) {
const path = options.sourceRoot + `/style-icons.ts`;
if (!host.exists(path)) {
`// Custom icon static resources
import { } from '@ant-design/icons-angular/icons';
export const ICONS = [ ];
const source = getSourceFile(host, path);
const allImports = findNodes(source as any, ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration);
const iconImport = allImports.find((w: ts.ImportDeclaration) =>
) as ts.ImportDeclaration;
if (!iconImport) return;
(iconImport.importClause!.namedBindings as ts.NamedImports)!.elements!.forEach(v => WHITE_ICONS.push(v.getText().trim()));
export function insertImport(
source: ts.SourceFile,
fileToEdit: string,
symbolName: string,
fileName: string,
quote: '\"'|'\''|'\`' = '\"',
isDefault = false,
): Change {
const rootNode = source;
const allImports = findNodes(rootNode, ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration);
// get nodes that map to import statements from the file fileName
const relevantImports = allImports.filter((node) => {
// StringLiteral of the ImportDeclaration is the import file (fileName in this case).
const importFiles = node.getChildren()
.filter((child) => child.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral)
.map((n) => (n as ts.StringLiteral).text);
return importFiles.filter((file) => file === fileName).length === 1;
if (relevantImports.length > 0) {
let importsAsterisk = false;
// imports from import file
const imports: Array = [];
relevantImports.forEach((n) => {
importsAsterisk = true;
// if imports * from fileName, don't add symbolName
if (importsAsterisk) {
return new NoopChange();
const importTextNodes = imports.filter((n) => (n as ts.Identifier).text === symbolName);
// insert import if it's not there
if (importTextNodes.length === 0) {
const fallbackPosition =
findNodes(relevantImports[0], ts.SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken)[0].getStart() ||
findNodes(relevantImports[0], ts.SyntaxKind.FromKeyword)[0].getStart();
return insertBeforeFirstOccurence(imports, `, ${symbolName}`, fileToEdit, fallbackPosition);
return new NoopChange();
// no such import declaration exists
const useStrict = findNodes(rootNode, ts.SyntaxKind.StringLiteral)
.filter((n: ts.StringLiteral) => n.text === 'use strict');
let fallbackPos = 0;
if (useStrict.length > 0) {
fallbackPos = useStrict[0].end;
const open = isDefault ? '' : '{ ';
const close = isDefault ? '' : ' }';
function registerLocaleData(moduleSource: ts.SourceFile, modulePath: string, locale: string): Change {
const allImports = findNodes(moduleSource, ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration);
const allFun = findNodes(moduleSource, ts.SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement);
const registerLocaleDataFun = allFun.filter(node => {
const fun = node.getChildren();
return fun[ 0 ].getChildren()[ 0 ] && fun[ 0 ].getChildren()[ 0 ].getText() === 'registerLocaleData';
if (registerLocaleDataFun.length === 0) {
return insertAfterLastOccurrence(allImports, `\n\nregisterLocaleData(${locale});`,
modulePath, 0) as InsertChange;
} else {
console.log(chalk.yellow(`Could not add the registerLocaleData to your app.module file (${}).` +
`because there is already a registerLocaleData function.`));
console.log(chalk.yellow(`Please manually add the following code to your app.module:`));
return new NoopChange();
function registerLocaleData(moduleSource: ts.SourceFile, modulePath: string, locale: string): Change {
const allImports = findNodes(moduleSource, ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration);
const allFun = findNodes(moduleSource, ts.SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement);
const registerLocaleDataFun = allFun.filter(node => {
const fun = node.getChildren();
return fun[ 0 ].getChildren()[ 0 ] && fun[ 0 ].getChildren()[ 0 ].getText() === 'registerLocaleData';
if (registerLocaleDataFun.length === 0) {
return insertAfterLastOccurrence(allImports, `\n\nregisterLocaleData(${locale});`,
modulePath, 0) as InsertChange;
} else {
console.log(chalk.yellow(`Could not add the registerLocaleData to your app.module file (${}).` +
`because there is already a registerLocaleData function.`));
console.log(chalk.yellow(`Please manually add the following code to your app.module:`));
export function insertAfterImports(
source: ts.SourceFile,
fileToEdit: string,
toInsert: string
): Change {
const allImports = findNodes(source, ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration);
return insertAfterLastOccurrence(
relevantImports.forEach((n) => {
Array.prototype.push.apply(imports, findNodes(n, ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier));
if (findNodes(n, ts.SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken).length > 0) {
importsAsterisk = true;
_options.module = findModuleFromOptions(tree, _options);
const codeAction = tree.actions.filter(r => r.path.endsWith('.component.ts'))[0];
const markupActions = tree.actions.filter(r => r.path.endsWith('.component.html'));
const codeSource = readIntoSourceFile(tree, codeAction.path);
const nodes = getSourceNodes(codeSource);
const classNodes = nodes.filter(r => findNodes(r, ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration).length);
const classDecl = findNodes(classNodes[0], ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration)[0] as ts.ClassDeclaration;
let inlineTemplate = false;
let template: ts.PropertyAssignment;
const changes =[a, b]) => insertImport(codeSource, codeAction.path, a, b));
const recorder = tree.beginUpdate(codeAction.path);
if (classDecl.decorators) {
const decorator = classDecl.decorators[0];
const literal = findNodes(decorator.expression, ts.SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression)[0] as ts.ObjectLiteralExpression;
template = => ts.isPropertyAssignment(r) &&
ts.isIdentifier( && === 'template')[0] as ts.PropertyAssignment;
if (template) {
const newNode = ts.createStringLiteral('`' + newMarkup + '`');
const start = template.initializer.getStart();
const end = template.initializer.getEnd();
recorder.remove(start, end - start);
recorder.insertLeft(start, newNode.text);
inlineTemplate = true;
if (!inlineTemplate && markupActions.length) {
const markupAction = markupActions[0];
tree.overwrite(markupAction.path, newMarkup);
relevantImports.forEach((n) => {
Array.prototype.push.apply(imports, findNodes(n, ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier));
if (findNodes(n, ts.SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken).length > 0) {
importsAsterisk = true;