How to use the @pixi/core.BatchTextureArray function in @pixi/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @pixi/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / graphics / src / GraphicsGeometry.js View on Github external
if (nextTexture._batchEnabled !== TICK)
                    if (textureCount === MAX_TEXTURES)

                        textureCount = 0;

                        if (currentGroup.size > 0)
                            currentGroup = DRAW_CALL_POOL.pop();
                            if (!currentGroup)
                                currentGroup = new BatchDrawCall();
                                currentGroup.textures = new BatchTextureArray();

                        currentGroup.start = index;
                        currentGroup.size = 0;
                        currentGroup.textures.count = 0;
                        currentGroup.type = drawMode;

                    // TODO add this to the render part..
                    nextTexture.touched = 1;// touch;
                    nextTexture._batchEnabled = TICK;
                    nextTexture._batchLocation = textureCount;
                    nextTexture.wrapMode = 10497;
github pixijs / pixi.js / packages / graphics / src / GraphicsGeometry.js View on Github external
            this.drawCalls[i].textures.length = 0;

        this.drawCalls.length = 0;

        const colors = this.colors;
        const textureIds = this.textureIds;

        let currentGroup =  DRAW_CALL_POOL.pop();

        if (!currentGroup)
            currentGroup = new BatchDrawCall();
            currentGroup.textures = new BatchTextureArray();
        currentGroup.textures.count = 0;
        currentGroup.start = 0;
        currentGroup.size = 0;
        currentGroup.type = DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES;

        let textureCount = 0;
        let currentTexture = null;
        let textureId = 0;
        let native = false;
        let drawMode = DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES;

        let index = 0;
