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import {Key as NutKey} from "@nut-tree/nut-js";
export class Key {
static readonly SPACE = NutKey.Space;
static readonly ENTER = NutKey.Enter;
static readonly BACKSPACE = NutKey.Backspace;
static readonly TAB = NutKey.Tab;
static readonly ESC = NutKey.Escape;
static readonly UP = NutKey.Up;
static readonly RIGHT = NutKey.Right;
static readonly DOWN = NutKey.Down;
static readonly LEFT = NutKey.Left;
static readonly PAGE_UP = NutKey.PageUp;
static readonly PAGE_DOWN = NutKey.PageDown;
static readonly DELETE = NutKey.Delete;
static readonly END = NutKey.End;
static readonly HOME = NutKey.Home;
static readonly INSERT = NutKey.Insert;
static readonly F1 = NutKey.F1;
static readonly F2 = NutKey.F2;
static readonly F3 = NutKey.F3;
static readonly F4 = NutKey.F4;