How to use the @pixi/core.State.for2d function in @pixi/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @pixi/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / particles / src / ParticleRenderer.js View on Github external
size: 1,
                type: TYPES.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
                uploadFunction: this.uploadTint,
                offset: 0,

        this.shader = Shader.from(vertex, fragment, {});

         * The WebGL state in which this renderer will work.
         * @member {PIXI.State}
         * @readonly
        this.state = State.for2d();
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / graphics / src / Graphics.js View on Github external

         * Represents the vertex and fragment shaders that processes the geometry and runs on the GPU.
         * Can be shared between multiple Graphics objects.
         * @member {PIXI.Shader}
        this.shader = null;

         * Represents the WebGL state the Graphics required to render, excludes shader and geometry. E.g.,
         * blend mode, culling, depth testing, direction of rendering triangles, backface, etc.
         * @member {PIXI.State}
        this.state = State.for2d();

         * Current fill style
         * @member {PIXI.FillStyle}
         * @protected
        this._fillStyle = new FillStyle();

         * Current line style
         * @member {PIXI.LineStyle}
         * @protected
        this._lineStyle = new LineStyle();
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / mesh / src / Mesh.js View on Github external

         * Represents the vertex and fragment shaders that processes the geometry and runs on the GPU.
         * Can be shared between multiple Mesh objects.
         * @member {PIXI.Shader|PIXI.MeshMaterial}
        this.shader = shader;

         * Represents the WebGL state the Mesh required to render, excludes shader and geometry. E.g.,
         * blend mode, culling, depth testing, direction of rendering triangles, backface, etc.
         * @member {PIXI.State}
        this.state = state || State.for2d();

         * The way the Mesh should be drawn, can be any of the {@link PIXI.DRAW_MODES} constants.
         * @member {number}
         * @see PIXI.DRAW_MODES
        this.drawMode = drawMode;

         * Typically the index of the IndexBuffer where to start drawing.
         * @member {number}
         * @default 0
        this.start = 0;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / sprite-tiling / src / TilingSpriteRenderer.js View on Github external
const uniforms = { globals: this.renderer.globalUniforms };

        this.shader = Shader.from(vertex, fragment, uniforms);

        this.simpleShader = Shader.from(vertex, fragmentSimple, uniforms);

        this.quad = new QuadUv();

         * The WebGL state in which this renderer will work.
         * @member {PIXI.State}
         * @readonly
        this.state = State.for2d();