How to use the @kui-shell/core.inBrowser function in @kui-shell/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @kui-shell/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github IBM / kui / plugins / plugin-core-support / src / lib / cmds / history / reverse-i-search.ts View on Github external
    // we want ctrl+R; but if we're in a browser and on linux or
    // windows, then ctrl+R will result in a browser reload :(
    // Note: even if not in a browser (i.e. running in electron mode),
    // on linux and windows we have to be careful not to use the
    // default reload keyboard shortcut; see app/src/main/menu.js
    // re: RUNNING_SHELL_TEST; there seems to be some weird bug here; on linux, the ctrlKey modifier becomes sticky
    if (!document.activeElement.classList.contains('repl-input-element')) {
      // if we aren't focused on a repl input, don't bother
    } else if (
      evt.ctrlKey &&
      (process.platform === 'darwin' ||
        /Macintosh/.test(navigator.userAgent) ||
        (!inBrowser() && !process.env.RUNNING_SHELL_TEST) ||
    ) {
      const tab = getTabFromTarget(evt.srcElement)
      const activeSearch: ActiveISearch = tab['_kui_active_i_search']

      if (evt.keyCode === KeyCodes.R) {
        debug('got ctrl+r')
        if (activeSearch) {
          debug('continuation of existing reverse-i-search')
          activeSearch.doSearch(evt as KeyboardEventPlusPlus)
        } else {
          debug('new reverse-i-search')
          tab['_kui_active_i_search'] = new ActiveISearch(tab)
      } else if (activeSearch && isCursorMovement(evt)) {
github IBM / kui / plugins / plugin-core-support / src / lib / cmds / help.ts View on Github external
// this will be our return value
    const topLevelUsage = {
      title: strings('helpUsageTitle'),
      header: 'A summary of the top-level command structure.',
      available: [],
      nRowsInViewport: 8 // show a few more rows for top-level help

    // traverse the top-level usage documents, populating topLevelUsage.available
    for (const key in usage) {
      const { route, usage: model } = usage[key]
      if (
        model &&
        !model.synonymFor &&
        (isHeadless() || !model.headlessOnly) &&
        (!inBrowser() || !model.requiresLocal)
      ) {
          label: route.substring(1),
          available: model.available,
          hidden: model.hidden,
          synonyms: model.synonyms,
          command: model.commandPrefix || model.command, // either subtree or leaf command
          docs: model.command ? model.header : model.title // for leaf commands, print full header

    debug('generated top-level usage model')
    throw new UsageError({ usage: topLevelUsage })
  } else {
    debug('no usage model')
github IBM / kui / plugins / plugin-core-support / src / preload.ts View on Github external
const registration: PreloadRegistration = async (commandTree: PreloadRegistrar) => {
  const asyncs = []

  if (!isHeadless()) {
    asyncs.push(import('./lib/cmds/zoom').then(_ => _.preload()))
    asyncs.push(import('./lib/new-tab').then(_ => _.default(commandTree)))
    asyncs.push(import('./lib/cmds/history/reverse-i-search').then(_ => _.default()))

  if (!isHeadless() && !inBrowser()) {
    // in webpack, use the default text-search bar of browser
    asyncs.push(import('./lib/text-search').then(_ => _.default()))

  return Promise.all(asyncs)
github IBM / kui / plugins / plugin-editor / src / lib / init / amd.ts View on Github external
const iter = () => {
        if (typeof AMDLoader === 'undefined') {
          setTimeout(iter, 20)
        } else {
          if (!amdRequire) {
            // Save Monaco's amd require and restore Node's require
            amdRequire = global['require']
            global['require'] = nodeRequire

            if (!inBrowser()) {
              const monacoRoot = path.dirname(require.resolve('monaco-editor/package.json'))

                baseUrl: uriFromPath(path.join(monacoRoot, 'min'))

            // workaround monaco-css not understanding the environment
            self['module'] = undefined

            // workaround monaco-typescript not understanding the environment
            // self.process.browser = true

          if (editor) {
            return resolve(editor)
github IBM / kui / plugins / plugin-core-support / about / src / about.ts View on Github external
const aboutWindow = async (args: Arguments): Promise => {

  const { parsedOptions, REPL } = args

    css: require('@kui-shell/plugin-core-support/web/css/about.css'),
    key: 'about-window-css'

  const name =
    theme.productName ||
    (!inBrowser() &&
      (await import(/* webpackChunkName: "electron" */ /* webpackMode: "lazy" */ './electron-helpers')).getAppName())

  // this is the main container for the dom
  const content = document.createElement('div')

  const defaultMode = parsedOptions.mode || 'about'
  debug('defaultMode', defaultMode)

  if (parsedOptions.content) {
    const response = await REPL.qexec(parsedOptions.content, undefined, undefined, { render: true })
    debug('rendering content', parsedOptions.content, response)

    const container = document.createElement('div')
    const innerContainer = document.createElement('div')
github IBM / kui / plugins / plugin-bash-like / src / lib / cmds / bash-like.ts View on Github external
reject(new Error('Local file access not supported when running in a browser'))

    // purposefully imported lazily, so that we don't spoil browser mode (where shell is not available)
    const shell = await import('shelljs')

    if (argv.length < 2) {
      reject(new Error('Please provide a bash command'))

    const cmd = argv[1]
    debug('argv', argv)
    debug('cmd', cmd)

    // shell.echo prints the the outer console, which we don't want
    if (shell[cmd] && (inBrowser() || (cmd !== 'mkdir' && cmd !== 'echo'))) {
      const args = argv.slice(2)

      // remember OLDPWD, so that `cd -` works (shell issue #78)
      if (process.env.OLDPWD === undefined) {
        process.env.OLDPWD = ''
      const OLDPWD = shell.pwd() // remember it for when we're done
      if (cmd === 'cd' && args[0] === '-') {
        // special case for "cd -"
        args[0] = process.env.OLDPWD

      // see if we should use the built-in shelljs support
      if (
        !args.find(arg => arg.charAt(0) === '-') && // any options? then no
        !args.find(arg => arg === '>') && // redirection? then no
github IBM / kui / plugins / plugin-bash-like / src / preload.ts View on Github external
export default async (commandTree: Registrar) => {
  if (!isHeadless()) {
    import('./lib/tab-completion/git').then(_ => _.default())

  if (!inBrowser()) {
    try {
      const prefetchShellState = (await import('./pty/prefetch')).default
      await prefetchShellState()
      debug('done with state prefetch')
    } catch (err) {
      console.error('error in state prefetch', err)

  return registerCatchAll(commandTree)
github IBM / kui / plugins / plugin-bash-like / src / lib / cmds / bash-like.ts View on Github external
noAuthOk: true,
    requiresLocal: true

  commandTree.listen('/sendtopty', specialHandler, {
    docs: 'Execute a UNIX shell command with a PTY',
    noAuthOk: true,
    inBrowserOk: true,
    hidden: true

  commandTree.listen('/kuicd', cd, {
    noAuthOk: true

  if (!inBrowser()) {
    commandTree.listen('/cd', cd, {
      noAuthOk: true
  } else {
    commandTree.listen('/cd', bcd, {
      noAuthOk: true,
      inBrowserOk: true
github IBM / kui / plugins / plugin-manager / src / plugin.ts View on Github external
export default async (commandTree: Registrar) => {
  if (!inBrowser()) {
    await Promise.all([