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export const pasteShortcut = () => {
return [getSuperKey(), Key.V];
static readonly G = NutKey.G;
static readonly H = NutKey.H;
static readonly I = NutKey.I;
static readonly J = NutKey.J;
static readonly K = NutKey.K;
static readonly L = NutKey.L;
static readonly M = NutKey.M;
static readonly N = NutKey.N;
static readonly O = NutKey.O;
static readonly P = NutKey.P;
static readonly Q = NutKey.Q;
static readonly R = NutKey.R;
static readonly S = NutKey.S;
static readonly T = NutKey.T;
static readonly U = NutKey.U;
static readonly V = NutKey.V;
static readonly W = NutKey.W;
static readonly X = NutKey.X;
static readonly Y = NutKey.Y;
static readonly Z = NutKey.Z;
static readonly SEPARATOR = NutKey.Period;
static readonly NUM_LOCK = NutKey.NumLock;
static readonly ADD = NutKey.Add;
static readonly MINUS = NutKey.Subtract;
static readonly MULTIPLY = NutKey.Multiply;
static readonly DIVIDE = NutKey.Divide;
static readonly DECIMAL = null;
static readonly CONTEXT = null;