How to use the @jsii/spec.validateAssembly function in @jsii/spec

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @jsii/spec examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github aws / jsii / packages / jsii / lib / project-info.ts View on Github external
async function loadAndValidateAssembly(jsiiFileName: string): Promise {
  if (!ASSEMBLY_CACHE.has(jsiiFileName)) {
    ASSEMBLY_CACHE.set(jsiiFileName, spec.validateAssembly(await fs.readJson(jsiiFileName)));
  return ASSEMBLY_CACHE.get(jsiiFileName)!;
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async function loadPackageNameFromAssembly(options: LoadOptions): Promise {
  const JSII_ASSEMBLY_FILE = '.jsii';
  if (!await fs.pathExists(JSII_ASSEMBLY_FILE)) {
    throw new Error(`No NPM package name given and no ${JSII_ASSEMBLY_FILE} file in the current directory. Please specify a package name.`);
  const contents = await fs.readJSON(JSII_ASSEMBLY_FILE, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
  const module = options.validate ? spec.validateAssembly(contents) : contents as spec.Assembly;
  if (! { throw new Error(`Could not find package in ${JSII_ASSEMBLY_FILE}`); }

github aws / jsii / packages / jsii-rosetta / lib / jsii / assemblies.ts View on Github external
async function loadAssemblyFromFile(filename: string) {
  const contents = await fs.readJSON(filename, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
  return spec.validateAssembly(contents);
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private async loadAssembly(file: string, validate = true) {
    const spec = JSON.parse((await readFile(file)).toString());
    const ass = validate ? jsii.validateAssembly(spec) : spec as jsii.Assembly;
    return new Assembly(this, ass);