How to use @jsii/spec - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @jsii/spec examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aws / jsii / packages / jsii-pacmak / lib / targets / dotnet / dotnettyperesolver.ts View on Github external
public toNativeFqn(fqn: string): string {
    const type = this.findType(fqn);
    let typeName = '';
    switch (type.kind) {
      case spec.TypeKind.Interface:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertInterfaceName(type);
      case spec.TypeKind.Class:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertClassName(type as spec.ClassType);
      case spec.TypeKind.Enum:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertTypeName(;
        throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${type}`);
    const [mod] = fqn.split('.');
    const depMod = this.findModule(mod);
    const dotnetNamespace = depMod.targets?.dotnet?.namespace;
    if (!dotnetNamespace) {
      throw new Error('The module does not have a dotnet.namespace setting');
    if (type.namespace) {
      // If the type is declared in an additional namespace.
github aws / jsii / packages / jsii-pacmak / lib / targets / dotnet / dotnettyperesolver.ts View on Github external
public toNativeFqn(fqn: string): string {
    const type = this.findType(fqn);
    let typeName = '';
    switch (type.kind) {
      case spec.TypeKind.Interface:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertInterfaceName(type);
      case spec.TypeKind.Class:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertClassName(type as spec.ClassType);
      case spec.TypeKind.Enum:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertTypeName(;
        throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${type}`);
    const [mod] = fqn.split('.');
    const depMod = this.findModule(mod);
    const dotnetNamespace = depMod.targets?.dotnet?.namespace;
    if (!dotnetNamespace) {
      throw new Error('The module does not have a dotnet.namespace setting');
    if (type.namespace) {
      // If the type is declared in an additional namespace.
      const namespaceFqn = `${}.${type.namespace}`;
      const associatedNamespace = this.assembly.types?.[namespaceFqn];
      if (associatedNamespace) {
github aws / jsii / packages / jsii-pacmak / lib / targets / js.ts View on Github external
public static toNativeReference(type: spec.Type) {
    const [,] = type.fqn.split('.');
    const resolvedName = name.join('.');
    const result: { typescript: string, javascript?: string } = {
      typescript: `import { ${resolvedName} } from '${type.assembly}';`
    if (!spec.isInterfaceType(type)) {
      result.javascript = `const { ${resolvedName} } = require('${type.assembly}');`;
    } else {
      result.javascript = `// ${resolvedName} is an interface`;
    return result;
github aws / jsii / packages / jsii-pacmak / lib / npm-modules.ts View on Github external
if (await fs.pathExists(npmIgnorePath)) {
    lines = (await fs.readFile(npmIgnorePath)).toString().split('\n');

  // if this is a fresh .npmignore, we can be a bit more opinionated
  // otherwise, we add just add stuff that's critical
  if (lines.length === 0) {
    excludePattern('Exclude typescript source and config', '*.ts', 'tsconfig.json');
    includePattern('Include javascript files and typescript declarations', '*.js', '*.d.ts');

  if (excludeOutdir) {
    excludePattern('Exclude jsii outdir', path.relative(packageDir, excludeOutdir));

  includePattern('Include .jsii', spec.SPEC_FILE_NAME);

  if (modified) {
    await fs.writeFile(npmIgnorePath, `${lines.join('\n')}\n`);'Updated .npmignore');

  function includePattern(comment: string, ...patterns: string[]) {
    excludePattern(comment, => `!${p}`));

  function excludePattern(comment: string, ...patterns: string[]) {
    let first = true;
    for (const pattern of patterns) {
      if (lines.includes(pattern)) {
        return; // already in .npmignore
github aws / jsii / packages / jsii / lib / assembler.ts View on Github external
LOG.debug(`Base class of ${} named ${} is not exported, erasing it...`);
        base = (base.getBaseTypes() ?? [])[0];
      if (!base) {
        // There is no exported base class to be found, pretend this class has no base class.

      // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
      const ref = await this._typeReference(base, type.symbol.valueDeclaration);

      if (!spec.isNamedTypeReference(ref)) {
          `Base type of ${jsiiType.fqn} is not a named type (${spec.describeTypeReference(ref)})`);
      this._deferUntilTypesAvailable(fqn, [ref], base.symbol.valueDeclaration, (deref) => {
        if (!spec.isClassType(deref)) {
            `Base type of ${jsiiType.fqn} is not a class (${spec.describeTypeReference(ref)})`);
      jsiiType.base = ref.fqn;

    // base interfaces ("implements foo")

