Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
if (extension === 'json' || extension === 'ast') {
// we were given the AST directly
debug('input is composer AST')
} else if (extension === 'js' || extension === 'py') {
debug('input is composer library client', extension)
} else {
return reject(
new Errors.UsageError({
message: messages.unknownInput,
usage: create('create'),
code: 497
const localCodePath = Util.findFile(Util.expandHomeDir(inputFile))
return loadSourceCode(inputFile, localCodePath) // check inputfile extension and existence and then return the source code
.then(sourceCode => loadComposition(inputFile, sourceCode)) // check before parse by composer and give users more freedom on source input
.then(composition => resolve(compileComposition(composition, name))) // parse and compile composition and get {composition, ast, version} object
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const idx = argvNoOptions.indexOf(cmd)
const inputFile = argvNoOptions[idx + 1]
debug('cmd', cmd)
debug('inputFile', inputFile)
if (options.c) {
// then the user wants to see the code and preview side-by-side
debug('delegating to editor')
return resolve(REPL.qexec(`compose ${basename(inputFile)} --simple --readOnly --template "${inputFile}"`))
const input = Util.findFile(Util.expandHomeDir(inputFile))
/* if (currentSelection() && currentSelection().input === input) {
debug('already showing', input)
return resolve(true);
} */
const exists = () =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const ENOENT = () => {
const error = new Error('The specified file does not exist')
error['code'] = 404
return error
if (!Capabilities.inBrowser()) {
stat(input, err => {
tmp.tmpName({ postfix: extension }, (err: Error, tmpFilePath: string) => {
if (err) {
} else {
writeFile(tmpFilePath, data, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
resolve({ location: tmpFilePath, removeWhenDone: true })
} else {
lstat(Util.findFile(Util.expandHomeDir(locationWithoutQuotes)), (err, stats) => {
if (stats) {
// nothing to fetch, it's local!
resolve({ location: locationWithoutQuotes, removeWhenDone: false })
if (err) {
// we can't determine how to access the given url
reject(new Error(`Unable to locate the given resource location ${locationWithoutQuotes}`))
throw err
// fetch with three retries
return fetchOnce()
} else {
debug('fetch local', url)
// why the dynamic import? being browser friendly here
const { readFile } = await import('fs-extra')
return readFile(Util.findFile(Util.expandHomeDir(url)))
action: action
} else if (verb !== 'update' || argv[0]) {
// for action create, or update and the user gave a
// positional param... find the input file
if (options.docker) {
// blackbox action
options.action.exec.kind = 'blackbox'
options.action.exec.image = options.docker
if (argv[0]) {
// find the file named by argv[0]
const filepath = Util.findFile(Util.expandHomeDir(argv[0]))
const isZip = argv[0].endsWith('.zip')
const isJar = argv[0].endsWith('.jar')
const isBinary = isZip || isJar
const encoding = isBinary ? 'base64' : 'utf8'
if (argv[0].charAt(0) === '!') {
// read the file from execOptions
const key = argv[0].slice(1)
options.action.exec.code = execOptions && (execOptions.parameters[key] || execOptions.params[key])
// remove traces of this from params
if (execOptions.parameters) delete execOptions.parameters[key]
if (execOptions.params) delete execOptions.params[key]
options.action.parameters = options.action.parameters.filter(({ key: otherKey }) => key !== otherKey)
debug('code passed programmatically', options.action, execOptions)
const readViaImport = () => {
Util.findFile(template).replace(/^.*plugin-apache-composer\/samples(.*)$/, '$1')
require('raw-loader!@kui-shell/plugin-apache-composer/samples' +
Util.findFile(template).replace(/^.*plugin-apache-composer\/samples(.*)$/, '$1')).default
const compile = () =>
type === 'compositions' && options.template
? Capabilities.inBrowser()
? import(
'@kui-shell/plugin-apache-composer/samples' +
Util.findFile(options.template).replace(/^.*plugin-apache-composer\/samples(.*)$/, '$1')
: generateAST(code, options.template)
: Promise.resolve()
const readViaFilesystem = () => {
require('fs').readFile(Util.findFile(template), (err, data) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const readViaImport = () => {
Util.findFile(template).replace(/^.*plugin-apache-composer\/samples(.*)$/, '$1')
require('raw-loader!@kui-shell/plugin-apache-composer/samples' +
Util.findFile(template).replace(/^.*plugin-apache-composer\/samples(.*)$/, '$1')).default