    // collect all "implements" declarations from the current type and all
github aws / jsii / packages / jsii / lib / validator.ts View on Github external
          `${label} changes the return type when ${action} (expected ${expType}, found ${actType})`);
      const expectedParams = expected.parameters ?? [];
      const actualParams = actual.parameters ?? [];
      if (expectedParams.length !== actualParams.length) {
          `${label} changes argument count when ${action} (expected ${expectedParams.length}, found ${actualParams.length})`);
      for (let i = 0 ; i < expectedParams.length ; i++) {
        const expParam = expectedParams[i];
        const actParam = actualParams[i];
        if (!deepEqual(expParam.type, actParam.type)) {
          const expType = spec.describeTypeReference(expParam.type);
          const actType = spec.describeTypeReference(actParam.type);
            `${label} changes type of argument ${} when ${action} (expected ${expType}, found ${actType}`);
        // Not-ing those to force the values to a strictly boolean context (they're optional, undefined means false)
        if (expParam.variadic !== actParam.variadic) {
            `${label} changes the variadicity of parameter ${} when ${action} (expected ${!!expParam.variadic}, found ${!!actParam.variadic})`);
        if (expParam.optional !== actParam.optional) {
            `${label} changes the optionality of paramerter ${} when ${action} (expected ${!!expParam.optional}, found ${!!actParam.optional})`);
github aws / jsii / packages / @jsii / kernel / lib / kernel.ts View on Github external
const params: spec.Parameter[] = method?.parameters ?? [];

    // error if args > params
    if (args.length > params.length && !(method && method.variadic)) {
      throw new Error(`Too many arguments (method accepts ${params.length} parameters, got ${args.length} arguments)`);

    for (let i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) {
      const param = params[i];
      const arg = args[i];

      if (param.variadic) {
        if (params.length <= i) { return; } // No vararg was provided
        for (let j = i ; j < params.length ; j++) {
          if (!param.optional && params[j] === undefined) {
            throw new Error(`Unexpected 'undefined' value at index ${j - i} of variadic argument '${}' of type '${spec.describeTypeReference(param.type)}'`);
      } else if (!param.optional && arg === undefined) {
        throw new Error(`Not enough arguments. Missing argument for the required parameter '${}' of type '${spec.describeTypeReference(param.type)}'`);
github aws / jsii / packages / jsii / lib / validator.ts View on Github external
function _inehritanceDoesNotChangeContracts(validator: Validator, assembly: spec.Assembly, diagnostic: DiagnosticEmitter) {
    for (const type of _allTypes(assembly)) {
      if (spec.isClassType(type)) {
        for (const method of type.methods ?? []) {
          _validateMethodOverride(method, type);
        for (const property of ?? []) {
          _validatePropertyOverride(property, type);
      if (spec.isClassOrInterfaceType(type) && (type.interfaces?.length ?? 0) > 0) {
        for (const method of type.methods ?? []) {
          // Overrides "win" over implementations
          if (method.overrides) { continue; }
          _validateMethodImplementation(method, type);
        for (const property of ?? []) {
          _validatePropertyImplementation(property, type);
github aws / jsii / packages / @jsii / kernel / lib / serialization.ts View on Github external
function isAssignable(actualTypeFqn: string, requiredType: spec.NamedTypeReference, lookup: TypeLookup): boolean {
  // The empty object is assignable to everything
  if (actualTypeFqn === EMPTY_OBJECT_FQN) { return true; }

  if (requiredType.fqn === actualTypeFqn) {
    return true;
  const actualType = lookup(actualTypeFqn);
  if (spec.isClassType(actualType)) {
    if (actualType.base && isAssignable(actualType.base, requiredType, lookup)) {
      return true;
  if (spec.isClassOrInterfaceType(actualType) && actualType.interfaces) {
    return actualType.interfaces.find(iface => isAssignable(iface, requiredType, lookup)) != null;
  return false;
github aws / jsii / packages / jsii / lib / validator.ts View on Github external
function _validateMethodImplementation(method: spec.Method, type: spec.ClassType | spec.InterfaceType): boolean {
      if (!type.interfaces) {
        // Abstract classes may not directly implement all members, need to check their supertypes...
        if (spec.isClassType(type) && type.base && type.abstract) {
          return _validateMethodImplementation(method, _dereference(type.base, assembly, validator) as spec.ClassType);
        return false;
      for (const iface of type.interfaces) {
        const ifaceType = _dereference(iface, assembly, validator) as spec.InterfaceType;
        const implemented = (ifaceType.methods ?? []).find(m => ===;
        if (implemented) {
          _assertSignaturesMatch(implemented, method, `${type.fqn}#${}`, `implementing ${ifaceType.fqn}`);
          method.overrides = iface;
          return true;
        if (_validateMethodImplementation(method, ifaceType)) {
          return true;